Term 4 Week 8 December 2023
Email: erinahts-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website: https://erinahts-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/
Location: 2 Serpentine Road, Erina Heights NSW, Australia
Phone: 02 4367 7608
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erinaheightsps
Principal Update
The past two weeks have been filled with wonderful learning and events that have highlighted the talents of Erina Heights students. What an incredible opportunity it was to see our Aboriginal students at Gulang fest, performing and displaying their cultural engagement and pride. Mrs Hillmann has worked diligently with these students and should be proud of their performance. I would also like to acknowledge Mrs Diggins for stepping in on the night to support the students.
Our 2024 Kindergarten students shone at their final orientation visit and teddy bear’s picnic on Tuesday. The rain didn’t stand a chance dampening their spirits for ‘big school’.
It was an honour to attend the volunteers’ morning tea on Wednesday and speak to some of the many people who share their time, energy, compassion, kindness and skills for the benefit of our kids. I believe these people are a huge part of the strong sense of belonging that can be felt at Erina Heights.
Great Work Happening
As I have visited classes, I have been impressed by the high levels of engagement in this term’s science and technology units of work focusing on Earth and space. Jacob and Dat in 4B presented a factual report with an entertaining twist demonstrating their knowledge and presentation skills. Milly in 5L shared her space presentation at the Stage 3 showcase assembly after dazzling her classmates and teacher with interesting facts and video production skills. Bella and 3A created a wonderful project on Neptune displaying knowledge and creativity. Seeing the many space-themed artworks across the school has been delightful.
Lea in K1C visited my office to read her fabulous writing showing her use of adjectives. Noah and Leo wrote a detailed retelling of ‘This is my rock’ and Zac and Zara showed great use of interesting noun groups in their descriptions of a fan. Lucy in Year 1 managed to draw a 3D object showing different views.
Darcy and Alex in 1/2B have been working on getting their handwriting neat and consistent and absolutely hit the mark this week.
The school has truly been buzzing with learning.
Staffing News
I would like to share the news that Mrs Kerry has successfully gained a position as Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction at Holgate PS for next year. We will miss Mrs Kerry dearly and know that she will be a huge asset to Holgate.
Thankfully, our ever-growing collaborative ties with Holgate PS mean that we will Mrs Kerry will still remain part of the Erina Heights community.
2024 classes and staffing
We are still in the process of creating classes for next year. This is a delicate process that involves much thought, attention and care from teachers. We take into account many factors and try to get the balance just right. We know how important it is to get things right so that every student is set up for a successful year of learning, friendships and growth.
Already we have made many small changes to our original plan. We plan to finalise classes next week and let students know who their 2024 teacher will be in Week 10. Please understand that there may still be small changes after this. I believe it is still preferable to follow this process, even though there may be amendments, than to wait until next year to find out who your child’s teacher is. If your child has initial hesitation after finding out their class or teacher, please reassure them that their current teacher has worked carefully to place them into the class where they know they will thrive. Every child will have a friend in their new class and all classes will be working collaboratively, supported by caring competent teachers and leaders.
Reports are currently in the final stages of preparation. It is such an exciting time looking at just how far the students have progressed this year. There have been many conversations comparing where students were at the beginning of the year to where they are now in their learning. All of this information will be in the reports which will be sent home next Friday. Please be sure to praise your child for the effort they have made.
Swimming Carnival
The 2024 swimming carnival will be held on Thursday 8 February 2024. Details were shared through School Bytes earlier this week. For the first time, our school will combine with Holgate PS for the carnival as part of the planned collaboration between our schools. We see this as an opportunity for both schools.
Mrs Schofield and Mrs Thaler have begun working with teachers from Holgate to plan this event, which will be held at Mingara Aquatic Centre.
Mrs Kirsten Blake
Erina Fair Christmas Tree Decorating Competition
If you’re at Erina Fair, be sure to check out the Christmas trees decorated by local schools.
Each class has created a set of ornaments to decorate our school's tree. Members of the community can vote for their favourite tree, and the 3 schools who receive the most votes will win a $300 gift card. To vote, simply scan the QR code at Erina Fair or below. You may vote daily until December 22.
The trees can be found outside The Base Warehouse, on your way to Kmart.
Mrs Diggins
Gulang Fest
We applaud Diesel, Leo, Ava, Lexi, Max, and Ollie for their outstanding performance at the Gulang Fest—an annual celebration showcasing the skills and talents of Aboriginal students from local public schools. A special mention to Izak and Diaz who attended rehearsals but were unable to make the performance evening. Our students from Erina Heights Public School collaborated with Terrigal Public School and Terrigal High School, delivering an emotive dance to Xavier Rudd's "Follow the Sun." The venue was at full capacity, with onlookers peering through the doors to catch glimpses of these amazing performances.
In addition to the performances, an art competition took place and Kindergarten student Diesel earned the K-2 category prize. Furthermore, three students were nominated for AECG Awards, with congratulations to Lexi for Developing Leadership, Leo for Academic Excellence, and Oliver for Performing Arts. We take pride in the achievements of all our students.
