Nixon School - Family Check In
September 28, 2023
Upcoming Dates:
All parents & guardians are invited to join us for a Coffee & Conversation event with our Superintendent of Schools Dr. Frank Santora on Thursday, September 28th, 2023 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Nixon Elementary School Media Center. We hope to see you there!
September 29 - School Picture Day @ NES (Individual and Class Pictures Taken)
Note: Opportunity for Sibling Pictures, 4th Grade Group Picture, and Club Pictures will occur at our School Picture Make Up Day on December 12, 2023)
October 2 - 6 - Week of Respect (See Spirit Days below)
October 2 - 16 - NES PTA Ashley Farms Fundraiser
October 6 - PTA Green Fair (Volunteer Sign Up HERE!)
October 16 - 19 - EARLY DISMISSAL for Parent Teacher Conferences
(PreK=11:40 AM, K-4=1:40 PM)
October 17 - Evening Parent Teacher Conferences (still early dismissal)
October 20 (Friday) - Full Day
October 27 - NES PTA Halloween Evening Event
October 31 - Halloween Parade
PreK - 1:00 - 1:15 PM
K-4 - 2:00 - 2:15 PM
October's Monthly Themes:
Portrait of a Graduate Theme: Curious Thinkers
SEL Theme: Respect
Inclusive Celebration Theme: Red Ribbon Month
Sustainability: Litter Clean Up Day & Pedestrian Safety Month
Ask your student to consider joining me on Morning Annoucements to offer a Public Service Announcement regarding this month's sustainability theme! Sign up here.
Early Act Sign Up for 3rd & 4th Graders...
PTA Sponsored Finding Gobi Assembly
On October 5, 2023, the children will be participating in an author assembly - Finding Gobi. The author travels with his dog. Gobi, who is the main character in his books. Please know that under no circumstances are the children in direct contact with or allowed to touch the animal, he is there for presentation purposes only. Additional details regarding the assembly can be found at the link noted above.
To ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all children,we are asking families to share with us if their student is unable to participate or if an accommodation needs to be considered given allergies or fear of dogs in order for their child to feel comfortable during the assembly.
Please note: If your student CAN participate in the assembly WITHOUT accommodations, there is NO need to complete the following Google Form. This Google Form is to be completed ONLY by families that do not provide persmission for attendance at the assembly OR if an accommodation is needed to make the assembly accessible to their student.
Thank you for your attention to this notice.
The Nixon PTA & Mrs. Lynch
Finding Gobi Books for Purchase
NES PTA - Finding Gobi Books.
Grade 4 TREP$ Opportunity...
It's Time for the PTA's First Dine to Donate Event...
New LMD Platform - Unruly Splats
Unruly Splats are the only K–8 STEM platform that combines coding with active play. Splats are programmable floor buttons that students code using an iPad or Chromebook to build their own active games. Students code the rules that tell Splats when to light up and make sounds when they are stomped on to create games like four corners, relay races, and Splat tag.
Mr. Siegel has also had students participating in the Unruly Splats annual competition called "Let's Go Bananas". Students had to splat as many yellow splats as possible in the week. As of a week ago, Nixon School was in 14th place in this annual competition.
LaFiesta - Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month
For our PreK students, our parade will be at 1:00 - 1:15 PM. Parents should park in our lower parking lot or along Mt.Arlington Blvd... but NOT IN THE DRIVEWAY of the school. Our PreK parade will be hosted on the small black top at the beginning of the driveway on the side of the building.
In our efforts to ensure a safe and enjoyable Halloween, the following information is being provided to help guide Halloween shopping.
- Please do NOT send in goodie bags or treats for your child to distribute to his/her classmates.
- Costume rules that MUST be followed:
- Arrive at school in his/her costume. Staff will NOT be able to help children get dressed in their costumes.
- ABSOLUTELY NO Costume masks that cover the face or face Paint can be worn on the face!!!!! If your child comes to school with their face painted, they will need to wash it off at school.
- No props should come to school (i.e. baskets, toy weapons/swords, etc).
- Your child should be able to INDEPENDENTLY get in and out of his/her costume to go to the bathroom.
- When selecting costumes, I would ask that consideration be given for the age range of our students (PreK - Grade 4). Please refrain from any costumes that have the potential to scare our youngest students.
- NOTE: Students should be able to sit down in their costumes. As a result, the costumes that have motors to inflate them are not a good option for school, but would perfect for your Tuesday evening trick or treating expeditions.
Each year, Veterans Day honors veterans of the armed forces and those who passed in our country's wars. Although our staff and students will not be in school on November 11 due to the NJEA Convention, Veterans Day is an important day of recognition for those who have bravely served our country. In an effort to celebrate the numerous Roxbury community members who have served, our elementary schools are asking for students and families to submit information about family members who are currently or were formerly in the armed forces.
If you are interested in submitting information about a family member who has served, please complete the Google Form linked below and submit by October 27, 2023, so that all of the information can be uploaded to a Google Slide Show that will be shared with our classroom teachers and then in turn shared with our students.
Thank you for your time and assistance with this important project as we celebrate the bravery of our Veterans.
Recycling of Markers, Crayons, Pencils and Mechanical Pencils
As part of our building and district initiative towards furthering our sustainability efforts, we are launching a recycling effort focused on crayons, markers, pencils and mechanical pencils.
Nixon School staff have been asked to encourage students to put the above (including broken ones) in the totes that are clearly labeled for this purpose in various identified locations in our building (see the list below). Green Team Student Ambassadors will have a weekly plan for emptying the containers (which will have commingled writing tools).
- Lobby
- Art Room
- LMD Center
- Ms. Meaney's / Mrs. Bollling's Kindergarten Room
- Ms. DeAngelis's Kindergarten Room
- Mrs. Molnar's room
- Ms. Hutsebaut's room
- Mrs. Aguero's room
- Mrs. Ehrich's room
A great way for you at home to connect with this effort is to occassionally ask your student if they have contributed to this recycling effort recently. If yes, celebrate that contribution and if not, encourage them to be mindful of such items when they are no longer usable. Thank you for your continued support.
Sustainable Jersey - PSA Submission for NES Students!
All it takes is a student, possibly along with their family, working together to complete and submit this form with a suggested, BRIEF Public Service Announement focused on one of our Sustainability themes. Suggested PSA's will be considered and then potentially scheduled to take place during the respective month.
We look forward to our students being stewards of our community's sustainability efforts.
Know Someone at NES Who Has Filled a Bucket?
Fill Out our Bucket Filler Nomination Form and we will recognize that individual (student or staff member) during Morning Announcements. Click the button below for the nomination form.
Nixon Elementary School
Email: dlynch@roxbury.org
Website: www.roxbury.org
Location: 275 Mt Arlington Blvd, Landing, NJ, USA
Phone: (973) 398-2564