Insight PA High School Newsletter
Monday, October 2, 2023
A Message from Mrs. Miller
I hope this message finds you well as we transition into the fall season.
I am delighted to welcome all the new students and staff who have joined the Insight PA High School family this year. Your enthusiasm and fresh perspectives have already made a positive impact on our school community.
To stay informed about the latest news, events, and important announcements, be sure to follow us on our social media channels and regularly visit our school website. Your involvement and engagement in our school community are greatly appreciated.
Lastly, I want to express my sincere gratitude to our dedicated teachers, support staff, parents, and students for their unwavering commitment to making Insight PA High School a place of learning and growth. Together, we will continue to achieve great things.
Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to a fantastic month ahead.
Mrs. Megan Miller
High School Principal
Attendance Reminders
Remember that all live Class Connect sessions in your schedule are required for attendance! On Fridays, students are also expected to attend their Seminar sessions with their school counselors. These Seminar sessions are also required for attendance!
If you need to report an absence, use our Insight PA Attendance Form.
Important Dates & Upcoming Events
Fall Break (October 6 - 9)
Insight PA will be CLOSED on Friday, October 6th and Monday, October 9th for Fall Break.
Fall Fun (IN-PERSON) Events
It's not too late to sign up for some of our Fall Fun Events! Visit this link for more information.
Friday, October 20th (2:00pm)
Virtual Field Trip to Salem, MA hosted by the HS History Department - check your Class Connect schedule!
End of Quarter 1
Quarter 1 will end on Friday, November 3rd. All assignments for Quarter 1 will be due by Thursday, November 2nd!
Student Spotlight!
Congratulations to Insight PA Senior Tyler B. on successfully completing the Certified Nurse Aide Training Program at CareBridge Academy in Philadelphia!
WIN Time
Students - have you noticed something called "WIN Time" on your schedule? Read below for more information about this great tool available to all of our HS students!
What is WIN Time?
W.I.N. stands for "What I Need". WIN time has been built into your schedule as time for you to get help in your content area classes.
When is WIN Time?
Every Monday - Thursday from 3:30 - 4:00.
How does WIN Time work?
You can choose ONE class in which you need help each day, or your teacher may schedule you to attend on a certain day so that they can support you. Please take advantage of this time to get the help and support you need!
PBIS "Be Statements"
Thank you to everyone who helped us decide on our PBIS “Be Statements" - Be Positive, Be Responsible, and Be Present!
Our students have already been doing a great job demonstrating these qualities by attending and participating in their live class sessions, completing their work, building relationships with their classmates and teachers, and more! Students, don’t forget - our Insight PA staff will be giving out Bulldog Bucks to those who demonstrate the qualities of our Be Statements all throughout the year. Students can use their Bulldog Bucks to purchase items in our Bulldog Boutique.
Introducing...Barkley the Bulldog!
In addition to voting on our Be Statements, our school community sent us an incredible number of name suggestions for our Insight PA Bulldog. After going through all of the submissions, there were some clear favorites, which our team narrowed down to the winning name -
Barkley the Bulldog!
*We will be reaching out to everyone who suggested this name through email to help you order an item of your choice (up to $35) from our Insight PA school store.
Future Business Leaders of America
It's not too late to join our Insight PA chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)!
FBLA is the largest Business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world. Being a member of FBLA can help you create professional connections, boost your resume, strengthen your skills, and give back to your community.
- Did you miss our "Meet the Advisor" information session? View a recording here.
- Interest in joining us? Complete this interest form.
Our first meeting will be held at 4:00pm on Wednesday, October 11th. You'll see the session in your Class Connect schedule!
School Spirit Week!
Join us the week of October 16th for our K-12 School Spirit Week! Check out the themes for each day below and start planning your outfits!
Monday, October 16th - Be You-nique - Wear your favorite color or outfit!
Tuesday, October 17th - Hat Day - Wear your favorite hat!
Wednesday, October 18th - Unity Day - Wear orange in support of Bullying Prevention Month.
Thursday, October 19th - PJ Day - Wear your pajamas!
Friday, October 20th - Bulldog Pride - Wear your Insight PA gear or blue/white colors!
Career & Transition Fair
*This is an opportunity for HS students in our Special Education Program.
The Commonwealth Technical Institute at the Hiram G Andrews Center invites students and parents/guardians to attend their 18th Annual Career and Transition Fair from Wednesday, October 18th - Friday, October 20th. For more information, visit the link below.
Bullying Prevention Month & Unity Day
Did you know that October is National Bullying Prevention Month?
At Insight PA, we are deeply committed to providing our students with a safe learning environment where they feel supported, included, accepted, and valued. Throughout the month, our team of school counselors will be sharing information and resources with our students in their Counselor Connection sessions.
October Learning Coach Cafe - October 17th
Join us at 12:30 pm on Tuesday, October 17th to learn more about bullying prevention during this month's Learning Coach Cafe, presented by Insight PA Student Resource Specialist Brett Witmer. Use this Zoom link to join the session.
Unity Day - October 18th 🧡
We invite you to join us in wearing orange on Wednesday, October 18th in honor of Unity Day. We wear orange to visibly show that we believe no child should ever experience bullying.
Counselors Corner
Our HS students are assigned a counselor based on the first letters of their last name. Not sure who your counselor is? Check the list below!
- Dr. Klepfer (Last names A - Bra)
- Ms. Johnson (Last names Bre - Cri)
- Mrs. Lanzendorfer (Last names Cro - Fra)
- Mr. Blackstone (Last names Fre - Hop)
- Mrs. deTurck (Last names Hor - Leo)
- Ms. Babu (Last names Les - Mile)
- Ms. Clark (Last names Mill - Ph)
- Mrs. Orbin (Last names Pi - Sag)
- Ms. Christ (Last names Sai - Str)
- Ms. Benvenuti (Last names Stu - Wh)
- Mrs. Tate (Last names Wi - Z)
To enable, inspire, and prepare students to achieve the highest levels of academic standards so they make a powerful contribution in their communities.
Our Vision
To ignite a desire for learning in every student and nurture them to understand their goals and create a clear path to achieve them.
Website: https://insightpa.k12.com
Phone: (484) 713-4353
Location: 350 Eagleview Blvd suite 350, Exton, PA, USA