Mr. Brown's Weekly Newsletter
Issue 23 February 4, 2024
Feb 5- Report Card Distribution
Feb 13-PTSA Meeting 7 PM- Media Center
Bad weather is on its way (maybe). Want to get notified when schools are closed, on a delay or dismissing early???? Sign up for AlertMCPS.
School notifications will come directly to your phone! Don't delay. Sign up is easy!
Click on the link below and get started!
Clemente is proud and excited to celebrate Black History Month with our students and community. Here at Clemente we value our diversity and look forward to celebrating each and everyone as the year progresses. During this month we will offer several events to celebrate Black History Month including a Fair and NAACP concert, to name a few. Please look for more information upcoming about these and other events.
HS Registration for our 8th Graders is Coming Soon!
Next year's high school students, our current 8th graders, will begin registration January 31st at our high school fair in which our local and regional high school counselors will come to RCMS to meet with 8th graders and explain the process.
Please contact counseling at 301-284-4770 with any questions.
National Counselor's Week February 5-February 9
Help us celebrate and acknowledge our amazing counselors. The week of February 5-February 9 is National Counseling Week. Our Counseling Team is AMAZING and we want to show them how much we appreciate them. Feel free to send notes, cards or tokens of appreciation to help us recognize their efforts. More information will follow next week.
ACCESS for ELLs: January 16th - February 16th
Todos los años, los estudiantes inscritos en programas de aprendizaje de inglés reciben el examen de dominio del lenguaje—conocido como ACCESS for ELLs. El examen mide el desempeño lingüístico académico del idioma inglés de los estudiantes que son parte de esta población en nuestra escuela y en todo el estado.
En nuestra escuela, los maestros usan esta información para asesorarse y tomar decisiones sobre la instrucción de su hijo/a. Los maestros también usan las calificaciones del examen para monitorear el progreso de su hijo/a en el dominio del inglés.
Favor de comunicarse conmigo si tiene preguntas acerca del examen ACCESS for ELLs. Quizá desee saber:
- ¿Cómo usan los resultados los maestros?
- ¿Cuáles son los objetivos de inglés para mi hijo/a?
- Además de inglés, ¿qué más aprende mi hijo/a en la escuela?
Each year, students in English learner programs take the ACCESS for ELLs language proficiency test. The test measures academic English language proficiency for students learning English in our school and throughout our state.
Teachers in our school use this information to help them make decisions about instruction for your child. Teachers also use these test scores to monitor the progress your child makes toward English proficiency.
Please contact me if you have questions about the ACCESS for ELLs test. You might want to know:
- How do teachers use test results?
- What are the English goals for my child?
- In addition to English, what else does my child learn in school?
每年,英語學習方案中的學生都會參加 ACCESS for ELLs 語言精通程度測驗。這項測驗會為本校與整個州的英語學習學生評量學術英語精通程度。
若您對於 ACCESS for ELLs 測驗有任何問題,請與我聯絡。您可能會想知道:
- 老師如何使用測驗結果?
- 老師為我孩子設定了什麼目標?
- 除了英語以外,孩子在學校中還學了些什麼?
Chaque année, les étudiants des programmes d'apprentissage de l'anglais passent le test de compétence linguistique ACCESS for ELLs. Ce test mesure les compétences linguistiques des élèves qui apprennent l'anglais dans notre école et dans l'ensemble de notre État.
Les enseignants de notre école utilisent ces informations pour les aider à prendre des décisions sur l'enseignement de votre enfant. De plus, les enseignants utilisent ces résultats pour suivre les progrès de votre enfant vers la maîtrise de l'anglais.
Veuillez me contacter si vous avez des questions concernant le test ACCESS for ELLs. Vous pourriez vouloir savoir :
- Comment les enseignants utilisent-ils les résultats du test ?
- Quels sont les objectifs de mon enfant concernant l'anglais ?
- En plus de l'anglais, quelle autre matière mon enfant apprend-il à l'école ?
Please contact Julie Long, English/ELD Content Specialist, with questions.
RCMS families,
There will be no PTSA meeting this month (January); our next meeting will be on Tuesday Feb 13 at 7 pm in the Media Center. Hope to see you there!
Thank you,
Heather, Kisha, Rebecca and Christine
Just a reminder...
If you would like to join the PTSA, please go to the website below and join!
We'd love to have you as a member!
Food resources in Germantown / Recursos alimentarios en Germantown
Germantown Help – Call 301-482-1320 for assistance. Llame al 301-482-1320 para obtener ayuda.
