The Bee's Knees
Barfield Early Childhood March 2023 Newsletter
Message from Mr. G
Thanks to all of our families that re-enrolled their students to attend Barfield next school year. Day one for re-enrollment was a busy day and we appreciate everyone's patience. On February 27, two weeks after re-enrollment, we held open enrollment and we were booked beyond capacity by 2:00 p.m. that day! We have never booked up that fast in the ten plus years I have been the principal of this school! It is, however, bittersweet because many families are on the waitlist and many more will not have the opportunity for their child to attend our amazing school.
For our families that have students going to Kindergarten next year, your children will be BEC students for only one more quarter. It is hard to believe, but the third quarter ends on March 17. To celebrate our students' achievements and to commemorate their entrance to kindergarten we hold a Blast Off to Kindergarten Program each May. This year's Blast Off will be held at Liberty High School on May 31. Because we have so many students, we will have two separate Blast Off programs on the night of May 31. The first program will start at 6:00 p.m. and the second at 7:00 p.m.. We will provide more details about which classes perform at which time closer to the event.
As I mentioned, the third quarter ends on March 17. That is an early release day for K-12 students. As you may recall, Barfield does not have school on early release days. The same busses/drivers & aides that pick up and drop off our students also pick up the secondary and then the elementary students before our students. With the shortened day on early release days it is not feasible to run all three routes. That is why we have to cancel class for BEC students.
While K-12 students receive report cards each quarter, Barfield students only get a report card at the end of the first and fourth quarters. Our teachers are continually assessing your child's development and performance but the assessment tool we use, the Desired Results Developmental Profile, requires a minimum of six months between formal assessments. Parents of students that have Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs) receive a progress report for each goal in the IEP each quarter in addition to the first and fourth quarter report card.
Kevin Garcia
Important Dates
March 9 - Dental Screenings
March 17 - No School for BEC students, Early Release for K-12
March 20 - 24 - Spring Break
March 21 - BEC PTO Dine Out Event Panera 4-8 p.m.
April 6 - BEC PTO Meeting 6:00 p.m.
Save the Date
May 31 BEC Kindergarten Blast Off 6-8 p.m. at Liberty High School - more details to come
Fine Motor Fun
Note From the Nurses
Dental Screenings
The dental hygienists that visited Barfield earlier this year will be returning on March 9. They will be applying the second of two fluoride treatments. Your child will not receive the treatment if you did not consent for them to participate in this program earlier this year or if your child did not receive the first fluoride treatment. Please be aware that this does not replace a regular dental check-up. If you have any questions please email or
Some Facts About Head Lice
Where children are present and playing, there is always the possibility of the presence of head lice (pediculus humanus capitis), which means there is a potential for lice at school.
The WSD has aligned nurse practices with both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses and we ask that parents keep the following information in mind:
· Lice is not a disease.
· Lice do not reflect unsanitary homes or students.
· Lice are absolutely an inconvenience
· By detecting lice early, both parents and nurses can get ahead in the process
If you have a concern that lice are present in your child’s school or if your child may have come in contact with another person with lice, check him/her frequently and let your school nurse know about the exposure in an effort to catch it before it gets out of hand.
Listed below are links to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses. Here is a video on what to look for when assessing if your child has head lice.
Conjunctivitis (pink eye), can be caused by a virus, bacteria, allergies, eye injuries or chemicals. Symptoms include redness, itching, pain and discharge. Touching the secretions from the eyes, nose or mouth of an infected person can spread to others. It takes about 1-12 days after exposure for symptoms to begin, usually 1 to 3 days. Conjunctivitis can be infectious whether it is viral or bacterial while there is drainage (redness of eyes and/or eyelids with thick white or yellow eye discharge and eye pain). Please call your healthcare provider if you see drainage or the child complains of pain or discomfort. Treatment with antibiotic eye drops or ointment may be prescribed. Treatment for 24 hours must be provided before the student can return to school. Please provide a note from the healthcare provider if your student has been seen with pink eyes.
Diarrhea- is an increased number of bowel movements compared with a person's normal bowel movement pattern. Infection can be spread when a person doesn't wash their hands properly after using the toilet. A child or adult must be symptom free from diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
Barfield Nurses
Jackie Page, RN
Sheila McAlister, BSN, RN
District News
Meet the 2023 Board of Education Candidates
The Wentzville School District Board of Education has three open seats in the election on April 4, 2023. For information on the candidates who have signed up to run for the WSD Board of Education, please see the District website.
Come Home and Join Team WSD Calling all WSD graduates or residents!
Come Home and become a part of the WSD family. As part of our Come Home initiative that was developed in coordination with WNEA, teachers who are WSD residents or graduates can bring all their years of experience for the newly revised salary schedule. First-year teachers who are Wentzville graduates can earn up to $7,500 ($2,500 each year) for a three-year loyalty incentive, and any Wentzville graduate who comes home from working elsewhere to teach at WSD will receive a one-time $2,000 stipend.
What are you waiting for? Come Home to WSD for the 2023-2024 school year!
Parents As Teachers
Community Helpers
The BEC PTO would like to thank everyone that helped make the Nothing Bundt Cakes fundraiser a huge success. The PTO sold 1,258 bundt cakes! This fundraiser generated $2,847.50 in profits for the BEC PTO!
Save the Date
Saturday, April 29 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Family Spring Fling Outdoor Book Fair and Fun Day with the Bubble Bus...more details to come!
BEC Students Are Too Cute!
About Us
Location: 2025 Hanley Road, Dardenne Prairie, MO, USA
Phone: 636 561-5757