GMS Back to School Deck Details
A Grafton Community Newsletter
Upcoming Dates
First Day of School
Monday August 28th
Drop off begins at 7:55am with 8:05am start time
School ends at 2:50pm expect delays
Always check the weather. Rain is expected on the first days of school. Students should wear appropriate rain gear. There is not an awning or ability to wait inside during parent pick up.
School Board Regular Meeting
September 11, 2023 (work session)
September 25, 2023 7:00pm
Where York Hall, 301 Main St, Yorktown, VA 23690, USA
GMS v York at Bailey Field August 29th at 4:30pm
Volleyball Tryouts:
August 28, for 7th and 8th grade 3:00-5:00pm
August 31-September 1for 6th grade managers 3:00-5:00pm
********Early Dismissal********
Anticipate Delays During the First Week of School
Buses may be delayed during pick up and drop off. Notifications will be sent as needed.
Morning Parent Drop Off and Afternoon Pick Up
Students will be outside on rainy days and may get wet during parent pick up. Please make sure students wear appropriate clothing and have an umbrella. The school can help families that need assistance with finding appropriate weather gear.
Staff is also outside to monitor students during dismissal. There were 250-300 cars during the 22-23 school year. There are too may students to remain inside.
Please consider using the bus transportation provided.
Log In to Rycor
What is Rycor?
Rycor is an online form and payment management system. YCSD will use this system to have families complete annual forms to reduce paper waste and improve efficiency. Families can begin logging in now.
Please complete all forms loaded into Rycor.
Need to Know at GMS
-Topics to note include the dress code on page 44 and the network services policy on page 32.
At Grafton Middle School cell phones are expected to be off and in bookbags during the instructional school day. Students can contact parents and guardians from telephones in the main office and counseling office. Parents can call the school at 757-898-0525 to leave a message for students.
-Students eat lunch as a class at assigned lunch tables. The first few weeks may be challenging for new students. Building new friendships may take time. Please be patient and support your child during this process.
Student Lunches During the School Year- Sodexo
Research shows students perform better academically when they are nourished and healthy. In partnership with our food services provider, Sodexo, YCSD ensures students are offered a variety of nutritious school meals in accordance with the USDA School Lunch, Breakfast and Commodity Food programs.
All students received a Free and Reduced Meal application. If you prefer an online form, please click the link below.
Add Money to Your Account
Meal Prices 23-24
Secondary meals are $1.85 for breakfast and $2.95 for lunch.
Free and Reduced Meals Application
Frequently Asked Questions
Schedules will be available in Aspen. Students received a hard copy in their 1A class at Open House.
Are students using lockers?
No, students will not use lockers this school year.
How do I purchase a PE uniform?
PE uniforms can be purchased through Rycor and will be distributed during the first days of school.
What are the guidelines on mask wearing?
Effective February 28, 2022, student masking became optional. Masks are optional for all individuals with the exception of health care personnel working with known or suspected Covid-19 cases.
What time does the school day start and end?
School starts at 8:05 am and ends at 2:50pm. Students should not be dropped off more than 15 minutes before the start of the school day. Students should not be picked up more than 15 minutes after the school day unless other arrangements have been made.
How do I become a team manager in sixth grade?
Sixth grade students can not play on a team but can try out to be a team manager. Interested students should attend tryouts when announced. Check the school website for additional information.
What clubs and activities are offered at GMS?
Club offerings are based on student choice and teacher passion and change yearly. Clubs and activities will be announced and advertised during lunches in the first month of school.