Tiger Tracks
November 7, 2022
News from NLABC
Aurora Borealis Company (The ABC Co.)
Our Middle School small business partnership class proposed a business venture - The Aurora Borealis Co. (ABC). They are introducing the spirit wear hoodie with the print displayed here. This is a limited edition. (Please click on picture for more information.)
This unique design was created by one of our own students - Bella Valinske.
November 14th - Parent Night
Our PTA has scheduled a guest speaker, MaryDee Sklar to present to our families on how to teach executive functioning skills to your children. These skills include time management, flexiblility, and how to complete and turn in assignments on time. The event is Monday, November 14th from 5-7. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP at https://forms.gle/3VAS36FwLkUs5UGRA
FBI CyberSafety Presentations
On November 17th, the FBI will be speaking with our middle school students about cyber safety and bullying from 8:15-9:05 and then with our 4th-6th graders from 9:15-10:15 am. Parents are invited to attend.
Cell Phone Use in School Zones: https://www.asdk12.org/Page/14596
Please remember to be off your cell phones while you are in the loading lane. Even if you have your vehicle in park, you are still in the loading lane and expected to pull forward as the traffic moves. Again, we are trying to keep all individuals safe.
A new ordinance (law) passed by the Anchorage Assembly on June 20, 2019 makes it unlawful for a driver of any vehicle to talk on a mobile communication device while driving a vehicle within an active school zone or on school grounds, unless the vehicle is stopped or a hands-free device is used.
- Student safety is extremely important. Distracted driving is dangerous.
- Talking on a cell phone or mobile communication device is distracted driving and jeopardizes student safety in designated school zones.
- A mobile communication device is a cellular phone, smart phone, personal data assistant, wireless tablet, computer, or any similar device used for voice or visual communication.
- An active school zone is a school zone with signage between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. and where the maximum speed is 25 miles per hour or less on the streets permanently or due to a temporary speed reduction indicated by flashing school zone lights.
- A hands-free device is a phone with speaker capability, an attachment, or other piece of equipment that allows the use of the device without either of the operator’s hands.
Library News
It’s the second quarter already, but the first quarter ended with a HUGELY successful Scholastic Book Fair! The Book Fair had $9,088 in sales, and half of that will go back to the school. I would like to give a huge thanks to the PTA volunteers. The Book Fair is a lot of work, and I feel blessed to be at a school where so many people are generous with their time and energy.
The Book Mark Contest has begun! Submissions are due to Mr. Pierce by December 16th. The theme is Learning for Life @ Your Library. I don’t think a student from NLABC has ever won the contest, but maybe this will be the year! Mr. Pierce will have plenty of blank submission forms for students beginning this week.
The window for submitting October TIGER Reading pages is closed, but be sure to keep up your pages! We want to beat Mrs. Duff this year! That means K-6th grade students need to collectively read 4,500,000 pages! Submissions for November will begin at the beginning of December, and here is the QR code that will take you directly to the form.
In 5th and 6th grade, we studied the differences between Open Primaries / Ranked Choice Voting and Closed Primaries / Plurality Voting. We held a mock vote between Marvel superheroes using both systems. Spider-man won both elections, but I think students learned some valuable information about the way the election works. We also talked about the roles of our state and US congress men and women as well as governor. Our main take-aways were:
● Democracy = People Power. Citizens have power through the right to vote.
● The constitution gives us the right to vote.
● Alaskans voted on a new way to vote in 2020, but not everyone feels the same about it.
It would be great if you have the ability to take your students with you on November 8th as you cast your vote so they can see democracy in action.
Third and fourth graders explored ideas around Friendship and Responsibility as we read the books How to be Cool in Third Grade and The Chocolate Touch.
Last week, K - 4th graders were listening to read alouds or watching videos about the Perseverance. 5th and 6th graders were listening to news articles about patriotism. Next week, we will discuss and name things about our country that make us proud and what we imagine for the future to make our country a more perfect union.
If you have any questions about lost or overdue books, T.I.G.E.R. reading, or what your child has been learning about during library, feel free to reach me at pierce_andrew@asdk12.org.
Happy Reading,
Mr. Pierce
Music News
Our students are doing a great job in their K-5 music classes.
We are singing songs, playing instruments together,
moving with the music, and working on our music literacy skills. We’re also singing our traditional NLABC Thanksgiving songs in preparation for the feast!
If you’d like, ask your Kindergartener about the song “Frog in the Meadow”,
your 1st grader about “Rain, Rain”, your 2nd grader about “Lemonade,” your 3rd grader about “Rain is Falling Down,” your 4th grader about “Papaya” and your 5th grader about the song “Mango Walk.” And please welcome Tamara Mayer as our new Weds. music teacher this year for some 2nd, 3rd and Kindergarten classes!
6th-8th Choir
Our choir students are working hard preparing for their concert, and they are doing a great job! Both groups are making progress as well with their vocal and literacy skills. Parents, you will receive an email with details including dress code and specific ensemble report times for the concert on Dec. 14th. Middle school students are also deciding if they’d like to participate in Solo and Ensemble, a city-wide ASD music event on Feb. 10th. If your student would like to participate, they can get a permission slip in class for before-school rehearsals beginning in January.
If you have questions, you can reach me at
And you can always find more information on our NLABC music website at https://sites.google.com/asdk12.net/nlabcmusic
DanceWest (West High student production)
Time: 7 pm
Where: West Anchorage High School Auditorium
Admission: $12 Student, $15 General
Location: West Anchorage High School, Hillcrest Drive, Anchorage, AK, USA
The Nutcracker (Anchorage Concert Association)
Where: Atwood Concert Hall
Admission: CenterTix or anchorageconcerts.org