Luce Notes
Important information, dates, and school updates.
Principal Lamour's Notes
Hello Luce Friends & Families,
Hello Luce Families,
Last week was a busy week! We had an amazing SHINE assembly to discuss school expectations, and had our first early release day. This week we will have picture day on Monday, September 18. Please read the important information about the week ahead.
Luce Musical Leadership Team Needed
The Luce Musical needs a leadership team to coordinate this year's musical. If you are interested in theater and want to participate in this year's musical, please complete the form below; indicate what position you are most interested in.
Interviews will be held the week of September 25
Luce Musical Leadership Team Interest Form
Wayfinder Family Information
Wayfinder is our new social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum in Canton.
Please access the link below to preview a short video and the parent resource page to learn more about Wayfinder curriculum.
We got this, Crew!
Principal Lamour
Proud partner
Follow us on Twitter @LuceSchool
Luce News & Upcoming Events
Important Dates Worthy For Your Refrigerator!
9/18 Picture Day
9/25 Yom Kippur--> No School
9/29 Movie Night at the Luce --> 7-9 pm
10/9 Indigenous People Day--> No School
10/10-10/16 Culture Week
10/21 & 10/29 Family Photo Day 9-3 pm @ Bradley Estate
Mallet Madness
3rd, 4th and 5th grade students at Luce have the opportunity to participate in Mallet Madness, an after school club where students will experience melody, harmony, form, musicianship, and improvisation with classroom percussion instruments. Students in Mallet Madness get to perform at Cantonstock in November, and a January concert.
Mallet Madness will meet on Mondays in the music room after school from 2:55-3:45 beginning on October 2
Sign up is on a first-come, first-served basis. You will receive a confirmation email from Ms. Joncas.
Register online
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
Ms. Joncas joncass@cantonma.org
September Calendar of Events
Nurse Bonner's Notes
“Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.”
Hurricane Lee reminds us all that September is Emergency Preparedness Month. It is so important to be
prepared before an emergency happens. Emergencies can be hurricanes, power outages, fires, snow storms, heat waves, etc. Check out this easy checklist to make a Go-Bag to have in your house.
Luce Family Photo Day!
CAPT Updates
Academic & Personal Excellence!
Take Time To Shine: Student Incentive Program
Please join me in celebrating the first SHINE All-Stars for the year! Don't worry every child will get their chance to SHINE!
Read alouds with Mrs. Carty!
Welcome, Mrs. Sinnott, Digital Learning Specialist!
Epic Reading with Mrs. Balzarini!
3rd Grade Readers in Mrs. Woodland's Class!
SHINE Assembly!
SHINE Assembly!
Hallway Expectations!
2ND Grade in Action in Mrs.Ciccariello's Class!
2nd Grade UFLI Center Practice with Mrs. Cohn!
Wayfinder social and emotional learning lessons with Ms. Cohen!
Positive affirmation in Mrs. Petrus's Class!
Reading with Mrs. Reinhold!
2nd Grade UFLI Center Practice with Mrs. Cohn!
Wayfinder social and emotional learning lessons with Ms. Cohen!
Wayfinder social and emotional learning lessons with Ms. Cohen!
Community Connections
Around Town Resource: Local Resources and Events in Canton
Around Town Events!
Canton Public Schools has a Community Resources and Information Page on its website titled Around Town. This page lists resources and events taking place in our community. To access the information on this webpage, use this link: About/Around Town.
At a Glance - New Event(s)
- Annual Canton Cub Scouts Rocket Launch - Sept. 16, 2-4 @ JFK
This webpage will be updated periodically.
Did you miss the last Smore?.. Look here for a recap
STAR Screener & Curriculum Overviews
STAR Screener Starts This Week
This week the STAR screener assessment window opens from 9/11-9/22. Please see the District updates on the STAR Screener.
Benchmark Assessments
We will be using the STAR 360 Benchmark Assessments this year as our universal screener. This assessment is designed to help us identify students who may need additional support and/or intervention in reading and math. Students will be assessed three times this year: Fall, Winter and Spring. The first assessment window for Grades 1-5 is from September 11-22. Kindergarteners will be screened later in the year.
Students will need to bring their school issued ipad or chromebook to school on days that they are testing. Parents should expect an email from their teacher with more specifics on the dates for their class.
Teachers will also be using the STAR Curriculum Based Measures (CBM) to monitor progress for any students who are below benchmark.
Parent reports will be coming home in October to help parents understand the assessment results.
More information is available on the Renaissance parent page: Parent Resources
This video contains additional information:Universal Screening
Curriculum Overviews
The Elementary Curriculum Overviews help share important information about grade level learning this year in each of the core subjects.
Translations of these guides can be found on our website: here
Looking to Sub?
Dean S. Luce Elementary School
Email: lamoury@cantonma.org
Website: https://www.cantonma.org/luce/index
Location: 45 Independence Street, Canton, MA, USA
Phone: 1(781)821-5075
Twitter: @LuceSchool
Luce Elementary School is a dynamic K-5 elementary school in the Canton Public School District. Our students, staff, and families SHINE bright like diamonds.