Neshaminy Update
Neshaminy School District / Nov - Dec, 2019
Canvas organizes the digital classroom
Lost a worksheet? Can't remember a test date? Need to contact a classmate for a group project? Neshaminy has an app for that. It's called Canvas, and has now been rolled out in both the high school and middle school grades. Canvas is part of a strategic initiative in the District to foster student success by systemically improving communication between students, parents and teachers.
Canvas is similar to platforms now used in most colleges and universities. At Neshaminy, Canvas is a student and teacher’s partner in a particular course. The Learning Management System (LMS) can organize course content, resources and assignments, and offers an online collaborative communication system that can connect groups of students working on a project, teachers, and even parents. It is available 24/7 and can be accessed on almost any internet-connected device.
How can Canvas help students and their families? It simplifies the process of assigning, explaining and monitoring projects and assignments by eliminating a variety of online and pen-and-paper systems used previously by different teachers at each school. The calendar function in Canvas reminds both students and parents of important due dates and project milestones, and is easily accessible on computers and on mobile devices using the Canvas app.
Another benefit is the ability for families to engage their children in discussions about what they are studying in class every day. Updates on current classroom curriculum are presented as topic questions, such as, "What are the five ideals of democracy?” or “How is culture related to human migration?” or even “What is a quadratic function?” These simple Q&A conversations outside of school can have a significant impact on a child’s depth of understanding and retention of essential content over time.
Another benefit is a well-organized "Course Resource Repository." This can include topics needed to study for an upcoming test, mid-term or final exam, copies of class handouts, or course notes. Students who are absent can easily find missed material to help them stay up-to-date without resorting to needing to find a friend for help.
Over time, as teachers build more thorough content in Canvas, the Course Shell will serve as an on-line, scaffolded resource center for students and parents available 24/7 from any mobile device. In essence, the Neshaminy course curriculum and classroom instructional activities will be transparent to all to engage.
Canvas has been gradually rolled out in the high school and most recently in the middle schools. Teachers have been busy building their resource repositories
School Board welcomes new, returning members
Magesterial District Judge Daniel Baranoski from Penndel attended the School Board reorganization meeting December 2 to swear in returning members Marty Sullivan, Tina Hollenbach, Stephen Pirritano and Adam Kovitz. The Board also welcomed Paul Saraullo who was sworn in as the newest member (region 2).
Pictured above are (front) Cyndie Bowman, Tina Hollenbach, Marty Sullivan, and Irene Boyle. (Back) Paul Saraullo, Adam Kovitz, David Marrington, Stephen Pirritano, and John Allen.
Classroom creativity shines in video series
Kindergarten registration now open
Art teachers explore links between science, technology and creativity
On November 5, the Neshaminy SD Art Department attended a seminar at Bucks County Community College led by Justin Bursk from Hoover ES to encourage arts-centered experiences during the production of work. Art educators throughout Bucks County connected with STEAM education while investigating native plants and foliage. In addition, art educators explored a variety of science factors involved with "plein air painting" (painting outdoors) such as air quality, light, humidity, and wind. In addition, Syd White from Neshaminy High School discussed exciting ways in which design meets technology with student examples of kinetic sculptures. The day continued with in-depth discussions of the future of arts-centered college and career paths and culminated with six simple machines sessions and activities.
Nurses train at Shriners Hospital
During the Professional Development Day on Tuesday, November 5, Neshaminy Certified Nurses attended a professional conference at Shriner’s Hospital in Philadelphia. There they received the latest information on topics that included concussion and orthopedic care to scoliosis and motion analysis.
Neshaminy Education Foundation awards $12,490 in grants
- Sensory Pathway to Success - Michelle Mannherz, Karole Curtin, Susan Wendling, Kathy Rydzewski, Meghan Fedele, Donna Reichert, Sarah King and Christa McLaughlin, Tawanka ES
- K'Nex Club Engineering Competition supplies - Kati Burke, Tawanka ES
- STEM in Special Education with Cubelets - Jeff Rodos and Cindy Rutledge, Pearl S. Buck ES
- Molding Mindful Mathematicians - Leanne Raab, Pearl S. Buck ES
- Soft Starts Kindergarten STEM kits - Jessica Frisch and Jodi Arnold, Walter Miller ES
- Schweitzer Sensory Walk - Peter Curtin and Elizabeth Agger, Albert Schweitzer ES
- CNC Machine - Kristian Randt, Dan Zickler and Josh Elliot, Neshaminy HS
- Ultraviolet Viewing Box - Elaine Leventhal, Neshaminy HS
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all those that support innovation at Neshaminy!
