D91 Employee News:
Jan. 26, 2024
From The Superintendent's Desk
Committee Studying How Intervention Model Might Help Improve D9's Student Achievement
Good news! The Intervention Committee kicked-off its work this week with a presentation about our current challenges and a look at how an intervention model might help improve student achievement.
The committee is looking at how schools could use time differently with a new schedule that would provide support for all students, especially those who struggle.
The presentation included information about how intervention models in surrounding districts have impacted student achievement. One of the positive impacts learned was that intervention models improve student graduation rates. Now that’s a win for everyone!
Committee members were also able to ask questions and dig into the needs, advantages, and challenges of intervention models being used in surrounding school districts. At the next meeting, committee members will study the specific impacts of intervention models on student achievement. Committee members will also visit schools to see intervention models in real time.
The committee will submit a report, including recommendations, to the School Board in March. You can submit questions for the committee by sending an email to Karla LaOrange at laorkarl@sd91.org. Watch future editions of the newsletter to learn more about the work of this important committee!
Budget Myth Busters
More Myths, Facts & Budget Updates
In this new section in the D91 Employee Newsletter, I'll be addressing rumors, sharing facts and providing updates on the district's budget work. I want to make sure we're answering your questions and listening to your concerns. If you've heard something, and you're not sure whether it's fact or fiction, submit them using this link. Here are responses to some of the questions we received this week.
Question 1: D91 is NOT broke!
You may be hearing the district is broke. That’s NOT true so let’s unpack this myth. We know that having the best teachers and support staff is critical to providing our students with the best learning environment. District 91 has traditionally hired more staff and paid staff more than it receives from the state. We've been able to do this because Idaho Falls School District 91 has had great community support for its Supplemental Levy. The Supplemental Levy has allowed the district to provide more student support and better salaries. In addition, we have a fund balance -- our savings account -- which also has helped close the gap between the money the district receives from the state and the costs to operate the district
Just like anyone who manages their household budget knows, you can't draw on your savings forever. At some point, you have to make changes. You have to bring in more revenue or cut expenses. You have to right size your budget, and that's just what we're doing.
Question 2: I heard we had COVID money and now that's gone and that's why we have budget cuts now. Is that true at all?
District 91 has paid for additional staff using our savings account or fund balance, the supplemental levy and federal funds received as part of COVID relief. All of these funds have helped us close the gap between the money the district receives and the costs to operate the district. By law, the COVID relief funds must be spent by the end of September, 2024. The end of COVID money is a contributing factor to budget cuts, but it is not the only factor.
We also have to look at current state funding levels. The Legislature is changing the way it funds schools. These changes include moving from funding schools based on the number of students who enroll in district schools to funding based on the number of students who attend school. This change has meant most Idaho schools are receiving less money. Schools across Idaho are facing the same changes in funding.
This is no longer sustainable. As we plan for the future, it’s important to be fiscally responsible and balance our budget. As we do this, we will be asking for your help and input. Although this will be difficult, I am confident that as we work together we will develop a plan that puts the district in a stronger position moving forward.
Meet Your New School Board Member
Shay Ricks Represents D91's Zone 4
Shay Ricks join the Idaho Falls Board of Trustees in January, and here's your chance to learn a little more about D91's newest trustee. Shay represents the areas around Dora Erickson, Linden Park and Hawthorne elementary schools.
Background & Personal Information:
- I am a D91 graduate! I am a Hawthorne Hawk, Taylorview Wolverine, and IF Tiger!
- I hold a finance degree from BYU-I.
- I worked for The Bank of Commerce for seven years, and am now working as a real estate agent.
- I have three children. The oldest will start kindergarten this fall.
- Kayaking is one of my favorite hobbies!
What is the most important thing you want to focus on during your term? I want to expand and enhance the curriculum and opportunities available to our students.
What are you looking forward to most about being a trustee? I am excited to collaborate with parents, faculty and administrators to determine how to best support our students.
Learn more about all of D91's trustees, along with the dates and agendas of upcoming board meetings, board policy and more on the D91 Trustees webpage.
