... with a focus on the A in STEAM!
Announcing the Mansfield City Schools - Nature focused Summer STEAM Camp!
Who is eligible to attend?
Students who are rising 3rd - 6th graders.
What is the location of the camp?
The camp will be held in the high school (124 North Linden Road, 44906)
What are the dates?
SESSION I will run the weeks of June 12 - 16 and June 19 - 23.
SESSION II will run the weeks of June 26 - 30 and July 10-14.
What are the times?
STEAM Camp hours will be 9 - 1:30p during the dates listed above.
Fun Memories from STEAM 2022!
Inspecting Bug Life
Fun with the City Engineer
Bee Hives
Additional information about the camp!
TRANSPORTATION - The camp will begin each week at 9 a.m. If your student requires transportation, please contact the Mansfield City Schools bus garage for pick-up information - P: 419-525-6303. For parent pick-up and drop-off - The camp will be held in the high school (124 North Linden Road, 44906). Drop-off will be located at the front of the high school. The program will not be canceled due to rain. Drop off and pick up will be at the same location as noted above.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORMS - Your student must have current medical emergency information on file in OneView from the concluding school year to participate.
FIELD TRIPS - There will be several field trips during the camps. A field trip form will be sent home with your student on their first day of participation. Without a signed field trip form, your student will not be able to participate in the field trip activities assigned to that camp day.
FOOD - Students will be served breakfast, and lunch daily. These lunches are provided by the district and will be appropriate for all allergy needs.
STEAM GROUND RULES - It is our goal to ensure that each student has an enjoyable and fulfilling experience as a participant in our program. We will always emphasize positive ways to deal with difficult situations. Everyone is here to have fun! Bullying, dangerous play, and violence will not be tolerated. Our policies on discipline include verbal warnings, one-on-one discussions, time-outs, parent conferences, and possible removal from camp.
Sponsored by the Career Technical Education staff!
Email: fletcher.nikia@mansfieldschools.org
Website: https://www.mansfieldschools.org/careertech_home.aspx
Location: 124 North Linden Road, Mansfield, OH, USA
Phone: 419-525-6701
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MCSTygers
Twitter: @CTEMCS_Tygers