Challenger football founder honored by Philadelphia Eagles
Congratulations to Bob Wargo, who was named the top "Community Quarterback" in the Philadelphia Eagles Santander Community Quarterback program on November 3 during a pre-game ceremony at Lincoln Financial Field. The former Neshaminy and Bensalem coach was one of ten finalists for the prize, and will receive a $10,000 donation for Bucks County Challenger Football and Cheerleading, which he co-founded and runs with his wife Joan, a retired Neshaminy teacher.
The Challenger program offers special needs kids the opportunity to play in a youth league every Sunday during the fall with help from high school football players and cheerleaders. The practices and games are held at Harry E. Franks Stadium at Neshaminy HS.
Commission rules on Redskin name, imagery
On November 25, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) released a ruling in a case regarding the use of Native American imagery in Neshaminy logos and the use of the word Redskins for team names at Neshaminy. The case stems from a 2013 complaint which was later dropped. The PHRC then filed a complaint with itself as the plaintiff against Neshaminy School District.
After reviewing the ruling, the Neshaminy School Board unanimously voted (9-0) at their public meeting December 2 to authorize an appeal of the ruling to Commonwealth Court. During that meeting, an attorney representing the District read a statement explaining the decision to appeal before a vote was taken. Both the PHRC ruling, the statement and the appeal resolution can be read using the links below.
LINK: PHRC ruling on Neshaminy School District logos and team name
Board, support professionals reach an agreement
The Neshaminy School Board and the Neshaminy Educational Support Professional Association (NESPA) reached an agreement for a new contract which was approved by the Board at the November 26 Public Board meeting. NESPA members ratified the agreement during the previous weekend.
The new collective bargaining agreement covers the period retroactive to July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2022. The agreement includes salary increase of 0.0%, 2.3%, 2.5%, and 2.55% for the four years of the contract.
LINK: NESPA agreement resolution and 2018-2022 contract documents
Superintendent Jones once again honored District staff who made significant contributions to fulfilling the District's mission or advancing the implementation of the Neshaminy Strategic Plan.
Honored in November (click on the names to see nominating information):
Kevin Hastings, Social Studies Teacher, Maple Point Middle School
Christine Hoffman, English Language Development Teacher, Walter Miller Elementary School
Timothy Hunt, Assistant Principal, Poquessing Middle School
Arlene McGugan, Administrative Secretary, Joseph Ferderbar Elementary School
Marge Page, Math Teacher, Poquessing Middle School
- Thursday, December 5: NHS School Store public hours, Neshaminy HS, 6-8:30 pm
- Thursday, December 5: NHS Orchestra Concert & 8th Grade Showcase, 7 pm, NHS
- Wednesday-Saturday, December 11-14: Frozen, Jr. at Carl Sandburg MS (times vary)
- Thursday, December 12: NHS Orchestra at Middletown Twp. Holiday Festival, 7 pm
- Friday, December 13: No school for elementary students; parent conferences grades K-5
- Saturday, December 14: ACT exam at Neshaminy HS, 7:45 am
- Thursday-Friday, December 19-20: NHS Drama Night of One Acts, Neshaminy HS, 7 pm
- Monday-Friday, December 23-27: Winter break, schools closed
- Monday-Wednesday, December 30-January 1: Winter break, schools closed
Please check the District and school websites for additional events and changes.
Morning announcements go Hollywood
Live, video announcements occur each morning at Pearl Buck. On a rotating basis, fourth grade students serve as morning announcers, with a regular camera crew handling behind the scene logistics including set-up, sound, camera work, video transitions, cue cards, and break-down. In addition, the school broadcasts student poetry read live by the student-poets themselves. As their experience grows, they will be adding additional student-created commercials, public service announcements, green-screen effects, and live 'field' broadcasts using the District's WeVideo technology.
Adaptive physical education expands
Ferderbar Elementary School physical education teacher Brian Ferris Kelly hand-built some adaptive devices to allow his physically challenged students the chance to participate in various activities during his class. The devices allow the students to progressively grow their success in physical activities that are enjoyed by all students. Click on the image above to see a video about the program.
