Emmanuel Baptist Church
July 5, 2023
No Wednesday Night Activities
Grow Group Leader Appreciation Luncheon
July 9
at noon
in the Gym
Emmanuel Baptist Church appreciate
all who give their time to lead our Grow Groups.
To show our appreciation
You and Your Family
are invited to a luncheon
on July 9 following Morning Worship.
If you have any questions or to RSVP,
please contact
Maxine Adams at 580-302-0495
Dana Nickels at 580-774-1132
or the church office at 580-772-3413
Hope Is Alive (HIA) Day
Mowing Schedule
Summer 2023 Events
7/13 Terrific Thursday
7/19 EBC Camping Trip
7/30 Vacation Bible School Kickoff
7/31 VBS Week
8/8 Terrific Tuesday
8/27 Fish Fry
Falls Creek Week
Terrific Tuesday - EBC KIDS
July 13 (Thursday)- Roman Nose State Park
Time: Leave the church @ 9am and return by 5pm
Cost: $20 per person, pack a sack lunch.
Bring water, swim suit, towel, and sunscreen!
Cost covers putt putt, paddles boats, and swimming
August 8- Blue Zoo
Time: Leave the church @ 9am and return by 5pm
Cost: $15 per person, pack a sack lunch.
For any questions or concerns please reach out to Stephanie Warner, 580-302-4554
Please sign up at the welcome desk. Volunteers are needed! If you can chaperone please sign up at the welcome desk.
Vacation Bible School Child & Volunteer Registration
Vacation Bible School
Monday July 31st- Thursday August 3rd
Register your child online or fill out a form in the binder located at the Welcome Desk.
All Volunteers for Vacation Bible School please fill out a registration form in the binder at the Welcome Desk.
Additionally if you are a volunteer and your child is not entering at least 1st grade in the Fall please fill out a child registration form in the binder.
You may leave the form in the binder on the welcome desk or return to the Church Office. Thank you!
VBS Lead Team Meeting 5:00pm
Finance Committee Meeting 7:00pm
Paid Nursery Workers
Operation Christmas Child Project Leader Workshop
Saturday, August 19th 2-4pm in the Fellowship Hall
Last Week at a Glance
Sunday, July 2, 2023
Budget Offering
Last Sunday ........................................ $13,668.60
YTD Budget Needed ........................... $288,788.76
YTD Budget Received ......................... $251,414.58
This Month New Building
Receipts This month .......................... $8,435.00
Received This Week ........................... $8,435.00
Grow Groups:78
Family Worship:160
Sunday Servants
Preschool Care
Laila Freeborn
Molly Hollingsworth
Lead Usher
Jonathan Hollingsworth
Welcome Desk
Volunteer Needed
Deacon of the Week
Richard Metscher
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Sunday Services
Grow Groups 9:30am
Family Worship 10:45am
Evening Study 6:00pm
Wednesday Night Activities
Church-Wide Meal 5:00pm
KIDS and Youth 6:00pm
Evening Study 6:00pm
Harbor - College 8:00pm
Website: ebcweatherford.com
Location: 719 North Kansas Street, Weatherford, OK, USA
Phone: (580)772-3413
Facebook: facebook.com/ebcwford