AIS Friday Flash
Friday, May 5, 2023
Happy Friday Flash!
The Year of Community and Connections!
Our Head of School Elect, Ariane, and a number of AIS members were welcomed to Austin Accueil, where they met with Mathieu Rouleau, Consulate General of France in Houston, and shared information about AIS and our community. Thank you Tiffany B and Austin Accueil for the invitation.
Summer Camp Register Now
Who knew that math and drums go together and that there is something called Pokemon Science? 3D Design and Printing at camp this summer? I think it all sounds pretty cool. Visit our page about camps to find out more and to find out about AIS discounts for the Idea Labs camp.
There will be a camp expo on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during pick-up. Please stop by and meet with Idea Lab, Drone Together, Mindset Math and learn all about the camp.
WIG OUT FUNd RUN, Tuesday, May 9th, 1:30 - 3:00
Last chances to register! Parents, feel free to join in on the fun by donning a wig and cheering the runners on. If your child earned a t-shirt we will pass them out on Monday. It is FUNd RUN shirt on Tuesday, new or old wear your shirt to school! Don't forget your wigs either, but remember to have your children save them for the run.
PTO Elections
It's that time of year again! This is a fantastic chance to be a part of the community while supporting our teachers. Please see the PTO webpage for further information. Elections are being held at the next PTO meeting on May 23rd.
A big thank you to all the families who continue to use our PikMyKid app. We want to continue to ensure a safe and swift dismissal and car line through the remainder of the year, remember to check in and out your child(ren).
May Student Birthdays
Happy Birthday, Bon Anniversaire, and Feliz Cumpleaños to the following students with May birthdays!
Michael M- CM1, Victoria J- PS , Ariana B- CP, Arlo G- MS, Léo B- CE1, Louise H- GS, Petar B- PS, Jocie N- GS, Surya S- PS, Ethan A-PS, Apolline B- CE2, Natalya H- CM, Aya A- MS, Emmanuella N GS, Sebastian S- CP, Florent N- MS, Amelia J-CM1, George M- CP
Welcome Home
We welcomed back our Middle School students from France last weekend, and we look forward to bringing back our 5th graders this weekend. We wish them safe travels back from France and Spain. In the coming weeks, we will publish a journal of the trips.
Save the dates
Mark these important upcoming dates on your calendars.
- 5/16 AIS Board Meeting
- 5/23 PTO Meeting / Elections
- 5/24 AIS Alumni Day
- 5/26 CM2 and Middle School Dance
- 5/26 8th Grade Graduation
- 5/29 Memorial Day - No School
4th Grade Field Trip
Longhorn Cavern State Park
Middle School
Austin International School
Email: info@austinis.org
Website: www.austininternationalschool.org
Location: 4001 Adelphi Lane, Austin, TX, United States
Phone: 512-331-7806
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AustinInternationalSchool
Twitter: @austinintschool