AVHS Family Newsletter: February
Updated February 23
Important Dates
Important Upcoming Dates at AVHS
February 23-25, Mar 1-3 - BROADWAY Performances
February 28- College Fair AT AVHS
March 6 & 7 - Finals *Special Schedule
March 7- End of Trimester Two
March 8- NO SCHOOL Teacher Workshop
What's New?
In This Update:
- Broadway Opens Tonight! Tickets On Sale NOW!
- AVHS Wrestling: Going to State!
- SSC Art Awards
- College Fair at AVHS 2/28
- AVHS Black History Month Creative Expression Contest
- Trimester Two Final Exam Schedule
Broadway 2024 - Hollywood Dreams
Friday, March 1st, 7:00 PM *TICKETED EVENT
Saturday, March 2nd, 7:00 PM *TICKETED EVENT
Sunday, March 3rd, 2:00 PM *TICKETED EVENT
AVHS Boys Wrestling going to STATE!
If you are a student at Apple Valley High School and wish to ride a fan bus for the State Wrestling Match on Thursday, Feb 29th you will need to purchase a fan bus ticket for $5 on MyPaymentsPlus, by Tuesday, February 27th at 2:30pm. Please note, there will be no refunds.
When you go into MyPaymentPlus make sure to type “Wrestling” into the search bar to access the bus and permission slip option.
Buses will depart on Thursday from the AVHS bus loop at 7:45 AM. Buses will depart from Xcel Energy Center at 1:00 PM. If you ride the bus to the game, YOU MUST RIDE THE RETURN BUS AS WELL. In addition, you must ride the bus you are assigned.
You must purchase a ticket to the match prior to boarding the bus. For anyone that wishes to purchase tickets, please click here.
The cost for adults is $17.00 and for students is $11.00 after fees. All tickets need to be purchased electronically and no tickets will be sold at the door. Please purchase your ticket to the Xcel Energy Center prior to the purchase of your fan bus ticket.
If you are an Apple Valley High School student and are not riding the bus but wish to attend the game at the Xcel Energy Center, you will need to complete a permission slip labeled “attendance permission no bus” in MyPaymentsPlus to have an excused absence.
Reminder - when riding the fan bus or attending the game at the Xcel Energy Center, you are NOT ALLOWED TO BRING BACKPACKS ON THE BUS OR INTO THE STADIUM! Also, the Xcel Energy Center does not accept cash for concessions, you must use a debit or credit card.
AVHS Girl's Wrestling Qualifies Six Individuals for MSHSL State Tournament
The Apple Valley Girl’s Wrestling team qualifies 6 wrestlers for the MSHSL State Tournament on Saturday, March 2nd at the Xcel Energy Center! Go Eagles!
Section Place winners were:
112 - Hanah Schuster - 1st *
118 - Mia Holmstrom - 6th
124 - Andrea Quinones – 1st *
130 - Sina Guerra-Guardado – 3rd
136 - Cassy Gonzales – 1st *
148 - Espe Calvillo – 1st *
155 - Jemima Mukete - 4th
170 - Grace Alagbo – 1st *
190 - Glo Vigniavo – 1st *
235 - Lily Wolke – 3rd
*State Qualifier
AVHS South Suburban Art Exhibit Award Winners
Nora Tsai
SSC Award of Excellence
Blayke Swanson-Gonzalez
SSC Award of Merit
Sarayah Newton
SSC Award of Merit
Congratulations to all of the AVHS Students who displayed artwork at the South Suburban Conference Visual Art Exhibit! Artwork from across the conference was on display at the Normandale Community College Gallery in January and February. At a reception event on Tuesday, February 20, three AVHS students were recognized by a gallery juror as having pieces worthy of an SSC All-Conference art award.
- The AVHS College Fair is Wednesday, February 28th 3:00 - 4:30 PM
- Over 100 colleges attend
- Students need to register
- Parents are able to register also and attend with their students.