Upcounty Hub – Check the distribution calendar linked here for food pick up opportunities. They have distributions 3 times a week in the Gaithersburg/Germantown area.
Consulte el calendario de distribución vinculado aquí para conocer las oportunidades de recogida de alimentos. Tienen distribuciones 3 veces por semana en el área de Gaithersburg/Germantown.
Manna Food –Call 301-424-1130 to get on the list. Once approved, you can pick up food on Thursdays from 2pm – 5pm at the Salvation Army parking lot on 20021 Aircraft Dr.
Llame al 301-424-1130 para inscribirse en la lista. Una vez aprobado, puede recoger comida los jueves de 2 p. m. a 5 p. m. en el estacionamiento del Salvation Army en 20021 Aircraft Dr.
New Covenant Fellowship Church – This is the church across the street from Roberto Clemente MS. Food distribution is the first and third Saturday of the month. You can find their calendar here.
Esta es la iglesia al cruzar de la Roberto Clemente Middle School. La distribución de alimentos es el primer y tercer sábado del mes. Puedes encontrar su calendario aquí.
Attention Families of Students with Special Needs
Please consider the following two information/workshops coming up this week! One is information regarding ESY camps for your students this summer. Learn about all the different types of camps available at a virtual meeting being held on February 6th at 6:30. Come learn about which program better fits the needs of your family!
The other one is a workshop for parents of children/teens with ADHD and/or Executive Function Challenges. Learn about strategies you can support them with at home and hear from an expert in the field. One size does not fit all! You will learn how to adapt them to your children's unique situation. Don't miss it! It is on February 7th from 1:00-2:00 pm.
Are you looking for things to do with your kids the days that school is closed? Please see the attached flyers (click on the links below) for events with the Boys and Girls Club and the Montgomery County Recreation Department.
¿Están buscando cosas que hacer con sus hijos los días que la escuela está cerrada? Consulte los folletos adjuntos para eventos con el Boys and Girls Club y el Departamento de Recreación del Condado de Montgomery. Haga click en los link que se encuentran abajo.
Want to help plan activities at RCMS? Join the SGA! All are welcome to come and participate in our meetings. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month.
Upcoming Meetings:
February 8
February 22
March 14
Magnet Field Trip Fundraisers
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser:
BOGO Cards or 1 Dozen Certificates!
Order them from Ms. Presley in room 128, or from any magnet 8 student. Orders must be in by February 12, and will be delivered after February 24.
- The BOGO cards are good for 10 free dozens (with the purchase of 10 dozens). They cost $26
- The 1 Dozen Certificates cost you about the same as buying a dozen donuts, but we get 1/2 the money! They cost $16
- These both can be used at any Krispy Kreme and do not expire
Tuesday – GAME – Boys Home / Girls Away vs. Hallie Wells
Wednesday – Practice Boys (3-5:15)
Thursday – Practice Girls and Boys (3-5:15)
ATTN SOCCER PLAYERS (7th and 8th grade only)!! -
Soccer Registration is NOW OPEN!! Try Outs are coming up the week of March 5th. Registration is required, please see this link to learn about what you are required to do in order to participate in soccer try outs.
David Hudson
PE and Health Content Specialist
@MrHudsonsPE on most Social Networks
Order your 2024 Yearbook before the price increases!
Click on the link below to place your order!
Look for February SSL opportunities in next week's Newsletter.
Art Students of the Month is back!!! Take a look at all the beautiful artwork our students have created. There's so much talent!
Congrats to all our February Artists of the Month!!!
Hello families,
We are in the home stretch for 8th grade! This is very exciting and we have a lot going on!
T Shirts-The T Shirt store is officially open until February 9th! The cost for the shirts is $20. When you order please fill in your child’s Student ID number so we can hand them out efficiently. Orders will be picked up and handed out at RCMS in March. Please see the link for details.
**Note** If you are struggling with moving to the cart try changing the location to pick up. This part doesn’t matter as much as they will all be handed out at the school.
High school information:
Registration cards are due to Ms. Becknell on MONDAY, February 5, 2023.
Ulysses Signature Program Class of 2028 at Northwest HS:
The application for the Ulysses Signature Program Class of 2028 at Northwest High School is now open! Interested 8th graders who live in the Northwest cluster are eligible to apply. The application can be found on the Northwest website, under the Quick Links menu option for “Ulysses Signature Program.” You can also find the application linked here along with more information about the program. The deadline for submitting applications is February 16th, 2024. If you have any questions about the application process or the Ulysses Program, please contact Mr. David Parks"
Seneca Valley:
Did you know that Seneca Valley High School offers 8 different options for theatre classes? From Theatre 1 to IB Theatre, Stage Design to Advanced Acting, there's something for every level and every interest! Incoming 9th grade students should start their journey with Theatre 1! Check out our flyer at or email for more information.