Special acknowledgment goes to the talented Terrigal High students who choreographed the dance, and gratitude to Cam, Terrigal High AEO, for his involvement and the cultural knowledge he shared. It was a meaningful collaboration among our three schools on this special project.
Lastly, a heartfelt thank you to Mrs. Hillmann for her tireless organisation, unwavering commitment, and deep dedication to Aboriginal Education. Well done to all.
Mrs Diggins
Kindergarten 2024 Teddy Bears Picnic
The 2024 Kindergarten crew experienced sheer delight being surrounded by an array of friendly Teddy Bears, relishing every moment of their fourth orientation session. Engaging in games on the backfield with their buddies, exploring classroom activities alongside their 2024 teachers, attending a graduation assembly, and basking in the joy of a delightful picnic with their friends created a treasure trove of memories for them. The efforts of the Year 5 buddies in warmly welcoming and excitingly introducing the new friends to Erina Heights Public School is commendable. The unwavering support from the Kinder parents in rearranging their schedules to ensure participation in this special day underscores the incredible community spirit at Erina Heights Public School. It's heartening to witness such a positive start to what surely will be an exhilarating and memorable journey for the 2024 Kindergarten crew.
Mrs Calverley
SiSA Gymnastics: A Triumph of Balance, Strength, and Coordination!
Our students recently soared to new heights in the SiSA Gymnastics program, a dynamic series of challenging, engaging, and incredibly fun activities. This initiative proved to be more than just a physical exercise; it became a journey of skill development, focusing on refining balance, building strength, and enhancing coordination.
Throughout the program, our students exhibited not only their physical prowess but also their remarkable attitude and behavior. The great facilitators from SiSA Gymnastics were thoroughly impressed by the enthusiasm and positive demeanor of our students. Their commitment to the activities showcased a level of dedication that was truly commendable.
As our students leaped, tumbled, and mastered new gymnastic skills, they not only fostered physical well-being but also learned valuable life skills such as discipline, perseverance, and teamwork. The program not only instilled a sense of accomplishment but also left an indelible mark on their holistic development.
A heartfelt thank you to the SiSA Gymnastics team for providing our students with an enriching experience. The program's success is a testament to the collaborative spirit between our school and outstanding external partners. We look forward to more ventures that bring both challenge and joy to our students' educational journey.
Mr Barnes
Volunteers' Morning Tea
Volunteering helps improve you’re wellbeing, gives you a sense of purpose and, it has been reported, also makes you live longer! Whether these things are true or not, we wanted to take some time to sincerely thank all the fabulous people who volunteer their time to help our school be the wonderful place it is.
The morning tea was held in our new look library with all its new furniture. The staff baked home-made treats to express our heartfelt gratitude and it was lovely to see so many people come together and enjoy the event.
Our relieving principal, Kirsten Blake, delivered a lovely speech to all of our volunteers and finished with a beautiful quote:
‘Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.’
We are sincerely grateful for everything our volunteers do, and this morning tea was a small token of our immense thanks for the significant impact they have on the lives of our students.
Mrs Thaler and Mrs Anderson
K-2 Home Reading Program
Congratulations to our students who reached 100 nights home reading this week!
Year-End Accounts Settlement: A Friendly Reminder
As the academic year draws to a close, we hope this message finds you well. We would like to bring your attention to an essential matter to ensure the smooth conclusion of the school year.
We kindly request all families to settle any outstanding accounts by the end of the academic year. This timely settlement greatly assists in the efficient functioning of various school activities and aids in the planning for the upcoming term.
Additionally, we extend a special mention to our Year 6 students who will be embarking on new journeys. As they transition, settling accounts contributes to a seamless process for both the students and the school.
To settle your accounts please use the SchoolBytes portal. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and we thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Wishing you and your families a joyful holiday season.
Students who need a School Opal card or travel pass for 2024 can apply here. A new application will need to be submitted if they are applying for the first time, or if they are requesting additional travel entitlement because of new shared parental arrangement (e.g. joint custody).
Students who change address, school, campus location, have repeated a year or received an expiry notification from Transport for NSW for their school travel entitlement should renew or update their details before the end of Term 4. This will ensure that schools can endorse applications, and entitlements remain valid for the start of the 2024 school year. School Opal card holders will have the changes applied to their existing card.
If a student’s distance eligibility has changed based on their grade (i.e. grade two to grade three), the system will automatically update their entitlement if they meet the new criteria. If they do not meet the new eligibility criteria, we will send them an expiry notification via email.
Students who have an entitlement approved under a medical condition that is due to expire will receive a notification advising them to re-apply.
Term Bus Pass holders will receive a notification to re-apply.
Students in the Opal network applying for an Opal card (including a Term Bus Pass) for the first time will receive their Student Opal card at their nominated postal address. Cards will be mailed out from January 2024.
Students living in rural and regional (R&R) areas should receive their travel pass at the start of the new school year from their nominated transport operator. It may come via the school or be sent directly to them at home. Note: some R&R operators do not issue travel passes. Students/parents should confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass.