Adams Family Updates
January 16, 2023
Adams Purpose Statement
Our purpose at Adams is to empower and motivate each student with the social and academic skills needed to achieve at grade level and beyond, while working in partnership with our Wapato families and community.
Movie Night
Thank you for your attendance @ the Adams Family Movie Night.
We had over 100 people in attendance
PUP Award Videos
When to Send Children to School? When to Stay Home?
Here are the three reasons why your child should stay home or may be sent home sick:
- Your child is running a fever.
- Your child has been vomiting.
- Your child has diarrhea.
The student must stay home until they are 24hrs symptom free and without the use of fever reducing medication to assist the fever.
If you have any questions please call nurse Lindsey here at Adams. (509) 877-4180
Adams Family Reading Night, January 26th, 5:30-6:30
PTO Valentines Dance Planning Meeting, January 31st
Monthly Perfect Attendance Certificates
Attendance Helps
Regular attendance helps your children perform well in school.
If your children are sick please keep them home. If they are health please send them to school.
Go Wolves
Route 4
Please expect delays on route 4 for the next week. We are short staffed with bus drivers.
If you know someone who would like to work as a driver, please have them call me, Mr. Newell, at Adams.
Purpose Statement Review
Later this spring at the Coffee with the Principal event will be reviewing the Adams purpose statement. thank you
Para traducir esta página
Adams Elementary School - Escuela Primaria Adams
Location: 1309 South Camas Avenue, Wapato, WA, USA
Phone: 509-877-4180
Twitter: @WapatoSD