Central Elem. Counselor Newsletter
March 23, 2020 - March 27, 2020
A Note from your Counselor
1) Have fun - find "outside-the-box" ways to promote learning. For example, parents can use items that are around the house do crafts or art projects.
2) Implement breaks and downtime - students are provided with breaks and downtime during the regular school day so the same can be granted at home. Outside time, like the time that students are given at school for recess can also be utilized at home.
3) Create a schedule - students are accustomed to following a schedule at school so having a schedule at home can help with the transition.
4) Resources - Many free resources are being made available to parents to help children continue learning while they are out of school. I have included a few links below.
https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html (Scholastic)
https://time.com/tfk-free/ (Time for Kids)
Resource: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/coronavirus/article241333056.html
Public Service Announcement (Google)
1. HANDS. Wash them often
2. ELBOW. Cough into it
3. FACE. Don't touch it
4. SPACE. Keep safe distance
5. HOME. Stay if you can
Central Elementary Pennies for Patients Update
Central Elementary School
Email: hardyk@northampton.k12.nc.us
Website: https://nc50000211.schoolwires.net/Page/9
Location: 9742 North Carolina 305, Jackson, NC, USA
Phone: 252-534-3381