AMMS Lions Roar
"Recognize the Roar"
Monday, November 2, 2020
Mr. Trey Martin, Principal
Dr. Mimi Gamel, 7th Grade Assistant Principal
Ms. Laurie Chans, 6th Grade Assistant Principal
Calendar of Events
November 3rd Election Day /Teacher Workday (students off)
November 4th Fall Picture Day
Tuesday, November 3rd, Election Day - Teacher Workday - No School for Students
Grading Practices - Effective November 2nd
The District approved the following items will go into effect for any assignment given on or after November 2, 2020.
• Students will be eligible for ONE redo/retake who achieve a score of 89 or less.
• Students will be eligible to earn a replacement grade on a redo/retake with a score no more than 89.
• Student redo/retakes must be completed 10 school days prior to the end of the semester.
• Quizzes are to be considered summative assessments and can be given and counted.
FCS is asking parents/guardians of FCS students to submit a COVID-19 Report ONLY if your child meets any of the criteria below.
- Has tested Positive for COVID-19
- Waiting for the results of a test for COVID-19
- Has been in close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) in the last 14 days with someone diagnosed with COVID-19
Directions: COVID Reporting of student cases/exposure/testing
Please DO NOT send your student to school or school sponsored events when he/she is ill and has any of the above COVID-19 concerns until you have spoken with your healthcare provider, one of the FCS Student Health Services School Nurses, or a public health official.
Riding on Another Student's Bus - IMPORTANT INFORMATION
In the past, parents have been able to send a request to their school asking for their child to ride a bus home with another student for childcare purposes.
Due to COVID-19 and our efforts to manage bus ridership, assigned seating, and support case investigations, buses can only serve the students that are assigned to the bus.
ATTENDANCE FOR Face to Face Students
Attendance Notes
For those students attending F2F instruction, all absence notes should be turned in to the front office. If your student is out of school for an illness or doctor's appointment, the parent/guardian must submit an attendance note within 5 days to the front office.
Yearbooks On Sale NOW!
Yearbooks are on sale now! This will be an unforgettable book for an unforgettable year so purchase one now at the lowest price of the year. Click here to purchase one now!
Parents of 8th Graders-celebrate your middle school grad with a Recognition Ad. Space is limited so click here to purchase your ad!
All families-please be on the lookout in future correspondence for a chance to submit photos that may be used in this year’s book.
Attendance for Virtual Students
If your student is attending virtually as elected for the remainder of 1st semester, you can email your absence note to within 5 days.
All notes should include the following:
- First name
- Last Name
- Date(s) and period(s) they are out
- Grade level
- Reason for absence
Please include a doctor's note whenever possible for both F2F and virtual. These can be turned into the office for F2F or scanned or emailed to or faxed to 470-254-7630 if virtual.
Attendance will be adjusted within 24 to 48 hours.