Principal's Weekly Update
A Message from Principal Sofia and Principal Liam
We had the opportunity to be the Principal for the Day, and we had the best time! The St. Mary's administrative team kept us so busy, and we were exhausted by the end of the day. We had no idea how much time and effort they put to provide us with the best education and a happy and safe environment. We visited every classroom, helped with office work, lead staff meetings and morning/afternoon announcements, and even gifted all the students with a dress-down day on March 16th! Please come to school wearing a "wee bit of green!"
Dr. Nadjarian asked us why we love St. Mary's. I (Principal Sofia) said that I love St. Mary's because it looks like a castle since it is so big and has a tower! I (Principal Liam) said that I love St. Mary's because learning is fun, and I have a lot of fun with my friends.
Here are some pictures of what our busy day looked like. Have a wonderful weekend!
Principal Liam and Principal Sofia
Lenten Annual Fund Appeal
A Message from Nurse Catherine
I am happy to report that we have zero cases of Covid to report this week.
My daughter and I are hosting an after-school club this spring for girls in grades 5-8. The description of the club is below.
Girls Group is a safe space for girls in grades 5-8 to get together in a fun and relaxed environment. In this club, there will be discussions about self-love, how to develop healthy friendships, build self-confidence or discuss whatever’s on their minds. We will also have snacks and weekly activities. This club is organized by Nurse Wu and her daughter Ellen Wu, a junior at Boston Latin School who is also an alumna of the Boston Public Health Commission's Peer Leadership Institute.
If you have any questions about the club pleases let me know.
Enjoy your weekend,
Nurse Catherine
Looking Ahead
March 11th:
Girls’ Basketball Game 2 pm at Saint Columbkille
March 12th:
Girls Basketball Game 4 pm at Saint Theresa of Avila
March 13th:
Extra Band Day, Band students in K2-8 must bring their instruments
Spring Club Registration Opens
March 15th:
Extra Band Day, Violins only in K2-8 must bring their instruments
March 16th:
Wear a wee bit o’green for Saint Patrick’s Day
Pizza Thursday or Home Lunch, no Brookline Lunches Served
March 17th:
No School - Pastor’s Day
March 20th:
Mass for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph at 8 am (K2-8)
March 22nd:
Walk Around Wednesday 9 am
March 24th:
Stations of the Cross at 1:15 (K2-8)
Parish All Night Eucharistic Adoration
March 27th:
Second Trimester Report Cards Released (K2-8)
Parent Teacher Conferences begin (K2-8)
April 6th:
Holy Thursday - Early Release at 11 am
No EDP or after-school activities
April 7th:
Good Friday - No School
April 10th:
Easter Monday - No School
April 13th:
Admissions Online Info Session 9 am
April 14th:
April 17th - April 21st:
April Vacation - No School
April 24th:
Welcome Back!
Spring Clubs Begin
Student Spotlight
Picture #1 As I was walking upstairs, I witnessed Beckham from Grade 6 helping our young PreK students up the stairs. As he walked behind them he repeatedly said "hold onto the rails."
Picture #2 Right before Principal Sofia led the school in morning announcements/prayer, Jenny (Grade 8) bent down and encouraged and gave her the confidence to lead the school!
Picture #3 Thank you to our Grade 3 students, Cyan and Stella for leading the school in morning announcements today. You did an excellent job!
Faculty Meeting - Guest Speakers
Discovery Day
Mass During Lent
A Message from Ms. Whitten, Drama Teacher
Third and fourth graders are in the “table work” phase of the production process for our end of the musical number: “Revolting Children” from Matilda. We have been diving into the methods of theatre practitioner, drama theorist, and political activist Augusto Boal to explore the importance of trust in movement ensembles.
Fifth Grade began their drama game project presentations this week! This week a student led us in “Musical Stories” and some others taught us how to play the improv classic “Alibi”. Coming up next we have “30 Second Stories”, “Bus Stop”, “Family Portrait”, and “Wink: Celebrity Edition”. Students have been working in groups to research, rehearse, and lead classmates in games that develop essential performance skills.
The eighth grade finished their game unit! I was impressed by some of the students that led their games totally independently and engaged the entire class!
This week K1 learned about the artist Frida Kahlo who painted many self-portraits. They drew their own self-portraits and added Kahlo’s iconic flower headpiece.
They also learned about the artist Charles Demuth and made their own version of his art called “I saw the figure 5 in Gold." They practiced writing the number 5 and then painted around them.
Grade 3
Grade 4 Math
Grade 4 is using the Bridges math curriculum to analyze and evaluate strategies for solving multi-digit addition problems. They examined the Standard Algorithm, Give and Take, and Split Them Up strategies for efficiency when solving on paper and mentally.
Grade 4 Field Trip
In 4th grade, the class had the opportunity to visit Catholic TV where we had a tour with Bishop Reed! He showed the students and chaperones a behind-the-scenes sneak peek at some awesome shows that Catholic TV is putting on. Afterwards, the 4th-grade class went to Cabot’s Ice Cream where they enjoyed some delicious ice cream as a class.
Grade 5
In 5th grade students have been researching debates that are occurring in our world (Should animals be in zoos or in the wild? Are sharks more dangerous to us or are we more dangerous to them? Should we study oceans or space more?). Throughout the trimester they read informational texts that provided facts on both sides of each debate. With these facts, they worked with group members to create a presentation to share with the class.
Middle School
In Middle School, the 6th-grade class worked on writing their own psalms which were inspired by the 150 psalms in the Old Testament. Students learned more about King David and his riveting story as a major prophet in the scriptures.
Seventh graders studied Hellenistic Art and Culture in Mr. Febesh’s Social Studies class. They discussed the successful attributes of the ancient trade city of Alexandria. They looked at historical illustrations of the city as well as modernday photographs and compared and contrasted the architecture of the buildings and infrastructure.
On Monday, I led a community meeting with all our middle school students reflecting on Proverbs 15:1 which states that " a soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." We discussed what that means to them and how we can apply this passage in our daily lives.
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