D92 Newsletter December 2023
Monthly Newsletter from Tim Arnold, Superintendent
A Message from the Superintendent
District 92 Families,
I find the winter months to be a reflective time of year. For me, shorter days and colder weather is an opportunity to slow down, move indoors, and spend time reflecting on what is most important to me. I know it can be a busy time of year, which makes it even more important to keep the relationships with those we love and care for in the forefront of our minds.
As a "gift" to our District 92 families, I'd like to share one of my favorite poems for this time of year. It always meant a lot to me as a dad, and now it means even more with my grandkids. I hope you enjoy it!
What shall we give the children? Christmas is almost here…
Toys and games and playthings, as we do every year?
Yes, for the magic of toyland is part of the Yuletide lore
To gladden the hearts of children, but I shall give something more.
I shall give them more patience, a more sympathetic ear,
A little more time for laughter, or tenderly dry a tear.
I shall take the time to teach them the joy of doing some task.
I shall try to find time to answer more of the questions they ask.
Time to read books together, and to take long walks in the sun…
Time for a bedtime story after the day is done.
I shall give these to my children, weaving a closer tie…
Knitting our lives together with gifts that money can’t buy.
By: Isia Paschal Richard
Be well,
Tim Arnold, Ph.D.
(815) 838-8031
Oak Prairie Students Selected for ILMEA
Congratulations to the following students who were selected for the Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) District 1 Band, Choir or Jazz Ensemble! This is the highest honor a middle school musician can receive. To be selected, students must prepare and submit an audition. They will be performing in either the District 1 Junior Festival or the District 1 Jazz Festival. We would also like to thank Mr. Bill Rank, the Oak Prairie Junior High Band sponsor.
- Jonas Barder, baritone ILMEA Honors Choir
- Teddy Budz, tenor saxophone ILMEA Honors Concert Band
- Jude Kalchbrenner, guitar ILMEA Honors Jazz Ensemble
- Andrew Krumdick, trombone ILMEA Honors Jazz Ensemble
Additionally, we are also excited to recognize the following students whose compositions are being honored by ILMEA in the Junior Senior General Music Composition Contest!
- Maxine Boscaccy - 2nd Place, Computer Based Composition - "Intergalactic Lo-Fi"
- Andrew Marta - 3rd Place, Computer Based Composition - "Retro Radio Lo-Fi"
- Jonah Brownlee - 1st Place, Remix - "Together Remix" (Jonah graduated in May 2023 and completed the project in the spring of 2023)
- Dominic Frieri - 3rd Place, Remix - "Together (Breeze 2023)"
These students will also be honored at the Illinois Music Education Conference in Peoria on January 27th.
Congratulations to all students who auditioned for these ensembles and created these music compositions - Oak Prairie was well represented and we are proud of your accomplishments!
Oak Prairie Jazz Band Performs at Board of Education Conference in Chicago!
One board member from Charleston, IL said that she heard our jazz band playing as she stepped off the elevator and it almost brought tears to her eyes! Our student-musicians are AWESOME!!!
Walsh School Staff Member Spotlight
Contribution to D92: Katie Truse is a Speech Pathologist at Walsh School and has been with the district for 16 years.
Nomination by a colleague: Ms. Trusse was nominated to be Spotlighted because, "Katie is always striving to find fun and engaging activities for the Walsh students and staff. In her recent years, she has played an integral part in Bulldog Buddies, Monster Mash, and Dog Therapy at Walsh School. Thank you Katie for all your time and efforts!"
"Getting to know you" Questions for our Staff Spotlight
What’s one thing that people in D92 may not know about you?
One thing people might not know about me is that I go antiquing, ALOT! I love to explore new towns with new stores even if I am not buying anything.
What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?
A few years back I traveled to Iceland, Scotland, and Ireland and fell in absolute love with every single place so I very much want to go to Switzerland next!
What advice would you give to someone who wants to enter education?
If I could give advice to anyone first starting out in education, it would be to remember the days might go slow sometimes but the years go fast, so if you have an idea you really want to launch, don't wait! I can not believe this is my 16th year in the district and I am grateful for all the opportunities I have had in those years.
Reed School Staff Member Spotlight
Contribution to D92: Tonie Wasco is a Permanent Substitute Teacher at Reed School and is in her first year with the district.
