CSD Newsroom
The latest from Camas School District
Board Highlights (just the facts)
Board Resolution 18-12 - LGO Bond – Following its first public hearing of the evening, the board passed a resolution which authorizes the issuance, sale, and delivery of a Limited General Obligation Bond, which will reimburse us for costs of purchasing the property formerly owned by Underwriters Laboratories. This is the non-voted debt referenced here. There were nine entities who bid to fund the bond, and JP Morgan Chase won the bid with an incredible 1.99% interest rate. We will amortize the debt over 10 years, with the opportunity to pay it in full as early as June 2022. Funding the repayment will come from state timber dollars and impact fees collected from new construction in our community.
Board Resolution 18-13 - Budget – After a public hearing, the board unanimously adopted the final 2019-20 budget. You can view Jasen McEathron's presentation here (he's our Business Services Director).
Multnomah Education Service District Agreement - The board also approved a recurring contract we have with Multnomah ESD that is set not to exceed $300,000. This group manages several therapeutic day treatment schools for students with complex and unique emotional, behavioral, and adaptive needs when school districts determine they are unable to provide these critical services within their own programs.
Would you like to see more? Agendas, supporting documents, and minutes are always posted here.
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Email: communications@camas.wednet.edu
Website: camas.wednet.edu
Location: 841 Northeast 22nd Avenue, Camas, WA, USA
Phone: 360-335-3000
Facebook: facebook.com/CamasSchools
Twitter: @CamasSchools