Welcome Back!
--- Fall 2018 ---
Table of Contents
- Meet The Student Staff
- Upcoming Events
- One Stop Hours
- Textbook Resources
- Scholarship Opportunities
- Tutoring Resources
- Employment Opportunities
- Graduate Spotlight
- Connect with TRiO FESP
Meet The Student Staff
Danialle Baumgardner
Aliea Chapin
Nicci Harris
Elaina King
My name is Elaina King, I graduated from Galesburg Augusta High School and I’m a freshman at wmu. I will be studying early childhood education and plan on being an elementary school teacher when I graduate.
Carmen Peck
Warda Yakub
Upcoming Events
Bus Tour of Kalamazoo
TRiO FESP Welcome Back Bash
Get Crafty with TRiO!
TRiO October Movie Night
TRiO November Movie Night
Fall Potluck
Join us Wednesday, November 7th from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm for the 3rd Annual Fall Potluck. Stop by for some delicious tacos and bring a dish to pass if you can!
One Stop Center
Representatives from several areas will be on hand to assist students and their families:
- Accounts Receivable
- Student Financial Aid
- Information Technology
- Parking Services
- Registrar’s Office
An informational table will be set up for:
- Career and Student Employment
- Sindecuse Health Center
- WMU Family Engagement Office (formerly Parent and Family Programs)
During the Fall 2018 semester One Stop will be open on the following days and times:
- August 24 to 25: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- August 27 to 30: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- August 31: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The TRiO FESP office (3530 Sangren) will be open until 6pm on August 27th through August 30th.
Text Book Resources
Materials Available:
- TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator
- SAT Prep Books
- WMU First Year Experience Seminar (FYE2100)
- Reading for Writers (ENGL1050)
- Easy Writer (ENGL1050)
- Coursepack (MATH1100)
- Wellness Assessment: A Tool for Personal Growth (HOL1000)
- The Essential Cosmic Perspective (PHYS1040)
- And Many More (Stop by the office to view our full selection of course materials.)
Scholarship Opportunities
Featured Scholarships
Voter Registration Scholarship
Amount: $3000
Description: Take this quiz from DoSomething.org to find out if you are prepared to vote in the midterm elections this November.
Due Date: August 31st
Brake It Down Scholarship
Amount: $5000
Description: Complete a friendship quiz from DoSomething.org for a chance to win this scholarship, sponsored by Chevrolet.
Due Date: September 15th
Amount: $3000
Description: Write a 1000-1250 word essay that explains the importance of your major in today’s society. Winning submissions will give clear details, demonstrate creativity, appropriately cite sources (if necessary), and express the personal thoughts and opinions of the applicant.
Due Date: September 15th
The Talk Scholarship
Amount: $3000
Description: Make a card to tell your parent or guardian that you want to stay HPV-free. Upload a photo of your card to DoSomething.org in order to be entered.
Due Date: September 17th
Tutoring Resources
- The Bronco Study Zone is located in 3374 Rood Hall and offers drop in assistance for many courses.
- The Writing Center is located in 1343 Ellsworth Hall and offers assistance in writing for all courses, as well as career preparation.
- The Developmental Math Tutor Lab is located in 3374 Rood Hall and provides help in MATH 1090, 1100 and 1110.
If the resources above cannot meet your needs, contact your advisor to request a TRiO FESP Tutor.
Employment Opportunities
Find On-Campus Jobs with Handshake
If you're new to Handshake, check out the university's guide: https://wmich.edu/career/bjsearchtips
Still having trouble? We've written a step by step guide to finding On Campus Jobs using Handshake. Just stop by the TRiO FESP office and look for the "How to Find On Campus Jobs" flyer posted on our Job Opportunities wall.
Graduate Spotlight
Jamie Marcyan- Class of 2018
My name is Jamie Marcyan. I am a recent graduate of Western Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology and Audiology and a minor in Psychology. Throughout my time at Western, I have earned clinical hours at the Charles Van Riper Language, Speech and Hearing Clinic observing and participating in therapy sessions as a clinical apprentice. In addition, I actively participated in the TRiO Future Educator Success Program by attending cultural events and working in the TRiO office for three years.
Next fall I plan to attend Western to earn my Master’s in the field. My end goal is to become a certified speech-language pathologist at the elementary school level. Ideally, I would like to volunteer at summer camps that serve students with disabilities or with other summer programs to further my education, as I believe that we never stop learning.
Connect With TRiO FESP
- Facebook: triofespwmu
- Twitter: @TRiO_FESP
- Instagram: triofespwmu
- Snapchat: @triofesp