AVHS Black History Month Creative Expression Contest
Celebrate Black American resilience and achievements through artistic expression.
- Choose from written, verbal, or visual formats.
- Submit via Google Form by Feb. 28, or drop off 3D art at AVHS main office.
- Winners announced in March on school platforms.
- Judging by Mr. Mons, Cultural Family Advocates, and Principal's Advisory students.
- Prizes include gift cards and breakfast treats for winning Advisory groups.
- Students can opt out of public sharing. View last year's entries in the slideshow.
- 1st place prize = $20 gift card for the winner AND Hot breakfast (pancakes or French toast) for your Advisory.
- 2nd place prize = Donuts for your Advisory
- 3rd place prize = Bag of candy bars for your Advisory
Here is a slide show with the amazing entries from the 2021contest.
Trimester Two Final Exam: SPECIAL SCHEDULE
23-24 AVHS Final Exam Bells Schedule
Wednesday, March 6th, 2024
Test Prep 7:40 – 9:00 **With Advisory
Period 2 9:05 – 10:25
Period 4 10:30 – 11:50
Lunch/Advisory 11:50 – 1:05
A Lunch = 11:50 – 12:15, Adv 12:20-1:05
B Lunch = 12:15-12:40, Adv 11:55-12:15 and 12:45-1:05
C Lunch = 12:40 – 1:05, Adv 11:55 – 12:40
Period 6 1:10 – 2:30
Thursday, March 7th, 2024
Period 1 7:40 – 9:00
Period 3 9:05 – 10:25
Period 5 10:30 – 11:50
Lunch/Advisory 11:50 – 1:05
A Lunch = 11:50 – 12:15, Adv 12:20-1:05
B Lunch = 12:15-12:40, Adv 11:55-12:15 and 12:45-1:05
C Lunch = 12:40 – 1:05, Adv 11:55 – 12:40
Period 7 1:10 – 2:30
Class of 2024 Information
Apple Valley High School - Class of 2024
Commencement Exercises
Saturday, June 1st 2024
4:00 PM
Doors Open 3:00 PM
- Students must reserve a cap and gown for the commencement ceremony June 1, 2024.ORDER HERE
- All students participating in the commencement program pay a GRADUATION FEE.
- The due date for Graduation/Senior ads for the yearbook is approaching. If you want to honor your senior with an ad in the 2024 AVHS yearbook, you can design and pay for the ad of your choosing on the Josten’s website. In order for an ad to be included in the book, it must be completed by May 1st. See our website and scroll to the middle of the page to find the Graduation Ad link. https://avhs.district196.org/families/yearbook-information
- The senior class picture will be taken on Monday, February 26th during advisory (9:20-9:45am). This picture will be featured in the 2024 yearbook so remind your senior it is coming up!
- The 2024 Yearbook, “For the Record” is still on sale on our website (see link above). The earlier you order, the cheaper the price so order now to guarantee your book! Follow us for more reminders and updates on Instagram @avhyearbook.
Class of 2024 Senior Party Information
Registration for the 2024 Senior Class Party is coming soon!
The senior class party will take place after graduation on Saturday, June 1st at Bowlero in Lakeville. Seniors will be bussed to and from Bowlero from AVHS for an overnight party full of fun activities including... Casino games, Arcade games, Laser Tag, Bowling for Boxers, Chair Massages, Caricature Artist, Photobooth, Tattoos and more. It's a fun night filled with activities, a variety of food served throughout the night and lots of PRIZES!
Advisory Announcements
Upcoming Athletic Events
Athlete of the Week
AVHS Environmental Club
Community Education Classes
Advantage ACT Prep Course - Virtual (grades 10-12)
Sat | Feb 10 - Mar 2 | 9:00 a.m.-noon | 4 sessions | $180 | Live Online
Archery Adventure Camp (ages 9-17)
Mon | Feb 12 - Mar 11 | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. | 4 sessions | $85 | PW
Fewer than 5 spots left!
