Jaguar Journal
November 2022
Dear Jepson Families,
Our students and staff are enjoying cherished school traditions together. We appreciate our active and spirited Student Leadership for organizing a variety of fun activities. We are also proud of our outstanding fall sports teams---Girls Volleyball, Girls and Boys Cross Country, and Flag Football---who demonstrated teamwork to achieve undefeated seasons. We will celebrate our student-athletes at our Fall Sports Banquet in our Gym next Wednesday, November 16 at 7 pm.
Students will receive their progress reports at school on Friday, November 18 to bring home. Please contact your student’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. We want to partner with you to help all of our students succeed.
This Friday we will observe Veterans Day celebrating the dedicated service of veterans of our armed forces. School will not be in session.
We wish you well as we approach the holiday season.
Go Jags,
Tom McHale, Principal
Joe Cooney, Assistant Principal
Jackie Carmona, Dean of Learning Support
Important Dates to Remember
- Friday, 11/11 - No School, Veterans Day
- Wednesday, 11/16, 7pm - Fall Sports Banquet
- Friday, 11/18 - Quarter 2 Progress Reports Grades given to students during 6th period
- Monday, 11/21 - 25 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
- Friday, 12/9 - Holiday Movie Night
- Saturday, 12/10, 8am-12pm - Super Saturday
- Monday, 12/12, 5:30 and 7:00pm - Winter Choir Concert
- Wednesday, 12/21 & Thursday, 12/22 - Minimum Days, End of Q2
- Friday, 12/23 - Friday, 1/6 - No School, Winter Break
- Monday, 1/9 - Late Start (More information to come)
Meet our NEW Counselor, Ms. Chabeli Lopez!
Dear families,
My name is Ana Chabeli Lopez; I go by my middle name Chabeli. I am very excited and feel very honored to serve as your School Counselor this year!
My journey began in the Migrant Centers located in Madison, CA. As a K-12th student, I was part of the Migrant Education Program due to the fact that both of my parents are farm workers and we constantly moved. Living in the center meant that we would live here in California during the farming season and then we would travel to Michoacan, Mexico–my parents' birthplace. My schooling was very unique and I struggled a lot in school. Going to different schools and switching back and forth was hard. I am beyond thankful for my Migrant Advisor who helped me pursue higher education. It is because of my experience that I believe in counseling and the impact it has on students' lives.
I graduated from Esparto High School and went on to pursue my Bachelors in Child Development from California State University, Sacramento. Stingers Up! During my undergraduate, I was fortunate enough to work as a mentor, coach, and advisor where I found my passion for counseling. I am currently in my last year of Sac State’s Counselor Education Program. Aside from work and school, I love to craft, read, play squash and disc golf!
In Service,
Ms. Chabeli
Email: aclopez@vacavilleusd.orgMs. Chabeli will be at Jepson on Thursdays and Fridays!
Stress Management Group
Stress Management Interest Form: https://forms.gle/3YypUoxLTCW4uKsf6
Groups Info: The counseling department will be offering two stress management groups where students will learn coping strategies to help them manage their stress! The groups will be held once a week for 4 weeks on Thursdays and Fridays during study hall. Students will be placed either on Thursday or Friday depending on grade and the start date is December 1st and 2nd. If you are interested in your student joining the group, please complete the form by Thursday, November 17th as space is limited.
Aeries Parent Portal
If you need your student's ID number and verification code, please call us at (707)453-6280.
Athletic News!
Basketball and Wrestling Season is gearing up. Tryouts started last week for both Girls and Boys Basketball. Wrestling practice started this week
Library Partnership
Great news Jaguars, all VUSD students are now enrolled in a Solano County Library Card! Student Access Cards give VUSD students the ability to check out up to 3 books at a time, audiobooks and eBooks with no overdue fines, computer and study room access and free online tutor.com homework help just in time before the end of the quarter!
Go to the Solano County Library and checkout materials using VAC+Student ID (example VAC1234567).
Use the Solano County Library link in your Clever Portal to access the online catalog to put books on hold, access audio / eBooks and get online homework help. Your username is VAC+Student ID and your password is your last name.
Jepson Spiritware Sale
Holiday Sale Underway!
The Willis Jepson Middle School holiday sale is on! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments, including a new line of gifts for parents, grandparents, and relatives! All orders placed in November are GUARANTEED delivery before the holidays. Shop Now!
Save 20% on every single item in the store and get free shipping on orders over $75! New options have been added, including:
School Pictures!
For questions regarding pictures, please contact Collegiate Studios at (800)-453-0335 or email colleen@pics4u.com