ESC 15 Effective Instructional Practices Q2 September 2022
Region 15 ESC - Three Year Summary
ESC 15 schools increased the number of "A" campuses in 2022. The bar is definitely moving the right way. This is a credit to the hard work all educators and students at these campuses. The year of 2023 will be marked with a new accountability system (reset), online testing, and a redesign of the 3-8 STAAR assessment. Our educators will be ready and ESC 15 is ready to offer support!
ESC15 Campus Ratings by Campus Type
Only official ratings were provided for campuses that received an A-C. ESC 15 schools made significant progress over the 2021-2022 academic year.
Overall, 92% of campuses were rated an A, B or C:
"A" Percentage -- 23%
"B" Percentage -- 51%
"C" Percentage -- 18%
"60-69" Percentage -- 5%
"<59" Percentage -- 2%
Texas Campus Ratings A-F
Cut points used to identify schools for support:
Campus CTG Overall
E 63 66
M 66 66
S 65 66
AEA 30 66
Crockett County Consolidated Common School District
There are 19 districts in Region 15 that received an "A" rating on August 15, 2022. We are conditioned to praise the result (label) but the process is so much more important. The systems and process and mindsets that have been put in place to help students be successful have been truly inspiring in many districts in the region. The hours, the planning, and the training to get students that have struggled to be successful has been daunting. Not only did a few campuses receive lower than wanted ratings in 2019, the first year that A-F ratings were assigned, but the pandemic actually had the potential to set campuses and districts back. There have been many distractions and barriers since the first ratings were assigned, but many districts have looked for a way to persevere. One such district is Crockett County Consolidated Common School District in Ozona. There are many campuses we have visited that exemplify service leadership, but CCCCD is definitely one of the best! We have heard the comments from teachers in more than one district say, "We know that students count on us." For some of our students, education is their only chance of escaping a life of poverty. Opportunities for students begin with the mindset of adults. In Crockett County Consolidated Common School District, Dr. Tamara McWilliams, has helped promote a student first culture that doesn't accept excuses. Dr. McWilliams is the assistant superintendent and has lead district school improvement strategies over the past three years. Dr. McWilliams gives all the credit to the staff and students. The systems put in place to look at data and make decisions based on what is best for students are evident.
Raul Chavarria, Crockett County Consolidated Common School District commented on the success of the district saying, "Our kids, teachers, administration and certainly our parents are extremely proud to have earned this distinction. It is an honor to lead and be a part of a dedicated and caring staff. There are so many great things happening in our district. CCCCSD looks forward to continued growth!"
Tamara McWilliams reflects, “The success of the district is a testament to the incredible body of work the ratings represent from district staff and students. The ratings also represent transformation - the transformation of every student and every staff member over the last three years. Transformation depends on a proper environment. Our parents, our community, our school board and our educational service center each helped to create an environment that encouraged our growth as educators and as students. As a district we have had all the resources, all the support and all the encouragement needed to transform staff and transform students. Transformed is not the same as changed; a changed district could return to a prior state; just as one might change the route to work and then return to the original one. In a transformed district, the old is gone and the new has come. I love to use butterfly analogies, so I have to use a small one here. Once the caterpillar is transformed into the butterfly, there is no going back! The transformation is permanent; there is a new life purpose and a new journey ahead (why with one’s wings properly in place, the possibilities are endless!)That is where we are as a district. We are transformed, and the journey ahead as an A Rated District will be an exciting one!”
Crockett County Consolidated Common School District Information by Campus
Kristin Sissom--Ozona Middle School Principal
2019 Overall: D=69; Domain I - C=72, Domain II - C=72; Domain III - D=61
2022 Overall: A=92; Domain I - B=80, Domain II - B= 89, Domain III - A=91
Erica Cruz - Ozona Elementary School Principal
2019 Overall: F=52; Domain I - F=59; Domain II - F=57; Domain III - F=37
2022 Overall: B=87; Domain I - 78=C; Domain II - B=88; Domain III - B=85
Thaddeus McCalister
2019 Overall: C=78; Domain I - C=78; Domain II- B=80; Domain III - C=72=C
2022 Overall: A=90; Domain I - A=90; Domain II - A=91; Domain III - B=86
Online Testing is Here -- Tools to Get Students "At Bats" is a Focus
September 15th Supt Call will include information - Inform your Principals and CTCs. Online testing will take place for all students in the State of Texas in the spring of 2023. 70% of other states have already transitioned. One of the biggest concerns has centered around a district making sure they have students prepared. The aim:
- Broader access to accommodations
- Faster test scores and results
- Improved test operations
- Allows for new, non-multiple choice questions.