Youth/Adult Bowling League at Bogarts (adult and child ages 7+)
Sat | Feb 17 - Mar 16 | 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. | 5 sessions | $229 | Bogart's Entertainment Center
Parents … just for you!
Puzzle Competition and Pizza (teams of four, ages 9+)
Sat | Mar 9 | 10:00 a.m.-noon | $49/team | BHMS
Safety and Self-Defense (ages 10-15)
Tue | Mar 12 | 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. | $55 | DHMS
Karate and Mixed Martial Arts-Kick Boxing (ages 6-adult)
Tue & Thu | Apr 2 - May 23 | 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. | 12 sessions | $159, parents attend free! | WV
Plan ahead … Develop your athletic skills with high school coaches this summer!
Commonly Needed Links
Infinite Campus
AVHS Tech Hellp
The AVHS Tech Help page is for parents and students and is for issues with Schoology, Campus, iPads, internet support, and more.
Who Do I Go To For Help?
Contacting counselors. Click here to find your student’s counselor. Counselors are available to assist with concerns about scheduling, academic progress, and mental health. Contacting a student's counselor is a good first step if there are concerns about multiple classes and can help coordinate and streamline communication.
Student Schedule. Click here to log in to Campus Portal and see Student Schedules.
Grades. Click here to log in to Schoology and see in-progress grades.
Contacting teachers. Click here for a list of teacher e-mail addresses.
Apple Valley High School
Website: avhs.district196.org
Location: 14450 Hayes Road, Apple Valley, MN, USA
Phone: 952-431-8200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avhsscholar
Twitter: @avhsacademics
Stay Connected and Updated with AVHS
Families can expect to receive updates from us on Fridays through Schoolmessenger. You can also stay connected by accessing our school website and by following us on social media.
How to Get Involved & Support AVHS
Did you know that when families are actively involved in their child's school, students tend to be more engaged and have better academic outcomes? Despite the challenges brought by the pandemic, AVHS has consistently fostered strong family-school partnerships that contribute to our overall success.
Get involved! Join AVHS's SITE COUNCIL and/or support various school activities throughout the year. You can also explore volunteer opportunities to assist teachers and school staff by filling out THIS FORM.
Old News
Coming off their most recent (and fourth consecutive!) esports state championship, members of the AVHS esports team and coach Mr. Isaac Johnson are featured in the Star Tribune for their success and upcoming recognition at a national esports event. Read this great feature article here!
The AVHS Mock Trial team won their regional final trial on Thursday, February 15, to return to the Minnesota State Bar Association State Tournament for the seventh consecutive year (and 9th of the last 10.) AVHS and coach Eric Strauss will look to capture a state title at the Federal Courthouse in St. Paul during the weekend of March 6 - 8. Good luck and congratulations!
FAFSA for Spanish Speaking Families February 15
February is Black History Month
February 2024 marks Black History Month, themed “African Americans and the Arts.” This year, celebrate the deep impact Black artists have had and continue to have on America. Their rich tapestry of artistic expressions from music and literature to visual arts and fashion have shaped American culture. Take time to uplift and amplify Black voices through Black art in all its forms to understand Black history and culture and value and celebrate our District 196 Black students, families, and community members. To understand more about this year’s theme, click here.
To learn about the origins of Black History Month, click here.
To learn the timeline of Black history, click here.
January 29th Deadline for Pass/Credit Form for Trimester Two
The deadline to submit the form to take a Trimester 2 class as Pass/No Credit is Monday, January 29th at the end of the day. Students are reminded that they can only take one class per trimester as “P/NC” and they should make sure to consider NCAA/College ramifications before doing so.
