Beck Weekly Update
Parent Info for Friday, August 31, 2023
Beck Centennial Elementary
Beck Attendance Line: 586-797-3999
Email: officebeck@uticak12.org
Website: beck.uticak12.org
Location: 54600 Hayes Road, Macomb, MI, USA
Phone: 586-797-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/BeckElementarySchool
Twitter: @beckelementary
Welcome Back to Beck From the Entire Beck Staff!
Dear Beck Families:
We officially have the first week of school 'in the books'! I always enjoy these first few days of school. They are truly filled with joy, wonder and optimism! Our staff was ready and excited to welcome our students back in the doors and into new classrooms. Hopefully families are finding their routines and feeling comfortable with all that a new school year brings!
Summer doesn't 'officially end' until September 23, but for school staff and students, we're switched into school mode! In this issue of the Beck Weekly Update we are sharing some of the Beck Vikings - our staff - and what they did during their summer break. I invite all of you to send in a family pic to share in upcoming issues. It is always great to see what our Beck families do in the summer!
Our first two lunches went very well. You may be aware, but breakfast and lunch are free for all students in public schools this year. However, students must remember to order lunch each morning in order for us to have it ready for them during lunchtimes. Please help your child to remember if they are 'getting school lunch' to tell their teacher. Teachers submit those orders each morning to our kitchen staff.
The parking lot looks great too! I appreciate how parents are using the drop off lane safely, and remembering to use the crosswalks when leaving their cars to meet their child. Just a reminder to everyone to please park in the front parking lot if you need to get out of your vehicle. The north side parking lot is for buses only! It is also our staff parking.
Please mark your calendar for next week:
- Open House/Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 7 at 7:00 p.m. More details will be sent home Tuesday.
- Device Insurance is due by Friday, September 8.
As we wrap up our short first week, I wish everyone an enjoyable long weekend! Remember no school tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 1 and Monday, Sept. 4 in recognition of Labor Day. We look forward to seeing everyone back at Beck on Tuesday, Sept. 5!
Christine Wilson
Is Your Child Interested in Lego Robotics?
Where Did Beck Vikings Go This Summer?
Head Viking Visits Bottom of the World!
Mrs Wilson - Photographic Safari in South Africa
Mrs. Wilson makes new friend in South Africa!
Mrs. Lynch and Her Family at Disney
Mrs. Blanzy's Family Cruise
Mr. & Mrs. Allor in Traverse City
Mrs. Allor's Daughter Turns 1!
Mrs. Heywood Visit Iceland!
Mr. & Mrs. Heywood & Family in Iceland
Dates to note on your calendar:
Labor Day - No School - Friday, Sept. 1 - Monday, Sept. 4
Curriculum Night/Meet the Teacher - Thursday, Sept. 7 at 7:00 p.m.
Last Day to Register for Device Insurance - Fri., Sept. 8
No School for Students - Wednesday, Sept. 20 (Teacher Prof Development)
Bagel Sale Day - Thursday, Sept. 21
BFV Skate Night - Friday, Sept. 22 (5:00-7:00) The New Rink
BFV Meeting - 6:30 p.m. Beck Media Center - All are welcome to attend!
September 28, 2023 PICTURE DAY ! :)
Sept. 29 - Progress Reports for 1st Marking Period
Please Follow The Flow in the Beck Parking Lot!
What Can My Child Bring To School to Help Them Be Successful?
How Do I Sign Up For PaySchools?
PaySchools has improved its platform this year to provide a system that is consistently more reliable and user friendly. The end result for parents will be that the information they need will be personalized for their child.
As a result, families will be asked to recreate an account (even if you previously had a PaySchools account). Once created, you will be provided with those product choices that directly relate to your child.
Just follow these easy steps:
- Create an account from your computer or tablet at: www.payschoolscentral.com
- Complete the account registration by selecting register, enter your profile details, setting up your password via the email link that will be sent to you, then logging in.
- Add your children to your account using their student ID numbers. ID numbers are found on their report card available through PowerSchool and on your child's PS account page. It starts with 1000 . . .
- If you like, enter credit card and/or banking information as forms of payments to use with your PaySchools account.
A complete guide (with screen shots) is available at this link.
Need help with your PaySchools Central account?
8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. ET (M-F)
You Will Need PaySchools for UCS Device Insurance (See Below)
Utica Community Schools - Get the New APP today!
Utica Community Schools has a new mobile app!
Search for 'Utica Schools' in your phone's app store and download the free app to stay up-to-date on district and school news. The old mobile app 'Utica Community Schools' is no longer supported and should be deleted from your devices. Download at the App store here and Google Play here. Look for the logo like the picture above
Did You Check Your PowerSchool Account?
Do You Need a Job?
Other Important Links You May Want To Know!
Device Insurance Plan for Accidental Damage – Annual OPTIONAL COVERAGE
In the event of damage to an iPad or laptop, district policies and practices require a charge be assessed to cover the repair or replacement cost of the device. The fees are based on use of a UCS-provided device and any damage to it, whether accidental or intentional, after it has been issued to the student.
An annual insurance plan has been designed to help families if there is an accident that causes damage to the school issued device. When participating in the district’s insurance plan for $17.50 per year, any accidental damage reported will be covered as described.
Insurance coverage will repair/replace the device for accidental damage with no cost incurred by the student for the first incident (claim). Subsequent damage repairs during the covered year will have a deductible assessed per instance. Insurance will cover a maximum of 3 damage occurrences during the covered year. The deductible fee schedule for each damage occurrence is outlined on the website.
Please note, if insurance is not purchased, actual repair costs (not to exceed the cost of the device) will apply.
In order to purchase the device insurance parents will need their child(ren) student ID number (which can be found on the report card) and create a NEW Payschools Central account. The directions for creating an account can be found at: https://www.uticak12.org/domain/85