Colts Corner
Spring Edition
Principal's Perspective
We are also approaching the 8th grade PSAT and MSTEP tests for 6th, 7th and 8th grade. Please assist us in making sure our students are present, on time and well rested with a good breakfast in their system on assessment days. We want our students to be able to put their best foot forward and show what they have learned!
Please take the next few minutes and look at the rest of our newsletter to see all the exciting things happening at Muir. Go Colts!
Girls Basketball Season - That's a Wrap!
State Testing Season is Upon Us!
Here is a look at our upcoming important testing dates -
April 12th (Early Release Day) - 8th graders take the PSAT (Reading, Language/Writing, Math)
April 18th and April 20th - 8th Grade MSTEP (Science and Social Studies)
April 25th and April 27th - 7th Grade MSTEP (ELA and Math)
May 3rd and May 9th - 6th Grade MSTEP (ELA and Math)