The Connection
January 27, 2023
Message from Student Services
Success in school hinges on attendance. Chronically absent students miss more than 10% of the school year. Ten percent may not sound like much, but missing more than two days a month can lead to lower reading proficiency, math scores, and graduation rates. Please help us help your child succeed.
- Establish routines for bedtime and getting to school on time
- Develop backup plans for getting your child to school
- When school is in session, avoid extended trips and non-urgent medical appointments
- Ask your child's teacher about attendance and tell the teacher your concerns.
Presentado en español
From the desk of Chief Jones
Anna ISD has seen increased use and possession of e-cigarettes (vapes) on school property, with several of them containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabidiol (CBD), and Hemp. These substances are prohibited by district policy, and state law prohibits the possession of these on school property by anyone, including adults. The possession or use of any e-Cigarette (vape) not containing these prohibited substances by a student under the age of 21 is a class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine up to $500 and school discipline unless they are found to be illegal substances under Texas law, and the offense is moved to the higher criminal level.
Possession of a vape that contains more than 0.3% Delta-9 THC and all other forms of THC, including Delta-8 in any concentration, are considered Schedule I controlled substances. The offense for possessing these items on school property by anyone is a 3rd-degree felony. The penalty is greater for possession of more than 1 gram.
We have found that most of the students we have taken into custody for possessing THC vapes have either stolen these items from vape shops as they are not allowed to sell to anyone under 21 years old, or they are buying them on the street illegally. Several vape shops are advertising that the vapes contain less than 0.3% THC and are legal; however, when these are tested through a lab, they come back with a concentration greater than 0.3% THC making them illegal.
Another issue is that several of these items are manufactured in China and are not tested by the FDA for the concentration of THC and other harmful substances.
Parents, please join us in keeping your children safe by talking with them about the dangers of controlled substances, the negative effects of these substances on your health, and the possibility of criminal charges filed against them.
See something, Say something
The Anna ISD police department has a new TIP email address. If you hear or see something suspicious, please email the Anna ISD PD at safetyandsecurity@annaisd.org. This email is a one-way communication tool; you will not receive a response.
Additionally, you can download the iWatch Texas app. The tips on the app are anonymous and will help keep schools safe and secure by alerting the appropriate personnel of any potential threats.
Meet your Board of Trustees
Parent and Student Resources
Plan to Get Involved & Stay Connected
- Register to be a volunteer at your child's school. Volunteer Application.
- Visit the Parent University to learn about Anna ISD. Parent University
- Join your school PTA or Booster club. AISD is grateful for the support of these parent leaders.
In the know: In addition to this eNewsletter, which typically comes twice a month, there are other ways to keep up with all the great things happening in Anna ISD:
- Ensure your information is current with your school, so you receive text message alerts, phone calls, and emails.
- Visit our website annaisd.org
- Follow AISD and your campus on social media. Facebook Twitter Instagram
- Download our mobile app
Make sure to wear your College, Career, or Military shirt.
"Anna ISD teachers, coaches, counselors, support staff, and administrators are passionate about serving my son and watching him succeed. I like that I can join advisory councils & PTA, where parents, teachers, and community members have a voice." - Sarah Quintanilla, Parent
February 16..............School Board Meeting
February 17..............Student Holiday
February 20..............Student Holiday