Frankley School Newsletter
Term 1 Week 1
Kia ora, Talofa, Malo, Bula, Hola, Ciao, Kamusta po, Guten tag, Kam na mauri, Ni hao
Kia ora koutou. It has been lovely to see everyone back in action. Thank you for sending your children to school with vital floppy hats for sun protection. Our beautiful grounds are well used before school and during break times and it’s great to hear from children: kei hea to potae? where is your hat?, if someone doesn’t have one on. We welcomed many new families on our first day back at our Whakatau. We would love to see you all at our Whānau picnic next Tuesday. Have a super weekend. Rock on 2020. It’s going to be another good one!
Just a few reminders to start the beginning of the school year. The newsletter will be sent out every 3 weeks. A big thank you to Leah Uhlenberg for taking charge of our newsletter. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates and celebrations. We also use our school app to communicate information.
Ngā Mihi
Sarah Morris - Principal
Whānau Picnic
Tuesday 11 February - from 5pm
An opportunity to socialise and learn about your child’s hub from their teachers.
Bring your family and picnic dinner, set up in our beautiful grounds on the grassy area by Te Kākano and enjoy the company of our fantastic community. Sports gear will be available (the pool will be closed due to the amount of children).
Your child’s hub teachers will share information with you at allotted times. You can return to your picnic after sharing time within the hub. This is a great way to hear about expectations, learning and opportunities for your children.
Te Kākano - 5:30pm-5.50pm
Te Puāwai - 5:55pm-6.15pm
Te Pihinga - 6:20pm-6.40pm
Tūhono - 6:45pm-7.05pm
Kahikatea - 7:10pm-7.30pm
Frankley School Beach Day
Date: Wednesday 19 February (week 3)
Venue: Ngamotu beach
Time: We will leave school at 10am and return by 2.30pm.
Transport: Bus
Cancellation: If the weather is unsuitable we will post a cancellation on our facebook page and school app.
We will be sending out a form to request volunteers to help supervise. Information will also be sent out to let you know exactly what your children will need to bring to ensure a successful and fun day at the beach.
Water Safety
Our focus at Frankley School is Water Skills for Life. This is supported by Water Safety, New Zealand. Our children need to respect the water and have the skills, knowledge and awareness to enjoy it safely. The high drowning rates in New Zealand highlight the importance that our children need to know how to keep themselves safe and what to do when the unexpected happens around water. If you have any questions about your child’s water safety programme please talk to their teachers.
Pizza Lunch
Pizza will be for sale every Friday starting from next week. It is $2 a slice. The options are hawaiian, meat lovers and cheese. Pop into the school office before school starts to make an order.
It is fantastic to have a new footpath up Tukapa Street. The parking outside the kindergarten has been altered since this addition. Please note that there are only 2 parallel parks.
Our school car park is for staff and for visitors during the school day. You are absolutely welcome to use it when you are picking your child up for an appointment during the school day. The gate is closed from 8.30am-9am and from 3pm-3.20pm. This is for the safety of our children.
Mornings at Frankley School
The bell rings at 9am. It is important that all children have unpacked their bags and are ready for learning at 9am. The teachers are in their hubs before the bell rings if you would like to touch base, or message them through Seesaw or email to make an appointment. Children are not to arrive at school until 8.20am as there is no supervision until this time. Please ensure you contact the office by 9am if your child is going to be away or late. Thank you.
Community News
Audition for Acting Roles
The story ‘Easter Alive’ is being made into a movie for 2020. Students and families from our school community are being invited to participate in the production. The story will be portrayed through the eyes of children in a relevant and contemporary way, and set in various locations around New Plymouth.
Auditions for acting roles will be held at Frankley School Hall, 357 Tukapa Street on Saturday February 15th at 9am. The commitment required will be three consecutive Saturday mornings, 22, 29 February and 7 March.
Progress can be followed on Facebook (
For further information please contact Richard West or Louise James