Horizon Science Academy Primary
Starting the 2022-2023 school year strong!
First Month of School!
The 2022-2023 school year is off to a great start! To keep the school year running smoothly, we need your help at home to enforce our school dress code and PBIS programs! This newsletter will focus on these policies so that you know what the expectations are and how you can help!
Each month our newsletters will feature what's happening here at HSAP, a peek into the classroom, upcoming events and important dates, and our counselor corner with monthly wellness tips and resources. Be sure to keep updated information on file so that you don't miss out on any new and exciting updates!
School Year Reminders
Parent Pick Up:
Car riders will be dismissed at 2:20 p.m. Please do not line up before 2 p.m. This will allow us to keep our children safe while outside at recess and prevent back up of traffic onto Morse Road. At no time should parents use the inside lane (inside the blue line)
Please make sure you have your car tag with the code. Previous years car tags do not exempt you from guardianship verification. Priority will be given to car riders being escorted to cars displaying the pick-up tags. Cars that do not have the pick-up car tag will be directed to a holding area until guardianship can be verified. Once time allows and guardianship can be verified car riders without a tag will be escorted to their vehicles. Expect this process to take time. It is strongly encouraged that vehicles picking up car riders have a pick-up car tag prominently displayed. If you would like to purchase additional tags for a second vehicle the cost is $2.00.
Please keep in mind that HSAP is a uniform school. Students that are not in uniform will begin to be sent to administration. At this age group we need your full support at home to enforce our dress code. Mrs. Groff and Mr. Izer have started contacting families to let them know if their student is out of uniform. If you have any specific questions about our uniform policy please feel free to reach out to your child's classroom teacher or call the school (614)532-3311.
National School Lunch Program
HSAP provides free breakfast and free lunch to each student daily. These are nutritionally compliant with the National School Lunch program. We know that the school day is long, please talk with your student about eating breakfast when they arrive at school to help give them energy for their morning! In order to start our day on time, breakfast does end at 8am. If students wish to eat breakfast at school they need to arrive before then.
To remain in compliance, students are allowed to bring food to supplement their lunch that should only be consumed in the lunchroom. These snacks must be single serving in size and not candy or other items that can be easily shared. Due to the risk of unknown food allergies in the primary grades, students are not at any time allowed to share their lunches!
The Little Library at HSAP
Our school now has a Little Free Library. It is out front next to the front entrance. This is a community library for community members to get books and share books they are done with. The Little Free Library is a non-profit organization out of Minnesota. Their mission is to be a catalyst for building community, inspiring readers, and expanding book access for all through a global network of volunteer-led Little Free Libraries. Our school wanted to help with this mission and help expand book access to our community. The Little Free Library is open at all times. Stop by and take a look at the books that are available, take a book or leave a book you are finished with!
Home Visits
Pictured: Art teacher Miss Grove visits the Boanu family after school.
Class Dojo
Counselor's Corner
My name is Siân Lewis and this is my third year as the Horizon Primary School Counselor. This year I will be resuming daily Lunch Bunch sessions with our students, and I am also available to meet 1:1, and for small group work. As well as being here to support our students’ social and emotional wellbeing, I am always happy to help our families who may need assistance connecting with community resources. Please feel free to reach out to me or stop by my office if you have questions or concerns. I am here to help!
This month I would like to promote healthy sleep habits for our students. It can be referred to as “sleep hygiene”, this helps us to think about sleep as a routine and an important part of how we take care of ourselves and stay healthy.
Sleep plays such an important role in student success. When a student is well rested we can see improvement in focus, concentration, memory and behavior.
- Try to keep consistent bedtime and wake time, even on the weekends.
- Avoid screen time before bed. Screen use before bed can increase the time it takes to fall asleep and also reduce the quality of sleep. Try to end screen use around 1 hour before sleep. This works for adults and kids!
- Make sure children get lots of physical activity during the day.
- Try to keep the bedroom as cool, quiet and comfortable as possible. This helps promote calm and relaxation and helps kids to associate their bed with sleep and rest.
- Relaxation techniques before bed are also helpful. Practice deep breaths together, or encourage kids to use their imaginations and think about somewhere peaceful – “imagine yourself on a beach…” have them explain what they can smell, feel, hear, touch, and describe the place in detail. Relaxation can also be a warm shower or bath, relaxing music or a bedtime story with grown-ups. Develop your own routine!
- Try to avoid having your child fall asleep in places other than bed. Children should associate bed with sleep and rest and going to bed drowsy should be part of their routine. Falling asleep in other spots around the house can be disruptive to sleep.
- If children are worried or upset try to avoid that being a conversation topic around bedtime. As adults we know that stressors from our day can prevent us from falling asleep easily. The same applies to children. While it is important to have your children share their feelings, try to set time aside earlier in the evening so “worry time” isn’t associated with bedtime.
If you need support with sleep hygiene or have questions about some of the tips listed above then please feel free to contact me. lewis@hsapk2.org
A peek inside the classroom
Second graders conducted an experiment to see how the stem pulls the water into the plant. Using celery stalks and colored water they were able to watch the leaves turn blue and red over three days. They documented their findings in their journals!
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Upcoming dates and events
- Sep 5- No School: Labor Day (No school day)
- Sep 6- No School (PD day for staff)
- Sep 9- Fashionable Fridays Begin!
- Sep 21- Parent Teacher Conferences
- Sep 22- 2nd&7 Guest Readers (Second Grade)
- Sep 28-29 - Challenge Island (Kindergarten)
Contact Us!
Website: hsapk2.org
Location: 2899 Morse Road, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: 614-532-311
Facebook: facebook.com/HorizonColumbusPS
Twitter: @HSAColumbusPS