Valentine View
An e-newsletter from Valentine Hills Elementary School
February 5, 2024
Upcoming events at Valentine Hills
Mon, Feb 5
Nothing on the calendar
Tue, Feb 6
7:30 Large Group Orchestra-5th Gr @ HVMS
5:00 Kindergarten Kick Off @ Pike Lake
Wed, Feb 7
7:30 Large Group Orchestra-4th Gr Summer @ HVMS
7:35 Large Group Band @ HVMS
5:00 Kindergarten Kick Off @ Pike Lake
Thu, Feb 8
Hearing Testing-grade 1 only
7:30 Large Group Orchestra-4th Gr Fall @ HVMS
9:30 Highview Deans Visit 5th Grade
6:00 5th Grade Parent Night @ Highview Middle School
Fri, Feb 9
Wear Red Today!!!
8:00 Bucket Drumming-music room
8:15 Science Olympiad-science room
Future Dates:
- Feb 19: No School/Teacher Work Day
- Feb 22: 2nd gr Music Concert
- Mar 11-15: Spring Break/No School
February is Black History Month
Every February, the U.S. honors the contributions and sacrifices of African Americans who have helped shape the nation. Black History Month celebrates the rich cultural heritage, triumphs and adversities that are an indelible part of our country's history. For more information, please check out this link.
Communication Night Change
Our 2nd round of Communication Nights are coming up. Teachers will send out an email with links to sign up for a time. The first night will be Feb 29. The 2nd night was originally scheduled for Mar 5. Unfortunately, we have a scheduling conflict and have to move it to Mar 7. The district was just informed the MN Primary is scheduled for Mar 5 and by law, we can not have school events from 6-8 pm. that evening. Sorry for any confusion or confilcts this may present.
PTO News
Full details will go home with your student next week. Here are a few highlights of what can be expected plus additional friendship/kindness surprises throughout the week!
Theme days
- MONDAY - Colorful day (wear your favorite color as many colors as you can)
- TUESDAY - Athletic day (wear athletic or sports team attire
- WEDNESDAY - Red day (wear red for Valentine’s day)
- THURSDAY - Extra/fancy day (dress your best)
- FRIDAY - Sleep clothes/PJ day
Teacher notes
- We want to flood the staff with notes of appreciation again. Hearts will be provided to complete to be displayed at school.
Carnival Raffle Prizes Needed!
Are you or someone you know a season ticket holder, owner of a business, or even just a loyal customer somewhere? If so, let us know if you or they can donate an awesome prize to our raffle! Please contact Emelia with information: Or, if you are able to contact businesses on our behalf, we would love some help! Please contact Emelia as well if you're able to lend a hand.
Seeking Future Board and Committee Members
Are you looking to get more involved in making FUN things happen for students at Valentine Hills? If so, we are looking for some board and committee members to help fill roles for the 2024/25 school year. If you have an interest in learning more, please email us at