Thomas Jefferson School Newsletter
Beginning of Year 2023-2024
Welcome Back Rising Stars!
Greetings Team TJ!
Summer for the Deslauriers was relaxing and refreshing. My family spent time together at the beach and enjoyed lazy evenings. We played sports, watched movies and hung out with good friends. I hope you did much of the same!
As we are headed into the 2023-2024 school year, I look forward to greeting new families and sharing new memories with our collaborative community.
Things are moving here on campus. Every floor has been scrubbed thanks to a stellar custodial summer team. Some classrooms have been moved around to accommodate for our full-day TK and K classes. Teachers have been busy refreshing their spaces. An additional after-school program has moved to campus and will be housed in the MPR. Such an exciting start!
The office staff have been working behind the scenes to get all the paperwork, immunizations and class lists ready for you so now it is your turn! Set those alarms and join us for the first day of school, August 10th. MPR doors open at 7:20am for breakfast, gates open at 7:30am for students to enter campus and classes begin promptly at 7:40am.
See you on the first day!
Jennifer Deslaurier, Principal
Monday, August 7th - Class lists emailed to families 12:45pm
Tuesday, August 8th - Meet the Teacher 12:45-1:15
Tuesday, August 8th - Chalk that Walk 1:15pm
Tuesday, August 8th - Back to School Night 5:00pm and 5:30pm
Thursday, August 10th - First Day of School, gates open 7:30am
Thursday, August 10th and Friday August 11th - Parents are allowed on campus at 7:30am to walk their child to class (if needed). At 7:40am, parents are to be off campus.
Thursday, August 10th-Friday, August 18th - Kinder Early Release
Thursday, August 31st - Fall Picture Day
Monday, September 4th - Labor Day, No School
Character Traits and RISE
This Month's Rising Star Character Trait...
We need your help...
Attendance is important!
Checking your child out early
Frequent Teacher-Parent Communication
As Seen in the Classroom...
Move up that ladder!
What did you read this summer?
Wall Decor
Parking Lot Etiquette
- Do not get out of your car when in the drop off loop, not even to open their car door.
- Green arrows show traffic flow.
- Park in a designated spot if you need to help your child exit the car.
- Cross walks need to be kept clear, no stopping to wait for your child.
- The bus loop is not for passenger vehicles (see red x).
- Use the tennis court lot if you want to avoid the line and walk your child in.
- The cones (red dots in picture) indicate when children can exit. This is for their safety.
Supplies Needed
- Headphones are requested for each student. We have very bulky ones that students do not prefer.
- Mini tissue packets are a staple in our emergency bags. We would love to get dozens of packets to replace them when they run out.
- Emergency snacks with no allergens (sans nuts, eggs, milk, wheat and soy) for our emergency bags.
- Amazon wish lists. Check with your child's teacher (including RSP, Music, PE and SLP) to see if they have any items they are looking to add to their classrooms.
Want to get paid to spend time on campus?
PTC Update
Our Parent Teacher Committee (PTC) is planning a few things to kick off the 2023-2024 school year! After Meet the Teacher, find their table outside the multipurpose room to participate in the Chalk the Walk event (see above). They will share information on ways you can make this school year GREAT for your student! PTC will also be setting up special photo opportunities for you to grab a picture of your student on Thursday. Be on the lookout for them!
Need Help Finding Something?
RCSD School Calendar 2023-2024
Breakfast and lunch menus are here.
Short-Term Independent Study Request Form (English)
Short-Term Independent Study Request Form (Spanish)
Instagram @tjptc @rcsdjefferson
Facebook Thomas Jefferson PTC
Access Code: RCSDistrict
Actualizacion de Seguridad Escolar.pdf
Protocolos de Emergencia de RCSD.pdf
Transportation guidelines and procedures
What school does my child attend? https://www.myschoollocation.com/rosevillecitysd/