End of the year Dates:
June 4, 2024-Smokey Glen Field trip
- This is a field trip to Smokey Glen Farms. Permission slips will be going out in April and payment plans will be an option.
- Food will be served there. It is burgers and hotdogs style. If you have food allergies or restrictions please let Ms. Blades or Ms. Presley know on the permission slip.
June 5, 2024-Semi Formal Dance
- Will be after school ONLY! This will be from 5-8pm at Roberto Clemente.
- This is ONLY for 8th grade students who attend Roberto Clemente.
- Permission slip and funds will be handed out at the end of May.
June 6, 2024-End of the Year Celebration
- This will be at Roberto Clemente.
- We provide games and activities for families. All are welcome!
- Food trucks will be present for purchase as well.
Information for the Year:
The team leaders also keep a running newsletter for events for 8th grade students. This document is a running document as new things arise; they are added to the document. Currently, we are adding information for our High School rising 9th grade informational nights.
Thank you very much! We are going to have an amazing year!
Hola familias,
¡Estamos en la recta final para el octavo grado! ¡Esto es muy emocionante y tenemos muchas cosas que hacer!
Camisetas: ¡La tienda de camisetas está oficialmente abierta hasta el 9 de febrero!
El costo de las camisetas es de $20. Cuando realice el pedido, complete el número de identificación de estudiante de su hijo para que podamos entregárselo de manera eficiente. Los pedidos se recogerán y entregarán en RCMS en marzo. Consulte el enlace para obtener más detalles.
**Nota** Si tienes dificultades para moverte al carrito, intenta cambiar la ubicación para recogerlo. Esta parte no importa tanto ya que todas se entregarán en la escuela.
Información de la escuela secundaria:
Las tarjetas de inscripción deben entregarse a la Sra. Becknell el LUNES 5 de febrero de 2023.
Clase del 2028 del programa Ulysses Signature en Northwest HS:
¡La solicitud para la Clase 2028 del Programa Ulysses Signature en Northwest High School ya está abierta! Los estudiantes de octavo grado interesados que viven en el grupo Noroeste son elegibles para postularse. La solicitud se puede encontrar en el sitio web de Northwest, en la opción de menú Enlaces rápidos para "Ulysses Signature Program". También puede encontrar la aplicación vinculada aquí junto con más información sobre el programa. La fecha límite para enviar solicitudes es el 16 de febrero de 2024. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el proceso de solicitud o el Programa Ulysses, comuníquese con el Sr. David Parks".
Fechas de fin de año:
4 de junio de 2024: excursión a Smokey Glen
- Esta es una excursión a Smokey Glen Farms. Las hojas de permiso se enviarán en abril y los planes de pago serán una opción.
- Allí se servirá comida. Es estilo hamburguesas y hot dogs. Si tiene alergias o restricciones alimentarias, infórmeselo a la Sra. Blades o a la Sra. Presley en el formulario de permiso.
5 de junio de 2024-Baile semiformal
- ¡Será SÓLO después de clases! Esto será de 5 a 8 p.m. en Roberto Clemente.
- Esto es SÓLO para estudiantes de 8vo grado que asisten a Roberto Clemente.
- El formulario de permiso y los fondos se entregarán a finales de mayo.
6 de junio de 2024-Celebración de fin de año
- Esto será en Roberto Clemente.
- Ofrecemos juegos y actividades para familias. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
- También habrá camiones de comida presentes para la compra.
Información del año:
Los líderes del equipo también mantienen un boletín informativo sobre eventos para estudiantes de octavo grado. Este documento es un documento continuo a medida que surgen cosas nuevas; se agregan al documento. Actualmente, estamos agregando información para nuestras noches informativas para estudiantes de 9º grado de secundaria.
¡Muchas gracias! ¡Vamos a tener un año increíble!
With the increase of inclement weather that has come upon us, car ridership to and from school has increased. Parents and guardians driving their children are asked to use the Student Pickup/Dropoff loop at the side of the school by the tennis courts. It is asked that you do not use the staff/visitor lot in front of the school unless you need to park your car to escort your child into the building or you have an appointment with a staff member. Walkers and Ride On bus students are requested to use the sidewalk, going to and from school. Use marked crosswalk when at all possible and look both ways when crossing. This will help provide a safe arrival and dismissal for staff, visitors and students. Thank you for your help in keeping our community safe.