SMCS Elementary Family Newsletter
January 18, 2023
In This Email
Click here for St. Gabriel Elementary News
Click here for St. Mary Elementary News
Click here for St. Margaret Mary News
You can always visit the news page on our website for past newsletters.
SMCS Mission
Preparing and inspiring students to lead meaningful lives, rooted in the teachings of Christ and our Catholic tradition.
Greetings from the Principal
Dear SMCS families,
It’s been a great start to 2023 and it’s hard to believe that we are already starting the second semester! I am looking forward to celebrating Catholic Schools week at the end of the month. Thank you to our PTO/FACES/POPS groups and all the students and families who are helping out at masses on Jan. 28-29!
I came across this quote from Father Hans urs von Balthasar that really spoke to me and wanted to share it with you all: “What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.” As we continue to focus on our school motto, “United in Faith, Hope, & Love,” I have been reflecting on what this means for us collectively. God has placed us all together at this time and place and what a gift that is! When we unite ourselves in faith, hope, and love we can serve our Lord in amazing and unimaginable ways! I thank God for Catholic education and the gift of St. Mary Catholic Schools. What a blessing it is to be a part of this amazing community!
Mrs. Anna Cihlar
Principal ~ St. Gabriel, St. Margaret Mary, St. Mary
Catholic Schools Week 2023
In addition to the activities below, middle school administrators Mrs. Ahles and Mr. Dahlberg will be visiting our elementary schools to greet students before school! What a great way for students to get to know their future principals!
Monday, Jan. 30 @ SM
Tuesday, Jan. 31 @ SMM
Wednesday, Feb. 1 @ SG
Catholic Schools Week Sock Hop
Friday, February 3rd from 5:30 - 7:30 pm: All elementary school families are invited to a Sock Hop in the SMM Gym and Cafeteria! The kiddos can dance the night away with a DJ in the gym, and we'll be serving a fun dinner of hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and milkshakes in the cafeteria. Sock Hop attire is encouraged but not required. This is a family event, so we ask that all children are accompanied by an adult.
The cost is $5 per person or $20 maximum per family. Please sign up using this link:
Turn in payment (checks made out to SMCS or cash in an envelope labeled Sock Hop) to the school office by Thursday, February 2nd. We also need a few volunteers (both adults and students 6th grade and older) to make this event a success, so if you are able to help, please consider signing up for a volunteer slot via the SignUpGenius registration link above.
For Tax Purposes- filing year 2022
Parents may claim the tuition payments for 5-year-old kindergarten through grade 12 on the state of WI Schedule PS tax form. To access payments made from 1/1/22 to 12/31/22, log in to Blackbaud/Tuition Management: and select Family Year End Statement at the right. Please consult a tax professional to inquire about claiming payments on P3/4K tuition. For Part 1 on the PS Form you will enter: St. Mary Catholic Schools, 1050 Zephyr Drive, Neenah, WI 54956. The federal ID will print on your statement as the School Tax ID. Contact Shelley Wautlet if you need help with logging in to your tuition account.
Quarter 2 Progress Reports
Progress reports will be sent home on Jan. 20.
Winter MAP Testing
Students in grades K-5 will participate in MAP testing for math and reading during the month of January. Your child's classroom teacher will communicate specific days that testing will occur. Parents can help prepare children in the following ways:
- Help your child get a good night sleep before testing
- Provide a nutritious breakfast
- Try not to schedule appointments on testing days
- Encourage your child to do their best on this test and reassure them it is not a reason to be anxious
Elementary Breakfast
Our elementary breakfast program started Tuesday of this week and was a hit with many of our students! As a reminder, if you are interested in having your child eat breakfast at school, here are the details:
- Breakfast is from 7:30-7:45 a.m. in the cafeteria. No late arrivals, please, with the exception of students who arrive late due to bussing. These students will receive a "breakfast to go" bag and will eat in the classroom.
- Breakfast costs $2.00 for three items. Students may also just take individual items (one breakfast bar, for example). There will be an itemized charge for those individual items.
- Please see link below for the January breakfast menu.
