Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
July 18, 2022
a note from the principal
It was great seeing so many families at our Open House event on Wednesday evening. It was such an awesome feeling to have our building bustling with activity again and we are looking forward to a great year!
Morning Arrival
The doors open at 7:15 AM and the tardy bell rings at 7:45 AM.
Students should not be dropped off prior to 7:15 AM as there is no supervision until that time.
Please see the image below for arrival procedures.
Breakfast is available to all students, free of charge. Students can pick up their breakfast and eat in the classroom.
Please utilize the car line for drop-off and do not park and walk your child into the building. Each grade level will be assigned at least one day a month where parents are encouraged to walk their child into the building and visit the classroom. As much as we love having parents in the building, with Covid protocols limiting building access, we learned that parking and walking students into school drastically slowed down our morning arrival and took the teachers' time and attention away from students. As a staff we discussed the pros and cons and have decided upon the monthly parent walk-ins.
Afternoon Dismissal
School dismisses at 2:15 PM.
Dismissal procedures will be the same as last year. Car riders will dismiss at the back of the school. Please see the image below for specific details.
Transportation Information
You may view your child’s bus stop information using the Here Comes the Bus App. You may also check the status at the DPS Transportation Website. You will need your child's ID number and you can get that from their teacher. If you have any concerns or questions about transportation throughout the year, Jeff Bugajski jeffrey_bugajski@dpsnc.net will be your points of contact. Please note that if you need transportation changes, it takes up to ten days for those to take effect. Looking forward to a great year!
You can view Easley specific inform, including arrival and dismissal procedures in the presentation below:
Easley Elementary Virtual Open House Information
Easley Elementary Open House Information - Español
Meet the Easley Staff
Please click here to learn more about the Easley teachers and staff.
New to Easley Parent Orientation for 1st -5th Grade
We invite you to meet with Principal Hauser and Assistant Principal Bugajski on Wednesday, July 20 at 6:00 PM in the school media center to learn about all things Easley. Get to know your principals and hear about communication, school events and how you can get involved.
Lunch Information
School lunches will no longer be free for all students. Please click on this links below for more information about setting up a student account and/or applying for free or reduced lunch.
Setting up a student account and adding funds.
Free/reduced lunch application
Curriculum Nights
1st Grade Curriculum Night: Tuesday, August 2nd @ 6:00 - 6:45 PM:
3rd Grade Curriculum Night: Tuesday, August 2nd @ 6:45 - 7:30 PM
2nd Grade Curriculum Night: Thursday, August 4th @ 6:00-6:45 PM
4th Grade Curriculum Night: Thursday, August 4th @ 6:45-7:30 PM
5th Grade Curriculum Night: Thursday, August 4th @ 6:45-7:30 PM
Schoolwide Bloomz Account
This year we will be creating a school-wide Bloomz account. Bloomz is a texting app that we will utilize for communication. Please be on the lookout for an email from Bloomz that will invite you to both the school account and your child's classroom. Teachers will be sending out additional information as well. Here is a link with all sorts of information on how to use Bloomz.
Volunteer Opportunities
We are so excited to have volunteers back in the building! Your child's classroom teacher will inform you of volunteer opportunities. In order to serve as a volunteer you must complete the registration form and background check. Please view the links below for more information.
Volunteering in Durham Public Schools
ACTION NEEDED - School Improvement Team Election
We have three parent seats opening up for the 2022-2023 school year. The SIT is the governing body of the school and positions are elected. The team meets once a month on Monday evenings at 5:30-6:30. There is typically one additional meeting as we draft the new School Improvement Plan. The time commitment on this team is minimal beyond the monthly meetings. As a member of the team you will learn a great deal about the inner workings of our school and programs and become a part of the decision making process in terms of budgeting and programming. Please take a moment to vote for the three new seats on our School Improvement Team? Please click here to view the ballot and submit your vote. Results will be shared in next weeks update.
A Message from Nurse Donahue
For students with a medical condition requiring medication at school, please make sure the following are completed:
- Have your healthcare provider complete and sign the Parent Request and Provider Order for Medication form for any medications or treatments needed by your child at school.
This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications
Make sure that both your signature and the healthcare provider signature are on the form along with current date
Bring all documents and medications to the front office
Hannah Donahue, 919-667-5544
Easley PTA
Please consider joining the PTA. Our first meeting will be on August 1st at 6:30 PM in the media center. At this time we will be discussing and approving this year's budget, planning for the year, and reviewing open positions and sharing volunteer opportunities.
2022-2023 PTA Meetings
September 12
October 10
November 7
December 5
January 9
February 6
March 6
April 3
May 1
June 5
Save the Date PTA Community Events
August 11 - Welcome Back Hot Dog Dinner
August 29 - September 2 - Scholastic Book Fair
October 15 - Fall Carnival
February 13- 24 - Apex Remix Fundraiser
April 21 - Spring family event
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here.