The Rebel Crier
May 5, 2023
In This Issue
- Class of 2023 Important Information
- Dress Code Update/Reminder
- Campus Traffic & Parking
- This Week in the Library
- Students In Action-Lifeguard Training
- SWC Leadership Award Winners
- Fine Arts Boosters FUNDrive
- NF Housing Plan Survey
- Cinderella Auditions
Class of 2023 Important Information
Class of 2023 Students and Parents:
- Seniors must complete their SEE exit form by Friday May 12th. This is a requirement before attending their internships.
- All prom forms and senior trip balances/permission slips need to be turned into Mrs. McDermott and Mrs. Forzaglia before seniors leave school on May 12th.
Parents, please check in with your student to make sure all of these requirements, forms, etc have been taken care of.
Dress Code Update/Reminder
Students may not wear clothing to school that:
- Is unsafe for the student or those around the student
- Depicts or advocates violence, criminal activity, use of alcohol or drugs, pornography or hate speech
- Contains messages, images, etc. that can be construed to be racist, misogynistic, lewd, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, or threatening
- Is disruptive to school operations and the education process in general
Clothing must cover breasts, genitalia, and buttocks.
The dress code applies to all students.
Students will be referred to the administration for violations of the dress code, and will be required to correct their clothing. Parents will be contacted if students cannot comply immediately or need clothing brought to school that follows the policy.
If you have questions, please email Mr. D'Amico
Campus Traffic & Parking
Also, please do not wait until you get all the way up to the crosswalk to let your students out. You should let students out all the way along the concrete barrier (usually 5-6 cars in a row) to move things along more efficiently.
We will send out more information next week about junior parking for the remainder of the year once SEE internships begin for seniors.
This Week In the Library
Students In Action- Lifeguard Training
Lifeguards are in high demand in our area, making this class a great way to earn credit, explore a possible career path, or just gain a well-paying summer job!
Community News
Important Upcoming Dates
- May 8-12: Week 2 of AP Exams
- Monday, May 15: Senior Enrichment Experiences Begin
- Saturday, May 20: Senior Prom
- May 22-24: NGSS Science Testing (Juniors, in Science classes)
- Tuesday, June 13: SEE Fair, 5pm, NFHS
- June 14, 15, 16, 19: Final Exams
- Friday, June 16: NFHS Graduation 5pm
Photos of NFHS Events
LEGACY EVENT PHOTOS (Including SPORTS) can be found by clicking on the link below:
Enter online code: 3582E23
Engage with our school!
Location: 54 Gillotti Road, New Fairfield, CT, USA
Phone: 203-312-5800
Twitter: @nfhsrebels