Students become educators for STEM project
Third-grade students are starting a STEM activity from a program called DefinedSTEM. The activity is called Adaptations: Nature Center Educator. Students will demonstrate the pattern of how animal structures/behaviors relate to their survival, as well as how people adapt to their environments. In this task, the students will work in small teams to learn and review animal adaptations so that they can teach others. They will be taking on the role of an educator at a nature center by creating a matching game, flyers, a multimedia presentation, and signs.
Students dive into oceanography
Fourth-grade students from Hoover ES enjoyed a visit to the Camden Aquarium in early November.
Parents attend reading workshop
Reading Horizons Discovery is a foundational reading program used in grades K-2 at Neshaminy. Many parents gathered at Schweitzer Elementary School in November to learn strategies from the Reading Horizons trainer Matt Crismon. The strategies taught and practiced were ways for the parents to help their child improve their spelling and decoding ability. The presented techniques were simple, fun and effective!
Student Council project builds community
Kindergarten to fourth grade students are busy creating cards and crafts for Holiday Hope for Seniors, an organization that helps bring cheer to our senior neighbors residing in nursing homes. Members of the Walter Miller ES Student Council are organizing the effort as one of their projects to benefit the school and the entire community.
CARES Family Craft Night
On Wednesday, November 4th, students and families were invited to a free craft night to create several winter crafts to be used as decorations or gifts. There were many craft stations set up around the cafeteria, and families were able to make their way around to the various craft stations to “Make and Take” crafts for home. Hot chocolate was available for all, and it was a festive way to begin the December holiday season! To give back, families also brought non-perishable food items that will be donated to Family Services of Bucks County Food Pantry.
Pass the pie...and poetry!
On November 26, the students in Stacey Flynn’s first grade class celebrated Thanksgiving poetry with family and friends. Since September, they have been working hard to “act out the words with their voice." The celebration highlighted all of the work that they have been doing to develop fluency and expression skills. Each group of students practiced reading their poem then added actions that helped convey the meaning. The class celebrated all of their hard work by sharing Thanksgiving desserts baked fresh that morning by the first graders in G-6.
Can you build a turkey?
These kindergarten students can! They created their colorful turkeys as a class project to prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Students vs. staff football builds sportsmanship
Building positivity through play and sportsmanship is what was accomplished during the staff/student football game in November. Tawanka staff members played the student Super Bowl Champs and had a great time completing many awesome plays and just having fun interacting with each other. But in the end, the staff took the lead with a 9-6 win!
Pajama day raises funds for leukemia research
On Friday, November 22, the Maple Point National Junior Honor Society sponsored a Pajama Day in support of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. $2,318.70 was raised to support research being done to cure cancer. Thank you to Mrs. Lare and our NJHS for their dedication to this most worthwhile cause.
Tri-Music Honor Society holds induction ceremony
On November 21, the Maple Point music department held the inaugural induction of the Maple Point chapter of the Tri-M Music Honor Society. A talented group of music students were honored for demonstrating excellence in the areas of academics, leadership, character and service.
Veterans honored at ceremony
On November 8, Maple Point held its 19th annual Veterans Day Ceremony, a great source of pride for our school and community. They were honored to recognize 82 local veterans for their service to our country.
Police deliver donated food boxes
A huge thank you to the Feasterville Giant for donating 125 meal boxes to the Lower Southampton Police Department. Some of these boxes were delivered to Poquessing Middle School destined for families in Poquessing and Ferderbar ES, and the remainder of the boxes were delivered to Tawanka Elementary School. All of the boxes were combined with other donated food items to provide Thanksgiving dinners to local families in need as part of each school's holiday food drive.
Assembly applauds co-curricular participants
On November 26, the Poquessing student body recognized the Poquessing fall activity participants during an assembly program. Coaches, participants, and managers of the football, soccer, field hockey, and cheerleading teams showcased their season, discussed highlights, and revisited meaningful collaborative team-building moments that will surely be treasured for a lifetime. Not to be outdone, various academic and service clubs shared upcoming events, and conveyed the importance of their continued work to the greater Poquessing Community. Host Mr. Marte served as the M.C. for the event, dishing out witty humor, quick one-liners, and all the corny jokes that one could ask for. The event was well received.
Sandburg presents Frozen, Jr.