Save-the-date for Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences will be Friday, February 17 from 8:00-11:30 a.m. and Tuesday, February 21 from 3:30-6:30 p.m. Watch for a sign-up genius coming soon.
Zephyrs Gold Raffle Tickets Available
If you'd like to participate in the Zephyrs Gold Raffle to offset the $200 family fundraising fee, you can now request tickets for your family. Click here to read the Zephyrs Gold communication that went out earlier this week.
P.E. Teacher Switcharoo!
As a reminder our P.E. teachers switch buildings at semester time. Mrs. Loughrin will now be teaching at SMM. Mrs. Rodman will now be teaching at SM and SG.
Preschool Preview Days
Jan. 23 at SMM
Jan. 24 at SG
Jan. 27 at SM
Winter Reminders:
We are entering the time of year where illness may keep your student from school, or weather might keep us from being able to safely open school for the day.
Here are some helpful reminders as we enter the winter season.
Weather Closures and Delays: SMCS utilizes a text message notification system for emergency notifications, weather-related closures and delays, and other information. If you are new to the SMCS system, or have not previously received our text messages, please enroll your phone number, at no cost, to the SMCS emergency alert system. To enroll your phone number, please text SMCS to (844) 947-5948. You will receive a confirmation text and a text indicating that when you want to opt out of this service you simply need to reply STOP. You may enroll multiple cell phone numbers using that same process.
With winter nearly here, a reminder that as soon as a weather-related delay or cancellation is determined for school day or activities, information is posted on the SMCS Facebook page, SMCS email, text notification mentioned above, and local TV and radio stations.
Absences from School: If your student will not be in attendance on a day school is in session, please call your school office as soon as possible to make staff aware, and please let the campus administrative assistant know the reason for the absence. It is required that students are fever free for 24 hours and symptoms are mostly resolved before returning to school.
Outerwear: Please send students with coats, snow pants, hat, waterproof mittens or gloves, and boots to play in the snow. If they do not have snow pants or boots, they must stay on the blacktop.
Snow: Students are encouraged to enjoy the snow. They can make snowmen, forts, snow angels, etc. Students will not be allowed to throw snow at each other or have snowball fights.
Indoor recess: If the "feels like" temperature is 0 degrees or colder, students will stay inside for recess.
SMCS Covid Protocol 2022-23
Please click here to review the SMCS 2022-23 Covid protocol.
Elementary Facebook Groups
ZBC News (Zephyrs Basketball Club)
Hi ZBC Families -
We are excited to announce we are doing a "Zephyrs Night" with the Wisconsin Herd on Wednesday February 1st! With the purchase of tickets, our ZBC families will be able to:
- Pre-game watch (kids can sit courtside and watch player warm-ups + receive an autograph from some Herd players)
- High Five Tunnel (kids can join in the high five tunnel and get a free Herd T-shirt to high five the team on court during starting lineups)
- Post-game (Zephyrs families can come onto the court post game for a group photo, and shoot free throws)
Please click here for more info. Look forward to seeing everyone there! Special thanks to Kristin Billings for organizing for us!
Skills Sessions
We are excited to once again offer 1st & 2nd grade skills sessions for SMCS boys and girls this year! Last year it was a great hit! The sessions will begin in January and February 2023!
We are asking for everyone to sign up via this signup genius to plan and order shirts. Cost is $15 total for all sessions and will be due on the 1st session you attend. Also, if you have a 1st/2nd Grader and are interested in coaching, we are looking for coaches at this level! You can sign up for coaching on the signup genius as well.
UPCOMING TOURNAMENTS - Your Invitation and Looking for Volunteers
During the month of January, we will be hosting all of our ZBC at home tournaments over 3 weekends! If you are participating in the ZBC, please sign up to volunteer as much as you can! We need volunteers to continue to provide a great program!
If you are curious what our Zephyrs Basketball Club is all about, stop by the Middle School on any of the following days and watch the kids play!!
