Head's Highlights
August 18, 2023
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
Thank you to everyone who came out for curriculum night this week! We had such a great turn out! It always reminds me that we have a very strong school-home connection here at Head!
Speaking of school-home connection, we are looking for parents and business partners to serve on our local school council this year. These new members would join our returning parents and business partners who have been strong, active members of the group for several years. School council are advisory bodies to the Principal. They are given data, information, and details about school management and then may advise and make recommendations on any matter related to school improvement and student achievement. We meet 4 times in a school year with each meeting scheduled for a Thursday evening at 6pm. Meetings last one hour. If you are interested in serving as a school council member, please email me by August 25th. We are specifically looking for at least one more business owner/partner to join. If you, or someone you know, owns a business in our community, please let me know that as well. Thanks!
PTA News You Can Use
Our first PTA General Meeting is on 8/28 at 6:30 (Zoom Meeting)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 952 2326 7205
Passcode: 591401
Friday, September 8th at BHS 6:30-8:00p.m.
Apologies for the QR code not working. Parents are able to purchase memberships on the following link:
Memberships are $6 for the year.
The class with the most participation on memberships will win a popsicle party.
The school’s goal is to get a membership for every child.
5-9 Years
Our staff is amazing! This group has worked in the Brookwood Cluster for 5-9 years.
10-14 Years
This group has a few more years under their belt - 10-14. Wow!
15+ Years
Some of these "seasoned" staff members have been a part of Head ES for over 20 years.
FLL Robotics Team
Bronco Bots Robotics Team applications are available!
Applications due back August 30th
Tryouts will be in the Computer Science Classroom
The dates are as follows:
Tuesday Sept. 5th for 4th Grade at 7:30am
Thursday Sept. 7th for 5th Grade at 7:30am
Welcome to our new Staff!
Have you changed your notification settings in ParentSquare yet? If not, make sure to complete this important step!
And don't forget to download the ParentSquare app!! It's the best way to receive up-to-date notifications from your child's teacher!!
Directions for customizing your notification settings can be found here: https://www.gcpsk12.org/Page/36114
You can select your desired notification settings for Email, Text, and the App.
📱Off: You will not receive a notification when communications are sent.
📱Digest: You will receive a summary of all the messages that have been sent at the end of the day.
📱Instant: You will receive a notification every time a message is sent.Headphones
Parents, please make sure your student has a set of wired headphones for school. Headphones are listed on the supply list for each grade level. Students will need headphones for upcoming assessments as well as daily instruction. Thank you so much for your help with this!
**Unfortunately, students will not be able to use wireless/Bluetooth headphones at this time.**
Connecting With the Community
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
August 22 - Dogwood Pizza Night
August 25 - Color Stable Dress Up Day
August 28- General PTA Meeting via Zoom
August 31- Room Rep Meeting
September 1 - BHS Football Youth Night