Carl Sandburg will present the delightful musical version of Frozen, Jr. on Wednesday, December 11 through Saturday, December 14. Show times are 7 pm each weeknight and 1 pm on Saturday. Tickets are $8 for reserved and $6 for general admission, and can be purchased at the link below.
LINK: Frozen, Jr. tIcket sales https://www.showtix4u.com/events/14903
Students attend diversity leadership conference
Carl Sandburg MS, Maple Point MS, and Poquessing MS each sent student representatives to attend the 14th Annual Delaware Valley Consortium for Excellence & Equity Middle School Student Leadership Institute at the University of Pennsylvania on November 22.
Neshaminy is one of the participating Districts in the DVCEE. For the past fifteen years the consortium has provided engaging and meaningful programming that has focused on inter-district collaboration and shared learning for continuous improvement in eliminating pervasive preparation, opportunity, and achievement gaps. DVCEE is motivated by an equity driven mission to positively transform the lives of each and every student by preparing them for success in post-secondary education and in life.
NHS teacher honored at Penn State football game
On Saturday, November 30, Neshaminy HS math teacher Traci Capecci was honored on the field during Educator Appreciation Day at the Penn State / Rutgers football game, one of only ten chosen from the entire state. She was nominated for this award by her colleague, NHS math teacher Lisa Schmidt, who wrote, “Traci Capecci is one of the most dedicated and hardworking teachers that I have ever met. She teaches Algebra 1 and Geometry and she has the best success rate with her students passing the state Keystone exam. She holds high standards for her students, and pushes them to do their best. She is compassionate, and does not ever give up on her students, despite classroom behavior. Tracy spends a lot of time outside of school working on her lessons and she creates her own YouTube videos of her lessons for her students. She is a highly respected teacher and I could not think of a more deserving teacher to receive this award. Tracy is also a Penn State alumni who frequently visits Penn State and who currently has a daughter attending Penn State as a freshman.“ Congratulations, Traci!
Environmental Club plants trees
On November 9, members of the Environmental Action Club and Science Club at Neshaminy HS with help from Poquessing student Anthony Peters Donohue, helped the Middletown Environmental Action Committee with a tree planting at Simmon’s Park on Brownsville Road. They planted 11 trees.
Talent Show sponsors a child's dream
On Friday, Nov. 15, Neshaminy HS students showcased their creativity for a worthy cause during the annual Neshaminy’s Got Talent competition, sponsored by the NHS Interact Club. Proceeds from ticket and food sales will help Sunshine Foundation, a Southampton-based nonprofit, answer the dream of 9-year-old Philadelphia resident Leani, who is diagnosed with Sturge-Weber Syndrome/Focal Epilepsy. Her wish is to visit Disney World, LEGOLAND Florida and SeaWorld. Each year the Interact Club sponsors a Sunshine Foundation child and holds a number of events to fully-fund their dream.
Band takes first place at state competition
Congratulations to the Neshaminy HS Marching Band for taking first place in the Patriot "A" Division at the Cavalcade of Bands in Hershey on November 9.
Varsity cheerleaders qualify for national competition
After a very successful season, the Neshaminy HS Varsity team has officially qualified for a trip to the Nationals. The girls earned a bid to the National High School Cheerleading Championship, the most prestigious cheerleading championship in the country, on February 7-9. The team has been working hard since August to perfect their routine and are looking forward to participating in this high-level competition.
Powderpuff football supports memorial scholarship fund
The 2019 Senior Powder Puff Game was held November 19 at Harry E. Franks Stadium at NHS. The teams split into red and blue for this competitive, fun game of tag football and members of the NHS Band provided a musical backdrop from the stands. This year, admission fees will be donated to the Janet Dougherty Memorial Scholarship.
Neshaminy Update is published monthly during the school year and distributed to the Neshaminy community via email and web. To submit comments, suggestions or news items for consideration, please email Chris Stanley, Community Relations Coordinator.
Neshaminy School Board of Directors
Marty Sullivan - President
Stephen Pirritano - Vice President
John Allen
Cyndie Bowman
Irene M. Boyle
Tina Hollenbach
Adam J. Kovitz
David Marrington
Paul Saraullo
Neshaminy School District
Joseph Jones III, Superintendent
2001 Old Lincoln Highway
Langhorne, PA 19047