Mrs. Miles' Technology Tidbits
September Edition
September Professional Development Sessions
My first session will held by Mrs. Smith and myself on Promethean Basics. This is perfect for anyone new to our school who isn't familar with Promethean Boards or the Activinspire software. The 2nd session will be help you get jump start on this year by planning for effective use of online classroom tools. Use the link below to view inservice opportunities and sign up.
9/04/2014 Promethean Basics for New Techers
Length of Session: One hour, 2:45-3:45
Location: RWS GYM Lab
9/17/2014 Planning for Effective Use of Online Classroom Tools - Activities and Materials
Length of Session: One Hour
Location: LPS computer Lab
Technology Minute
I am excited to announce that this year I will be sending out an Instructional Technology Minute each week. The Instructional Technology Minute is a brief video displaying a technology tool you may not be aware of. These tools will help you leverage technology to improve student learning. The first video is on Screencastify. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you with any of the tools you find. Press play on the video below to view this week's video.
You Can Book Me!!
Work Orders
rwswo@rcschools.net or lpswo@rcschools.net
PLEASE title the email Work Order!
iNow Logins
Click the box below to watch a screen cast on how to download Youtube videos to avoid streaming.
Clarissa Miles Technology Coach
Email: milesc@rcschools.net
Website: http://tinyurl.com/mylifeasatechie
Twitter: @mylifeasatechie