Implementation Guide to Online Testing
TEA wants to provide ways for students to meaningfully interact with the online testing platform before online testing in Spring 2023, recommending a minimum of two "at bats" per student PRIOR to STAAR/EOC 2023. The number of at bats will be compiled for each district.
- Beginning of Year Diagnostic Assessments - LEAS can administer released STAAR tests as beginning of year diagnostics.
- Interim Assessments - LEAS can administer STAAR Interim assessments 1-2 times per year to monitor student progress. Online tools available!
- Formative Curricular embedded Assessments (TFAR) - LEAS that have adopted TEA's Core OER instructional materials can administer curricular embedded assessments in TFAR. Other LEAs can created their existing unit tests in TFAR. These should be aligned to instructional materials, accessible through testing personnel system.
Balanced Assessment Plans include diagnostic, formative, Interim, and summative.
School Improvement Grant and Effective School Grant Program Information
- 2022-2023 Title I, 1003 School Improvement Grant Launch Webinar
Friday, September 9, 2022 at 11:00 am
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83524009149 Optional, but encouraged for: DCSIs, CFOs/Business Managers -
Effective Instruction Workshops -- ESF/TIP Training
These workshops are being provided to promote effective instructional practices. Some will be required to attend but anyone is invited. Information about the Effective School Framework and Targeted Improvement Plans will be covered.
August 24-25 http://apps.esc1.net/ProfessionalDevelopment/esc15/Registration/Workshop/243041
Effective Instructional Practices
Two core ideas Paul Bambrick-Santoyo references in Leverage Leadership 2.0:
- Standards are meaningless until you determine how to assess them.
- Assessments are the starting point for instruction, not the end.
With this premise in mind, how can leaders and educators facilitate quality instructional practices?
Effective District Framework Update from TEA
Many of our schools have heard about the Effective School Framework (ESF). Many campuses have received an ESF diagnostic. The ESF Library has provided many resources to help campuses engage in effective instructional practices. The Effective District Framework is tied to the Effective School Framework and will be available in 2022-2023 for all districts.
What is the Effective District Framework?
There are 5 ALIGNED Levers in EDF and ESF, see below.
Effective District Framework
- Organization Performance management
- Human Capital Systems
- Integrated Student Supports
- HQIM and Pathways
- Instructional Leadership
- School Model Innovation
Effective School Framework
- School Leadership and Planning
- Strategic Staffing
- Positive School culture
- High Quality Instructional Materials
- Effective Instruction
- Data Driven Instruction
Comparisons between EDF and ESF
*EDF focus' on district practices/systems; ESF focus on campus practices/systems.
*EDF framework is broader that ESF to accommodate differences across LEAs.
* EDF engagement will likely be narrower in scope and there are differentiated pathways based on district starting conditions.
*EDF Facilitate criteria will be more deeply based in experience and submit matter expertise to build trust with superintendents and district teams.
ESC 15 School Improvement Team
School Improvement and Texas Instructional Leadership
David Bedford david.bedford@esc15.netMichael Bohensky michael.bohensky@esc15.net (325) 650-0452
Randy Gartman randy.gartman@esc15.net
Rob Hollis rob.hollis@esc15.net
Ryan Knickerbocker ryan.knickerbocker@esc15.net
Lela Taubert lela.taubert@esc15.net
Stephanie Free stephanie.free@esc15.net
Cindy Lee cindy.lee@esc15.net
Paula Ringo paula.ringo@esc15.net
Texas Instructional Coaches (and other roles)
Robin Graves robin.graves@esc15.net
Sharon Lane sharon.lane@esc15.net
Lindsay Carr lindsay.carr@esc15.net