EAGLE EYE - Michele Clark
1st Edition August 30, 2019
From the Principal's Desk
I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to be working with such committed and dedicated professionals. I am confident that you will be the difference-maker in the lives of every student, parent, and community person that walks across the threshold of Michele Clark.
Just a few takeaways:
- We are the BEST team ever!
- We are life changers!
- We are in this to win!
- We are a great TEAM!
CPS’ password policy helps ensure the security of students’ sensitive information such as social security numbers, Individualized Education Plans and personally identifiable information. The CPS password policy requires that high school students must change their passwords every 180 days and students grades 4-8 must change their passwords once per year.
ACTION REQUIRED: Please be aware that all student passwords will begin expiring in September.
Students in grades 4-12 must reset their password by the deadline of September 20.
ITS strongly encourages teachers to have students proactively reset their passwords prior to the password expiration date. We have created the following resources for teachers:
Teacher Toolkit - Facts for Schools - Quick guide and resources designed to help teachers support their students with password self service.
Student Guide - Students can quickly reset their password at cps.edu/portal with these instructions.
FAQs - Answers to frequently asked questions regarding student password self service.
*Grade levels, create a plan to ensure all students reset their passwords before September 20.
Emergency Lesson Plans
Emergency lesson plans are meant to ensure the efficient continuation of the classroom routine by the substitute teacher when the classroom teacher is absent. These plans are for use in the event the regular lesson plan book is not available. It is the responsibility of all teachers to maintain emergency substitute plans for substitute teachers.
When preparing emergency lesson plans, do not make them a conglomerate of worksheets. Include activities that review, reinforce, or provide practice on material that students have mastered. Include activities in which the substitute can interact with students. Emergency Lesson plan packets (paper copies, no need to include full class sets of work, copies will be made when needed) for 3 days are due to Ms. Quinn in the main office by 3rd week of school (Friday, September 27). You do not need class sets of work. The office will copy for you. Once a packet has been used, it must be replaced within 4 school days after the teacher returns to work. Substitute folders are stored in the Main Office.
Each packet of lesson plans should include: an updated class list, an updated seating chart, a schedule of the classroom routines and procedures, plans for each subject, instructions regarding instructional groups, list of students being pulled out for special programs, and identification of any student with special medical or dietary needs (food allergies).
After each absence, check the folder carefully to see that all assignments have been collected and that all necessary papers are accounted for, i. e. class rosters, unused lesson plans, etc. Substitute folders will be regularly checked by the administration to ensure that students in classrooms where the teacher is absent receive high quality, authentic instruction that is tied to standards.
Deviation from these expectations may result in appropriate employee discipline.
"There aren't any meetings this week"
September 27th: Emergency sub plans due
September 28th: Austin 5K
October 4th: Homecoming Dance
October 5th: Homecoming Game
Schedules and First Week Advisory
Don’t forget this week’s schedules and advisory curriculum!
To Do:
Have a great first week!
Develop a plan with your grade level team to reset all student passwords by September 20th (see more information)
Create sub-plans by September 27th (see above for more information)
Departments and Grade-levels send your vision statements to AP Taglia
Principal Anderson
Ms. Bryant Knows
Building a STRONG Foundation
Book Room
Each bookroom will be managed and supervised by the administration who will be there the entire time with you.
Mr. Head, Mr. Wise, Mr. Robinson, and Ms. Connor for leading grade level circles.
Ms. Collins for being reflective around Peace Room policies
Mr. Robinson for helping to lead the PD session on RP, as well as leading a grade level circle.
Mr. Watson for leading our first school IB session
ILT: Ms. Bryant, Ms. Faughn, Mr. Kania, Mr. Tafoya, Mr. Watson, and Ms. Wooding for sharing the professional learning cycle work with staff
Mr. Roseman for presenting the teacher supports to staff and updated RP policies
Ms. Mahon for revisiting field trip information and important information about BHT, as well as planning grade level orientations.
Mr. Dean for leading sessions during grade level orientations.
Grade level leads, Ms. Ford-France, Ms. Petersen, Ms. Godwin, and Mr. Roseman and department leads, Ms. Faughn, Ms. Bryant, Mr. Kania, Mr. Charles, and Ms. Tucker for leading visioning and tuning activities with their teams.
Ms. Lowe for grilling the tasty lunch for us
Mr. Tafoya for organizing, maintaining, and distributing tech
Ms. D. Brown for all her work to schedule students to ensure they are in the proper placements
Ms. Palmer for helping with scheduling, leading an IEP session, and working with teachers to create curriculum
Ms. Quinn and Ms. Grier for creating teacher welcome bags
Ms. Baltzer, Ms. Burridge, Ms. Clifton, Mr. Hossler, Mr. R. Lee, Ms. Matta, Mr. Mesa, Mr. Polo, Ms. Walton, Mr. Watson, Ms. Taylor, Ms. Carter, and Mr. Payne.
You are all now a part of the official Michele Clark Eagle's family. Your last induction requires you to know the MCHS Song and dance routine to be performed at your Advisory townhall meeting. Don't let us down...