John Adams College & Career Academy
Weekly Bulletin 2.4
2023~2024 SY CHAPTER 2.4
Though this group of students was small, it represented something bigger to me. The door to the Media Center was ajar, so the teacher could be easily heard by whoever walked past the door. A group of seniors who'd previously had this teacher as instructor walked by the door to exit and one of them commented, "See, that's why he is one of the best teachers. Look at him in there making sure they understand Math." This brought me both introspect and joy. I thought to myself how this teacher could've easily left at dismissal since no one had officially been assigned to his program that day for behavioral support. After all, he drives a fair distance to get to work. I thought about that group of students, (all males), who could've easily come up with an excuse to leave for the day, or just simply wiggle out of the door. I thought about the impression the scene left on the senior who was going out of the door. I don't know what emotions the teacher nor the students were feeling that day. Perhaps they were all excited to participate or perhaps they were tired and felt like going home. Ultimately, I saw a group who made a choice to do what it takes to go in the direction that they were trying to go. As we continue to move toward success, make the choice to leverage your position, (be it student or staff), to do the things that it takes to move toward our goals. Some days you may feel like it, and some days you may not, but make the choice to do it anyway. The seeds you plant on those days may produce fruit that will continue to feed generations to come. May we all find the joy in teaching and learning! Have a week filled with forward motion!
In service of our scholars,
Brian Evans, Principal
Building Goals at a glance
- Focus on building systems
Teaching staff
- Focus on building instructional capacity
- Focus on closing the achievement gap
- Focus on providing academic opportunities
- Focus on improving the graduation rate
- Focus on accountability
Portrait of a Graduate Indicators
- Critical Thinking
- Academic Mindset
AAP at a Glance
- Click the link for access to the AAP Cheat Doc: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rSH3pFyZMCY5UEdTlR-agHPU1BFXeZtio2Zgrm9we5E/edit?usp=sharing
Restorative Practice Training Attendance Link
Helpful Information
NEED TUTURING?? Click the Link below to access the 24-Hour tutoring program that CMSD offers to all students!
11th Grade Teachers! Take advantage of SAT Suite to prepare develop SAT readiness with your juniors!
Copy the following link to access the events & field trips calendar:
Copy the following link to access the assessment calendar:
Having Tech issues? Click the link below to access the district's I.T. page and enter a ticket:
Is your laptop lost or stolen? Click the link below to file a police report so that you can receive a replacement.
Procedure reminders
- Seek approval for field trips from the principal, (in writing), before scheduling any field trips. Include the Mrs. Sprinkle & Mr. Chunn in the email so they can add it to the events & field trips calendar should the field trip be approved.
- Admit students into your classroom until 8:15 before requiring a pass, after 8:15, all late arrivals must sign-in at the planning center.
- Refrain from issuing hall passes the first 10 and the last 10 minutes of class.
- Refrain from "replying all" to mass emails, as it pushes important information down the thread, (potentially causing it to be missed).
- Review the assessment calendar & make sure that you issue a diagnostic (pre-test), mid-term & final in all classes. These assessments should always access a priority-standard.
- Only permit students in your class who are on your roster for that period, (unless you are covering a class). This includes advisory.
- Use all 46 instructional minutes for instruction. Students should not be idle at any time during the period. Prepare critical thinking task for those who master the concepts, and interventions for those who do not.
- Apply the knowledge gained from PDI into your everyday practices.
John Adams College and Career Academy
Email: info@johnadamscca.org
Website: www.clevelandmetroschools.org/jacca
Location: John Adams College & Career Academy, Martin Luther King Junior Drive, Cleveland, OH, USA
Phone: (216) 838-4050
Facebook: facebook.com/JohnAdamsCCA