Nomination by a colleague: Mrs. Wasco was nominated to be Spotlighted because, "Tonie is new to our district this year and is our permanent substitute at Reed. She is always willing to lend a hand in whatever capacity is needed. Tonie is a constant ray of positivity and kindness with staff and students. Her can-do spirit and flexibility are only a portion of what makes her an integral part of our team! We appreciate all you do, Tonie! "
"Getting to know you" Questions for our Staff Spotlight
What’s your favorite part of being a member of D92?
My favorite part about being a member of D92 is meeting all of the amazing and caring staff I get to work with everyday at Reed Elementary. All of the people I have meet here are so friendly, kind, and supportive of one another. It makes me feel like a belong at the school and within the community.
What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
I can print and write in cursive with both hands!
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
It would have to be sushi. I could eat it every single day if I could!
Ludwig School Staff Member Spotlight
Contribution to D92: Rebecca Vickers is a Third Grade Teacher at Ludwig School and has been with the district for four years
Nomination by a colleague: Ms. Vickers was nominated to be Spotlighted because, "Becca goes above and beyond to ensure that her students are engaged while learning. She makes sure her classroom is a community and that every student feels loved and a part of the class. Becca is always going out of her way to find new ideas for the classroom. She is an inspiration to me & our whole team! "
"Getting to know you" Questions for our Staff Spotlight
What do you love most about our students?
What I love most about our students is how they take ideas and make them a million times better. For example, I had my students reading Greek Mythology partner plays and told them they’d get to share their play with the class. I planned for this to be a casual presentation just to practice reading fluency in a fun way. However, they went home, memorized the plays AND some even dressed up and brought props. It was so amazing. I also love how funny our students are and how loved they make me feel.
Who inspires you?
Two of my biggest inspirations are Beyoncé and Ms. Frizzle. Beyoncé inspires me because… I don’t know if I even need to explain this. She’s a queen and her music makes me feel like I can do anything. Ms. Frizzle is my inspiration because I love her positivity, adventurous spirit and her colorful outfits. I strive to be like her everyday.
What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?
I have so many places on my travel bucket list, but the one place I’m hoping to see soon is Switzerland. I went to Ireland last year and met a Swiss couple on one of the tours. We still keep in touch and their pictures of where they live are breathtaking. I’m really hoping I can go visit them soon.
Oak Prairie Jr. High Staff Member Spotlight
Contribution to D92: Kathleen Welcome is a Special Education Teacher at Oak Prairie Jr. High School and is in her 9th year with the district.
Nomination by a colleague: Mr. Bond and Mrs. Welcome were nominated because, "Kenric and Kathleen are two of the best cross country coaches that are out there. They are dedicated and go above and beyond to make cross country a positive experience for Oak Prairie athletes. They spend time making sure everything is extremely organized, that students are encourage to push themselves and challenged to grow, both as runners and and as people, and the foster a positive environment for the entire Oak Prairie community. "
"Getting to know you" Questions for our Staff Spotlight
What do you enjoy most about working in D92?
What I enjoy most about working in D92 would be my coworkers, especially the sixth grade team, the students and coaching cross country.
What’s the last book you read?
The last book I read was Live Learn Love Well: Lessons of a Life of Progress Not Perfection by Emma Lovewell.
Are you currently binge-watching any shows?
I just finished watching The Night Shift on Netflix and I am currently enjoying all of the Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel.
Oak Prairie Jr. High Staff Member Spotlight
Contribution to D92: Kenric Bond is a Language Arts Teacher at Oak Prairie Jr. High School and is in his 19th year with the district.
Nomination by a colleague: Mr. Bond and Mrs. Welcome were nominated because, "Kenric and Kathleen are two of the best cross country coaches that are out there. They are dedicated and go above and beyond to make cross country a positive experience for Oak Prairie athletes. They spend time making sure everything is extremely organized, that students are encourage to push themselves and challenged to grow, both as runners and and as people, and the foster a positive environment for the entire Oak Prairie community. "
"Getting to know you" Questions for our Staff Spotlight
If you could choose anyone as a mentor, who would you choose and why?
