Wrightsboro e-News
October 25, 2020
Updates and Reminders
School begins at 7:50 each day. Any students arriving after 7:50 are tardy. All class zoom sessions begin at 7:50.
Please continue to contact your teacher or the school nurse if your child has been sick, exposed to COVID, or tested positive for COVID.
Please make sure you send back your child’s green information sheet and 3 authorizations for pick-up.
Please make sure you send the iPad case with your child for protection.
Tip - Keep a list of all items needed to bring to school (bookbag, orange folder, mask, water bottle, towel, technology device) in an easily accessible location such as on your refrigerator. This can also help build independence for older students in grades 3-5.
See the attached flyer for more information about a Family Roundtable Discussion on Special Education the district is holding on October 29th.
Picture Day
Election Day - No School
November 3rd is Election Day. There will be no school for students this day. It is an optional teacher workday.
Veteran's Day - No School
Spotlight On - 4th Grade!
Meet Our ESL Team!
English as a Second Language (ESL) is a program designed for students whose native language is not English. The goal of the program is to help students develop English language proficiency, particularly Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP), so that they can function independently in the mainstream classroom. In order to qualify for these services, a parent completes a Home Language Survey. If another language beside English is checked, the ESL department will administer an English Placement Test and the results will determine what kind of services the student will attain. There are three different types of services: Intensive, Supportive, and Transitional. The support that these students can receive in the school can consist of modifications in the classrooms and accommodations for testing. The ESL team is led by Mrs. Miriam Buie. Mrs. Buie has been part of our Cool Cat Family since 1998. Alongside with Mrs. Buie is Mrs. Renee Mastrangelo. Mrs. Renee has joined our team in 2019. They both work closely together to help support our students with the English language. You can reach Mrs. Buie at 910-815-6909 x 76972. She’s always willing to help in any way she can.
Please connect with us on social media to get school news and updates delivered right to your social media accounts. All you need to do is scan the QR code to have direct access to each of our social media outlets!
Website: wrightsboro.nhcs.net
Twitter: @WrightsboroE
Instagram: @wrightsboroelem
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wrightsboro-Elementary-School-113708603779720Wrightsboro Elementary School
Email: delores.overby@nhcs.net
Website: https://wrightsboro.nhcs.net/
Location: 2716 Castle Hayne Road, Castle Hayne, NC, USA
Phone: (910) 815-6909
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wrightsboro-Elementary-443163149099593/
Twitter: @WrightsboroE
Our School's Why
School Mission:
The mission of Wrightsboro School is to establish and promote a caring, engaging, and supportive environment that enhances learning and leadership for all.
School Vision:
Today we learn. Tomorrow we lead.
School Beliefs:
We believe children want to learn and lead and will take responsibility to actively meet goals that will help them succeed in the future. We believe teachers inspire success, and encourage a love of learning by providing a supportive environment that fosters leadership through instruction to meet the unique needs of each child. We believe families that work together with our school contribute to successful learning for every child.