The New Kindergarten Report Card
2020-2021 School Year
Please watch the Parent Information video for a high-level overview of why FCS changed the kindergarten report card and what's different about the report card.
This flyer is designed to provide parents with information on the new report card as well as provide additional resources for more information on big ideas and learning progressions.
Taking a Closer Look at Big Ideas and Learning Progressions
The big ideas and learning progressions we are using for documenting and reporting student progress come from GaDOE. They were created and provided to school districts last year as part of the kindergarten formative assessment, GKIDS 2.0. Each school system has the autonomy to use GKIDS 2.0 formative assessment tools as best fits their needs. Using the learning progressions from GKIDS 2.0 for the report card allows teachers and parents to have a common understanding of expectations of knowledge and skills a student needs to be prepared for first grade. The Parent Information video in the previous section explained what big ideas and learning progressions are, but in this section you can click on the links below to see each learning progression for ELA and Math.
Two more learning progressions will be created in Forsyth County;
Positional Words and Measurable Attributes. Your child's teacher will share these with you when they are available.
Science and Social Studies
Although in GKIDS 2.0, there are big ideas and learning progressions for science and social studies, this first year of the new report card, we are only going to use the ELA and Math learning progressions. However, science and social studies will use the same reporting proficiency levels as ELA and Math which are Beginning, Developing, Demonstrating and Exceeding.
Special Areas
Special areas of Art, Health, Music and Physical Education will use the grading key of N for Needs Improvement and S for Satisfactory and E for Exemplary.
Work Habits
Work Habits will use the grading key of N for Needs Improvement, S for Successful, and E for Exemplary. View the Work Habits rubric for more details.