For generations most everyone in my family were teachers and/or farmers. Being an Illinois public school teacher seemed preordained. Coaching hadn’t crossed my mind until high school when Mr. Goddard was my cross country/track & field coach. Hopefully I’m as considerate and positive to those on Oak Prairie’s country team as he was to my teammates and me.
What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
When born, I increased the population of my hometown Washburn, IL (pop. 1,200) more than many of history’s most influential individuals have done for their own hometowns: Vincent van Gogh (Zundert, Netherlands - pop. 21,612), Albert Einstein (Ulm, Germany - pop. 126,949), Elvis Presley (Tupelo, MS - pop. 37,667), etc.
Are you currently binge-watching any shows?
I will watch anything with Sally Field: Gidget, The Flying Nun, Norma Rae, Murphy’s Romance, Steel Magnolias, Forrest Gump, Lincoln, etc. but NOT Smokey and the Bandit I or II (not a fan of Burt Reynolds).
D92 Giving Tree - Tis the Season!
D92's Annual Giving Tree Event will begin November 20, 2023. Each year the D92 community fulfills holiday wishlists for those families in need. Gift tags will be hung on the Giving Tree located at each school beginning Monday, November 20th. Please take a tag or two and purchase the requested items. Wrap each gift and attach the tag taken from the tree to the appropriate gift. Gifts can be returned to your student’s school no later than Thursday, December 14, 2023. Last holiday season, the D92 community assisted with providing 40 D92 families with holiday gift donations. Thank you for your ongoing support. It is our hope to bring joy and cheer while making the holidays a bit brighter for those D92 families that have a need this year.
Free Mental Health Resources for Families
D92 families have access to a mental health resource that is being made available to all Illinois schools for free for one year through Impactful USA. Impactful USA is a non-profit organization working to bring no-cost mental health literacy programs to every student in the United States.
Impactful USA's primary strategy involves using movies to reach students, teachers, families and communities to de-stigmatize mental health issues. As they describe in their program description, they deliver award-winning film and evidence-based programs that educate on complex topics and include empowering strategies and practical tips on supporting positive mental health by addressing anxiety, online safety, bullying, resilience, loneliness, addiction, connection and belonging.
Save The Date - D92 Art Show, March 14, 2024
COVID protocol for 2023-24
This year we are using the same protocols for COVID and other illnesses that we had in place at the end of the 2022-23 school year.
- COVID: If an individual tests positive for COVID, it is recommended that they isolate for 5 days, with "Day Zero" being the date of the onset of symptoms or the date of the positive test. We also recommend wearing a mask for days 5-10.
- All other illnesses: The following information is found on p. 23 of the 2023-24 Student/Parent Handbook
Students should remain at home until they are well enough to resume work in the classroom. Children who have had a fever should maintain a normal temperature for 24 hours before returning to school. Should a student incur an unusual rash, the student should be kept home for observation and/or attention by the family physician. Lice checks are conducted periodically. A “no nit” procedure is enforced when lice are found.
Please use the following as a guide for the length of time children should be out of school.
Chickenpox - Minimum 7 days after eruption.
Mumps - Minimum 7-10 days until all glandular swelling is gone.
Measles - Minimum 7 days; longer if the child is still not well.
Scarlet Fever - Isolation is required for 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has begun.
Impetigo - Minimum 5 days, until all crusty lesions heal.
COVID - Minimum 5 days and symptom-free
Injuries happening at home will not be treated at school, nor is any diagnosis to be made of home injuries. The school is not responsible.
The child may be required to bring a signed note from the doctor if the illness keeps the child away from school for three days or more. A signed note from the doctor is required if restrictions are put on the child. The duration should be stated along with restrictions. In cases when a parent has not called the school to report an absence, a written excuse may be required.
Families are also encouraged to check out the IDPH School Health Listing of Communicable Diseases for additional details.
Board of Education Meetings Streamed in 2023-24
We have moved to streaming our monthly Board of Education meetings via our D92 YouTube Channel. To view the meetings in real time or the recordings of previous meetings, simply go to the D92 website, click on "Board of Education". Then select on "View Live Stream BOE Meeting".
You may also attend Board of Education meetings in person. The meetings are typically held at Ludwig School in the LMC.
Will County School District 92
Website: www.d92.org
Location: 708 North State Street, Lockport, IL, USA
Phone: 815.838.8031