Mustangs Message
November 13, 2023
Message from the Principal
Hello Mission Meadows Families!
We want to thank everyone who came out and joined us at our movie night last Thursday. We especially want to thank our PTA for sponsoring such fantastic event for our families. We hope everyone will mark your calendars and join us on December 14th for our next family holiday night.
As you are preparing to come and meet with your child's teacher for parent conferences this week, I would like to ask you if you know your child's WIGS (Wildly Important Goals)? If not, please ask your child's teachers during Parent Conferences. Each student has created their own Reading & Math WIGS that they are to reach by the end of the school year. Knowing their goals will help you understand how you can support your child in reading or in math. Remember, it is a minimum day schedule all week, with dismissal at 12:50pm each day.
Finally, we will kick off this week by celebrating National Kindness Day on Monday. We hope to see every student help recognize this day by wearing either a kindness or a brightly colored shirt. Grade level color assignments are listed below in this message.
Thank you again for all of your support, and have a wonderful week!
David Peel, Principal
Important Dates to Remember
Nov. 13 World Kindness Day
Nov. 13-17 Parent/Teacher Conferences (Minimum Days)
Nov. 20-24 Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 29/30 3rd Grade Rancho Buena Vista
Dec. 1 FMS
Dec. 6 4th Grade Mission Study Trip
Dec. 13-15 Holiday Craft Fair
Dec. 14 Family Holiday Night
Dec. 15 SDC to Elk’s Lodge
Dec. 15 TK Winter Celebration
Dec 20 Kindergarten Winter Extravaganza
Dec. 21 - Jan 9 Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
Jan. 10 School Resumes
Parent Teacher Conferences Are Here
World Kindness Day - November 13th
TK-K: Green
1st: Yellow
2nd: Purple
3rd: Blue
4th/SPED: Orange
5th: Pink
All colors assigned by our own Jordyn Britts (Student Body President) and student council reps.
Vista USD's Dress Code Reminders
Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. (With many of our students participating in PE or our running club, it is important to make sure shoes are appropriate for such activities.)
Clothes must be sufficient to conceal undergarments and cover the chest area, abdomen, and posterior. Specifically:
See-through, strapless, halter, and tube tops and bare abdomens are prohibited.
Skirts and shorts must be worn at an appropriate/acceptable length for sitting as well as standing.
Pants must fit at the hip so that they will stay on without a belt or stay at the hip with a belt.
(This includes making sure that the clothing that is worn underneath a sweatshirt or jacket is appropriate when the heat increases throughout the day and jackets are taken off.)
Thank you for your help.
Water Bottles
Students are encouraged to bring a reusable bottle to fill and refill water to consume while on campus. Drinking water plays an important role in maintaining a child’s overall health in the following ways:
Supports muscles, joints, and tissues
Improves digestive system
Keeps growing bodies hydrated
Positively impacts cognitive performance, particularly short-term memory
Improves visual attention and fine motor skills
Can prevent excess weight gain when substituting sugary drinks
It is a great idea to make sure the students name is found on the water bottle if it is left behind or forgotten. We currently have many lost water bottles in our lost and found that need to be reclaimed.
New Breakfast and Lunch Menu for Winter 23-24
PTA News
The goal of the Mission Meadows Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is to positively impact the lives of each child, their families, and the school staff at Mission Meadows! Do you want your kids to love coming to school? WE DO TOO and we need your help!! Consider joining the PTA today. It's easy, incredibly rewarding, and completely flexible. You can do it! CLICK HERE to join.
Mission Meadows Spiritwear: Additional spiritwear sizes will be available for purchase at the first Friday Morning Sing, Sept. 1st. You can visit the office starting on Monday to order spirit wear directly. Students are encouraged to wear their Mustang spirit wear every Friday to school. Thank you, Mustangs!
BOXTOPS : Please see information below about how you can sign up to scan your grocery receipts for boxtop items and help support Mission Meadows. It has never been easier to help our school earn some free money!
Attendance Goal for 2023-24
- We have a huge goal this school year to have every student achieve the HERO Award (Here Everyday Ready & On-time) by being at school at least 95% of the time. We know that student who miss an excessive amount of days (more than 10% of the school year have a greater chance of falling behind their peers academically.
- We hope that students will achieve at least 95% attendance this school year.
- Students are to stay home when sick, but can only miss up to nine school days to still meet our 95% goal.
- At last weeks Friday Morning Sing Assembly it was announced to all students that if we meet this goal at the end of the year, students will be able to duct tape Mr. Peel to a wall and through cream pie at him. Please help your child be successful by having them in school everyday, and help them achieve the goal of taping Mr. Peel to a wall!
Tips Families Can Use To Maintain or Improve Attendance:
Make school attendance a priority. Talk about the importance of showing up to school on time, everyday.
Help your child maintain daily routines such as getting ready for school, homework, and getting a good night’s sleep.
Encourage your child to join a club or extracurricular activity at school.
Keep your child healthy by providing adequate nutrition. Reach out to your school’s Community Liaison if you need assistance with basic resources.
Develop backup plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, a neighbor or another parent.
Try to schedule medical appointments and extended trips when school isn't in session. Bring them to school before and after appointments if a middle-of-the-day appointment is necessary.
If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school counselors (see list of school counselors linked HERE) and other parents for advice on how to make your child feel comfortable and excited about learning.
What to do when my child is sick
Students with Illness Symptoms - For students with symptoms, (fever, diarrhea, vomiting) should test and stay home until symptoms have improved and are fever free for 24 hours. For students who test C+, they may return as early as Day 6 if they feel well, symptoms are improving and they have been fever free for at least 24 hours. Asymptomatic close contacts may continue to attend school. COVID testing is recommended, but not required. Schools are not required to verify negative test results.
COVID-19 Positive Students - Students and staff members who test positive for COVID must stay home from school or work. Students and staff may return to school as early as Day 6 if they meet the following criteria:
Must feel well
Symptoms must be improving
Fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for at least 24 hours
Students should wear a mask on Days 6-10.
New Mission Meadows Family Handbook
We are also excited to share with you our new Mission Meadows Student & Family Handbook. When you have some time, please check it out to get more information regarding important information and procedures here at Mission Meadows.
Mission Meadows Elementary School
Location: 5657 Spur Avenue, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: (760)630-7884