3rd-4th Grade Boys & Girls Tournament - January 7-8, 2023
Zephyrs Basketball Club: ZBC 3rd/4th Grade Tourny Volunteer Sign Ups (
Zephyrs Basketball Club: ZBC 3rd/4th Grade Tourny Book/Clock (
5th-8th Grade Boys Tournament - January 14, 2023
Zephyrs Basketball Club: ZBC 5th-8th Boys Grade Tourny Volunteer Sign Ups (
Zephyrs Basketball Club: ZBC 5th-8th Boys Grade Tourny Book/Clock (
5th-8th Grade Girls Tournament - January 21, 2023
Tournament Signups:
Upcoming ZBC Basketball Youth Nights:
Our very popular ZEPHYRS YOUTH NIGHTS are coming up! Varsity Team Trading Cards Signing, Ball Toss at Halftime, 10,000 Touches/Shots Recognition and LOTS of fun! Mark your calendar now and let's fill the gym!!
Varsity Boys Youth Night - February 10, 2023 against Howard's Grove at 7:15 pm
Girls Softball Camp
Girls from Kindergarten-8th grade are invited to a one day Softball Camp on March 4th. This fun camp is designed to teach the proper skills and fundamentals of the game of softball. Throwing, fielding, base running and hitting will be developed at this camp. The cost is $20 and you can register here.
SMC Intramural Volleyball: 4th and 5th Grade Girls
Parents of 4th & 5th Grade Girls:
We are organizing our annual 4th & 5th grade volleyball program.
The intramural teams will be formed by combining a mix of students from our three SMCES campuses (St. Gabriel, St. Margaret Mary and St. Mary). This will allow us to balance the number of students on each team. Each student will receive a t-shirt for participating.
The program will begin on Tuesday, April 11 and will run through Thursday, May 18. The teams will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays (6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.). All practices/games will take place at SMC Middle School Gym
There is a participation fee of $25.00. Please register online:
St. Mary Catholic 4th/5th Grade Girls Volleyball
Deadline is Friday, March 31. No late registrations!
Tuition Discount Opportunity
Our After School Care Program is hiring! We have openings at our Elementary and Middle School Campuses. If you or someone you know is looking for a part-time job, join SMCS! The schedule will be Monday – Friday from 2:45 – 5/5:30 p.m.
This is a paid position that offers great benefits! If you have a child enrolled in our schools, you will receive 50% off their school tuition and while you work in the after school care program, you can bring your child with you for free!
If you are interested in learning more about the After School Care Provider position or would like to apply, please contact the Human Resources Department by calling 920-722-7796 and ask for HR or email or
Virtus Training for Volunteers
We are so grateful to all our volunteers who contribute so much to our schools! If you are considering volunteering or chaperoning any school field trips or events, please complete Virtus training, a background check, and the code of conduct through the Diocese Green Bay. Please contact your schools' administrative assistant to get the process started. Thank you!
St. Gabriel contact Mrs. Richards,
St. Margaret Mary contact Mrs. Schira,
St. Mary contact Mrs. Barraza,
A Look Ahead...
- Jan. 29 - Feb. 4 - Catholic Schools Week
- Jan. 29 - Breakfast and open house at elementary schools after morning masses
Jan. 30: Mismatch day (wear clothing that does not match)
Jan. 31: Dress like a teacher (teachers dress like a student or another teacher)
Feb. 1: Pajama day (no slippers, blankets, or stuffed animals)
Feb. 2: Dress like your favorite saint or Catholic college/institution apparel
Feb. 3: Zephyrs Spirit Wear and all-school mass at HS for grades K-5
Feb. 3-4: Z Cabaret
Feb. 7: Zephyrs Spirit Day
Feb. 14: Out of dress code day: wear red/pink/white
Feb. 17: No school for students. Parent-teacher conferences 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Feb. 20: No school
Feb. 21: Parent-teacher conferences 3:30-6:30 p.m.
Feb. 22: Ash Wednesday
Helpful Links
Contact Information
St. Gabriel: 920-725-4161
St. Margaret Mary: 920-729-4565
St. Mary: 920-725-5351
Elementary Principal: Mrs. Cihlar,
St. Gabriel Associate Principal: Mrs. Giombetti,
St. Margaret Mary Associate Principal: Mrs. Lutz,
St. Mary Associate Principal: Mrs. Cendejas,