Important Dates In January & February
- Oct. 10-Feb. 23: ISAT interim Assessments, Optional Benchmark Assessments (To learn more, contact Thomas Kennedy, D91's Director of Intervention & Support. You can reach him at kennthom@sd91.org)
- Jan. 29-Feb. 23: WIDA Access Testing Window
- Jan. 30: D91 Career Exploration Fair for Juniors & Seniors, Mountain America Center
- Feb 6: Middle School & High School Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Feb. 13: Middle School & high School Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Feb. 14: Drawing for CTEC's Skoolie
- Feb. 15: Board Business Meeting, 5:30 pm, District Office
- Feb. 19: President's Day, No School
- Feb. 27: Board Work Session, 4 pm
- Feb. 29: End of 2nd Trimester
Instruction & Learning News
Grade Level Leads Will Support Teaching & Learning
Congratulations to D91's new grade level leads who will help support teachers and improve instruction across the district!
- Kindergarten: Melissa Geary (LP) & Michelle Kurns (AB)
- 1st Grade: Amy Ehlers (TB) & Jessica Fletcher (TV)
- 2nd Grade: Lisa Hart (HA) & Jessica Hansen (DE)
- Grade 3: Kennedy Ramirez (LO) & Bobbi Rooney (EG)
- Grade 4: Kimberly Taylor (WE) & Anita Garcia (EB)
- Grade 5: Bailey Reed (WE) & Fran Conner (DE)
- Grade 6: Melissa Hiltbrand (SU) & Lachelle Barnes (EG
- Fox Hollow will send a grade level representative to each meeting/training
This team's first assignment -- facilitating the New Art and Science of Teaching Conference at four of eight venues -- was a huge success! They did an incredible job and the event would not have been possible without them, said Shelly Smede, executive director of Instruction& Learning.
The grade level leads have a number of important tasks ahead of them. They will
support colleagues in implementing New Art of Science & Teaching and train new teachers and colleagues in their buildings. They will receive additional training in curriculum resources so they can support their colleagues and principals in instructional decisions. They also will review important processes and collect focus group data for moving forward on projects like report cards. In addition, they will provide leadership in the analysis of data and help deepen the implementation of structured literacy.
We Are D91 Proud!
Congratulations to Renee Nelson & Dr. Thomas Kennedy! They have been selected to serve on the State Department of Education's RFP Work Group, which is drafting an request for proposals from companies interested in building the state's next school report card.
Give Them A Call!
D91's federal programs staff had the change to attend Dora Erickson's Family Reading Night. They gave away free books and encouraged families to read together. If you have a similar event planned, call Dr. Thomas Kennedy. He'd love to come and give away books!
Thank You! Thank You!
A big thank you to the Ucon Fire Department for its donation to the Career Technical Education Center's Firefighter program! They donated special clothing and the SCBA breathing apparatus that firefighters need to battle structure fires.
Happening In D91!
Support The Souper Bowl!
For the last 18 years, Idaho Falls and Skyline high school student leaders are collecting food and donations to address food insecurity in eastern Idaho in what has become the region's second largest food drive.
It's easy to support the 2024 Souper Bowl by making an online donation! You can support Skyline's efforts by donating through the Grizzlies' GoFundMe page at https://gofund.me/4dd1fefd OR you can support the Tigers' efforts by donating to the Community Food Basket's Venmo at @CFBIdahoFalls (Be sure to put "IFHS" in the comment box.)
Students are also planning a money blitz at the IFHS-Skyline basketball game TONIGHT. And, they will also be at grocery stores collecting donations this weekend. Skyline will be at Broulims and the Albertson's on Broadway from 9 am to 5 pm on TODAY & Saturday. Idaho Falls students will be at the Albertsons on 17th Street from 9 am to 5 pm on Saturday
Good Luck to D91's E-Sports Teams!
D91 is hosting the East Idaho E-Sports Regional Invitational this weekend at Compass Academy!
E-Sports is a fast-growing sport that can earn top players college scholarships. Most of D91's secondary schools -- Idaho Falls High School, Skyline High School, Compass Academy, Eagle Rock Middle School and Taylorview Middle School -- now have teams that compete in school, local, regional and even state tournaments. Even some elementary schools like A.H. Bush have their own team.
"This program has really taken root in our district, and it's been very rewarding for our coaches to watch our students and teams grow so much and do so well," said Tito Paredes, D91's IT Director.
