November 2023 Bulletin

November 2023
A Message From Principal Salazar
Dear BG Families,
November is already here, and the fall colors have been in full display in the metro area. We enjoyed a bit of rain in the last few days and hopefully we will be over the drought conditions of the last few months. More good news is that we have been able to hire an additional part time speech teacher to support our students receiving speech therapy. Teachers and support staff have been working with small groups of students to improve their reading skills and we already have students moving up and/or out of the reading academic intervention teams. We congratulate the special education team for receiving District 279 Foundation’s grant to create a sensory wall to help students regulate themselves. Thank you for supporting the barbeque night at the American Legion. We had many volunteers and families in attendance. Thanks to all volunteers and PTO for leading this event.
Parent teacher conferences were well attended, and the book fair was very successful.
A special request to vote on the referendum. This referendum would finance remodeling our media center, a new outdoor learning space, and other improvements to our building. Please vote regardless of your position.
We need everyone to complete the family benefits form (free and reduced) because some of our funding is based on the information collected in this form.
If you need help with winter clothing or anything else, please contact our school social worker, Ms. Ruhland at RuhlandM@District279.org.
Feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, and ideas to make our school even better.
Thank you.
Dr. Ronald Salazar, Principal
Building a Better Future, Phase II
Vote now through Saturday, on Monday, or on election day, Nov. 7
On November 7th, our Osseo Area Schools community will determine whether critical school building needs will be addressed. Make a plan to vote and ensure your family, friends and neighbors have a plan also:
Option 1: Vote early between now and Monday, Nov. 6. Head to Brooklyn Park City Hall’s multipurpose room at 5200 85th Ave. N during the following hours. Please note: this is the early voting location for all Osseo Area Schools voters.
From Tuesday, Oct. 31 through Friday, Nov. 3 the hours are between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
On Saturday, Nov. 4 the hours are between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
On Monday, Nov. 6 the hours are between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Option 2: Vote on election day, Tuesday, Nov. 7. Go to pollfinder.sos.mn.gov to find your election day polling location. Then visit your designated polling location between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 7. Please note school is not in session this day.
Remember: the one-question ballot focuses on critical school building needs with regard to safety, learning and space. If approved by voters, proposed projects would address districtwide needs, including for: schools in Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center, schools in the city of Osseo and surrounding area and schools in Maple Grove. This list of ten reasons why a bond referendum is being held is a helpful summary.
So what happens if the referendum fails?
Projects to improve safety/security would not proceed.
Crowded conditions and large class sizes would continue. Attendance boundary adjustments would be required at all levels to provide relief, which is estimated to move 6,000 students from their current schools.
Learning spaces would continue to age and become less relevant.
Inconsistent learning experiences would continue.
Budget cuts would be required. Projected to be at least $31 million (approx. 300 jobs).
Questions? Email BetterFuture@district279.org, call 763-391-8990 or visit district279.org/BetterFuture.
Important Information from District279: Security Protocol & Visitor Requirements
Please read the following information about District 279 security protocols and visitor requirements. This is for visiting any school in the Osseo Area Schools, including Birch Grove. It is important to follow this protocol to ensure the safety of students and staff.
It is highly recommended to complete the volunteer application to make signing into the school a quicker and easier process. Please make sure to bring your ID with you anytime you come to the school.
Announcements & Important Information
NO SCHOOL On Election Day, November 7th
Information about when, where, and how to vote is available in the above section on Building a Better Future, Phase II.
It's Time for Cold Weather Clothing!
If you are in need of cold weather gear of any kind, contact our social worker Megan Ruhland at RuhlandM@District279.org or call 763-561-1374.
Ski & Snowboard Passport Program for 4th Graders
Attention families of 4th grade students! The Minnesota Ski Areas Association is offering an unlimited ski and snowboard passport for the 2023-24 winter season. This passport costs $34.95 and is valid at 20 different ski and snowboard locations around Minnesota, including the Elm Creek Winter Recreation Area, Buck Hill, and Spirit Mountain!
Click here to learn more about the Passport Program and to purchase a season passport
Future D.A.R.E. Officers Train at Birch Grove
Birch Grove hosted several police officers from across Minnesota and Wisconsin for completion of their final training to become D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) educators. These officers gained hands-on experience practicing lessons in classrooms. Afterward, they joined the students at recess to further engage with them and have fun!
A D.A.R.E. officer in training teaches a lesson to a class at Birch Grove.
D.A.R.E. officers joined students at recess after teaching lessons for fun and games!
The officers got their picture taken with the D.A.R.E. truck at Birch Grove.
Upcoming Events
November 9th: Family Arts Night at Birch Grove!
Please join us at Birch Grove for our annual Family Arts Night! Families may participate in engaging art activities in themed rooms. Travel from room to room and join in the fun! Activities are hosted by Birch Grove staff.
Some room themes include:
- Photo booth
- Glow art
- Theatre games
- Cookie art
- And more!
This is an open-house style event so come by at any time between 6:00 and 7:30!
Date: Thursday, November 9th
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Location: Birch Grove Elementary School for the Arts
November 15th: Nothing Bundt Cakes Order Pickup
If you ordered bundt cakes from the PTO Nothing Bundt Cakes Fundraiser, your order will be available for pickup at Birch Grove on Wednesday, November 15th! Please go to Door H, located at the far end of the main parking lot, between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm to pick up your order. If you have questions, please contact Josie at 612-998-8965.
Date: Wednesday, November 15th
Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Location: Birch Grove Elementary School for the Arts
Please pick up cakes at Door H
November 21st: PTO Meeting
PTO meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month. Birch Grove's next PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, November 21st at 6:00 pm in the Birch Grove Media Center. You may also join online at the Google Meet link below.
Date: Tuesday, November 21st
Time: 6:00-7:00 pm
Location: Birch Grove Media Center
November 21st: 4th Grade Fall Concert
Doors will open at 6:10 pm. There is no cost to attend and no reserved seats. Please contact Mr. P if you have any questions!
Date: Tuesday, November 21st
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Birch Grove Gym
November 23-24th: No School
Birch Grove Quick Calendar
Contact Information
Dr. Ronald Salazar, Principal: SalazarR@District279.org
Lindsey Patterson, Assistant Principal: PattersonLindsey@District279.org
Elise Dorgan, Administrative Assistant: DorganE@District279.org
Abbie Lecy, Counselor: LecyA@District279.org
Megan Ruhland, Social Worker: RuhlandM@District279.org
Jean Thurmer, Nurse: 763-549-2308 / ThurmerN@District279.org
Help Desk & Tech Support: HelpDesk@District279.org
Useful Links
Earn Money for Birch Grove with Box Tops for Education
Download the Box Tops for Education App and start earning money for Birch Grove by scanning your shopping receipts.
Osseo Area Schools are Hiring!
Osseo Area Schools ISD279 offers varies meaningful job opportunities! Learn more by completing the ISD279 Job Interest Form and our recruitment & retention team will connect with you or by visiting www.district279.org/careers.
4690 Brookdale Drive
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
Phone: 763-561-1374
Transportation: 763-391-7244