The form to submit this request is on the AVHS Counseling page under “Student Services Forms” or you can access it directly here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdlGieqlOpXTh5S34O3VMMjJwoRtqbxYlPF0d8vXoMrUeyvgw/viewform
Try Rugby Day
Practice begins on March 2nd, which doubles as our "TRY RUGBY" day for potential new players who want to learn more before signing up. The season runs through the end of the school year. More information, including registration links, may be found at https://www.eaasports.org/rugby.
2024-25 Registration
The registration process for 2024-25 has begun. AVHS Counselors met with current students this week during their Science classes – 11th graders on Monday, 10th graders on Wednesday and 9th graders on Friday. Students reviewed the process and guidelines for registration, discussed required courses and started to enter choices on their Academic Planner.
*All of our registration information is found here: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/registration-information
*Registration is done via the Academic Planner in Infinite Campus: https://district196mn.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/district196.jsp
*As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to your student’s counselor should you have any questions: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-counselors
Credit Recovery Winter Session: January 30th to February 29th
We understand that the last trimester might have presented challenges for some students, possibly resulting in a failed class. However, we're excited to announce the Winter Credit Recovery program aimed at providing students with an opportunity to recover lost credits.
Our Winter Credit Recovery Sessions will be held in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM from January 30th to February 29th.
Register your student using this form by Jan 26th.
We encourage families to motivate and assist their students in taking advantage of this opportunity. Questions? Reach out to your student’s counselor or administrator.
- For more information: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/credit-recovery
2023-24 Yearbook Update!
2024 AVHS Yearbooks continue to be on sale on our website! The earlier you order, the cheaper the cost. The yearbook staff is currently working on covering winter sports, the One Act Play, Broadway, school year trending topics, and other interest stories related to our community. Get your book before time runs out!
Senior families have the option of purchasing a Graduation ad for their graduating senior. Ads are included in the back of the book and can include pictures and well wishes for the future. The link to begin designing your ad is on our website. Senior Graduation Ads are due April 1st, 2024. Don’t wait, as space for these is limited!
🗓️ Save the Date: Juniors, ACT at Apple Valley High School on April 23, 2024 – Free, No Registration Needed!
What: AVHS Math and ACT Prep teacher, Ms. Donely, offers a free comprehensive ACT Study Program.
📚 Prep Smart:Join Ms. Donely's free ACT Study Program on Schoology (Code: 5VT4P-H4VK5). Timed materials tailored for the April 23 test.
📅 Junior Meeting: Advisory with Ms. Donely and Mr. Blatzheim on Jan 8, 2024, for details.
Encourage Your Junior To:
- 🤝 Join Schoology Group: 5VT4P-H4VK5
- 📅 Attend Tues. After-School Sessions (Jan 23, 2024, 2:30-3:30, K204)
- 📚 Grab Hard Copies Outside K204
- 🔄 Check in with Ms. Donely for Study/ACT Goals (K204)
Winter Weather & School Schedules
We want students to be in school learning whenever possible. However, there are times when winter weather and driving conditions make it necessary to change the school schedule.
If we are considering a change in the schedule, options are:
- Delay the start of school by two hours (buses pick up two hours later than normal), OR
- Cancel school for the day.
In case of inclement weather, the school schedule may change as follows:
- For the first two inclement weather days in a school year, school will be canceled.
- From the third through the seventh inclement weather day, all students scheduled to attend school on those days will participate in E-Learning from home.
Student Expectations on E-Learning Days:
- Students must take their district-issued iPads home daily.
- Check Schoology for teacher instructions by 9:30 am.
- Assignments will take approximately 25 minutes for each class.
- Assignment deadlines and accommodations for students with IEPs and 504 plans will be communicated through Schoology.
- Contact teachers via Schoology messenger if you have questions; they will be available until 3:00 pm.
Teacher Expectations:
- Ensure lessons/assignments align with the regular curriculum progression and pacing.
- Clearly state learning objectives and instructions.
- Assign work that can be completed within 25 minutes (no additional homework).
- Set the assignment/task deadline for the same day.
- Share contact information on Schoology for communication.