Pirate Pawprint
Hannah Cole Primary -November 5, 2021
A Note From Mrs. Jackson
We ended our week by celebrating our Pirate Pups of the Quarter! Each classroom teacher and activity teacher nominated two students that have gone above and beyond to make a difference at HCP by being safe, respectful and responsible. These students got to have a special snack and play games in Makerspace this morning. It was a great way to celebrate their positive choices!
Our newsletter is filled with lots of important dates and information. Reminders are also posted on the Hannah Cole Primary & PTO Facebook page and on Class DoJo. Have a great weekend!
Preschool Pirate Pups of the Quarter
Kindergarten Pirate Pups of the Quarter
1st Grade Pirate Pups of the Quarter
2nd Grade Pirate Pups of the Quarter
Title I Program
Hannah Cole ESEA School Level Plan
Hannah Cole ESEA School, Parent and Family Engagement Policy
If you have questions prior to our Spring meeting, please contact Cynthia Dwyer, Chief Academic Officer and Federal Programs Coordinator.
District Calendar Update
The Boonville R-1 Board of Education approved a plan that allows Monday, November 29 to transition to a Professional Development day for Pirate teachers and staff. Pirate students will not be in session- they will have an additional day added to their Thanksgiving break. The additional Professional Development day will allow Pirate staff much-needed time to prepare for the end of first semester.
The school calendar has additional time built in, so a make-up day will not be added as a result. Please mark Monday, November 29 on your calendar.
Hannah Cole Primary School
Email: chelsea.jackson@bpksk12.net
Website: https://www.hcp.bpsk12.net
Location: 1700 West Ashley Road, Boonville, MO, USA
Phone: 660-882-2744
Facebook: facebook.com/HCPPTO