Youth Group
First Presbyterian Church Newsletter
July 2022 Youth Newsletter
* * * * Special Edition of Games with Rick to * * * * FINISH THE CAMPAIGN!
Games with Rick
WHEN: The first three Wednesdays in July from Noon until 5PM.
- Wednesday, July 6
- Wednesday, July 13
- Wednesday, July 20
WHERE: FPC Youth Room
The group has been running a D&D campaign. The kids play characters and interact with the Eberon game world guided by Rick. The kids work together to solve problems and overcome obstacles in a fantasy world setting that blends magic and machine. They've defeated pirates, saved a town by rescuing a dragon, and become movie stars. If cooperative storytelling sounds like fun to you, then this may be your scene.
Stay Tuned. . .
Pool Party and Movie Night
Back to School Sunday Bar
Escape Room
Sign Up For BAND
Sign Up for BAND - Our new group communication app, with features like a Shared Calendar, Photo Albums, Community Board, Polls, To-Do Lists, Private Chat & much more!
Scan the QR code on the left to access the Youth Group or use the link to join:
You can also contact Jennifer ( to request membership.
Youth Group Volunteers Needed - Lector
If you are a member of the youth group and would be willing to assist in Sunday morning by being a lector, please let Martin know ( We would love to hear your voice in worship!
FPC of Greensburg Youth
Location: 300 South Main Street, Greensburg, PA, USA
Phone: 724-832-0150