Students from around the region are expected at this weekend's competition. Games will run from 8 am to 5 pm on Saturday, Jan. 27, in Compass Academy's auditorium and classrooms.
Looking For Jr. Duck Stamp Artists!
Calling all youth interested in art and science! The Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation Design Program encourages students to explore their natural world, and then share what they have learned by entering this annual art contest. The contest is open to students in K-12. Entries are due March 1. Learn more.
Valentine's Day Project
Join the effort to spread love through JustServe's Valentines For Seniors project! Encourage your students to create valentines that feature a generic message of hope and friendship. Valentines must be ready by Feb. 8 Call Sienna with JustServe at (208) 521-2895 to pick them up, and then JustServe will deliver them to seniors.
Compass Now Accepting Applications!
D91's magnet school – Compass Academy – is now accepting applications for incoming freshman. Compass prides itself on developing innovative creators through project-based and problem-based learning. The priority deadline for D91 students is Feb. 1. The deadline for out-ot-district students is March 1. Learn more about Compass by taking a school-day tour at 1:30 pm on Jan. 26 or 9:30 am on Feb. 12. Evening tours are available from 6 to 7 pm on Jan. 23 or check out the student Expo on Feb. 22 from 5 to 6 pm. Apply today!
Highlights From HR & Payroll
February Is D91 Mammo Month at EIRMC
We are pleased to announce a special partnership with Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center making February D91 Mammo Month! D91 employees and their loved ones will receive a complimentary swag bag when they book at mammogram at EIRMC from Feb. 1-29.
An annual screening mammogram is available at no cost for women age 40 and over who are insured. Mammograms are considered a preventive screening under the Affordable Care Act. Physician's orders are not needed for women age 40 and over.
To make an appointment, call (208) 497-6522 and mention District 91 Mammo Month. EIRMC's all female mammography staff have breast imaging advanced certifications.
Reminder: Log Into Tyler And Review Information
Here are a couple of reminders as we continue to work through that transition:
- Staff should log into the Tyler ERP Pro system and review their personal and payroll information. Staff can access Tyler using the district’s Single Sign On. If you’re logging in for the first time, you will be required to verify your identity.
- When you’re in Tyler, please review your personal information such as address, contact information, emergency contact, etc. You should be able to update a lot of this information on your own. If there’s something you can’t update, please report the issue using the Laserfiche form.
- Copies of past paychecks are not currently available in Tyler. That information hasn't been transferred yet, but employees can still access that information by logging into Skyward.
- Vacation, sick time and personal leave is not currently available in Tyler either. For now, employees will continue to request vacation/sick time using Skyward. Vacation/Sick Time will be transferred when we move over to our new Time Clock Plus timecard system in March.
- If you notice any payroll issues – your paycheck is too much or too little or your deductions don’t seem right – report the issue using the Laserfiche form. (The link is also posted on the district website on the right-hand side of the page under Staff Quick Links.) As you review your payroll, please remember:
- Federal tax tables have changed for 2024 so deductions and final check amounts may vary slightly from 2023.
- If you are paid more than you should have been, and don’t report it, you will eventually have to reimburse the district for any discrepancies.
We Are D91 Proud!
Way to Go, Nelah!
For the second time in her high school career, Skyline's Nelah Roberts is the Gatorade Idaho Girls Cross Country Player of the Year! Roberts is a four-time individual state champion. She has signed a letter of intent to run track and cross country at BYU. Congratulations!
Way to Go, Wrestlers!
The 43rd annual Tiger-Grizz Wrestling Tournament brought 42 teams to D91 last weekend with more than 1,300 athletes.
D91's wrestlers did us proud! Skyline's girls team took third overall in the tournament. Kayli Ranstrom, a junior, made it to finals and took second out of a field of more than 200 competitors.Skyline senior Xander placed third, junior Xoey placed 4th, senior Abby placed 5th and freshmen Ayden placed 6th. From Idaho Falls, DJ Neider took third. Saxton Scott took 4th.
Way to Go, Tigers!
Congratulations to the IFHS Scholastic Team! They competed at regionals recently, and qualified 8 students for the national competition --Alexander Kingma, Zachary Long, Stas Gofryk, Victor Huang, Vincent Vu, Perry Anderson, Isaac Kingma and Zach Verba.