St Thomas' Primary News
29 November 2023
St Thomas’ Primary School is part of a faith community centred on the life of Jesus, as expressed in our Motto,
‘Together in Christ’
Our Vision is to 'Educate the Whole Child' and empower learners as global citizens, to be curious, collaborative, creative and critical thinkers, inspired by Christ.
As we near the end of the school year, we prepare for the Church season of Advent.
God of light and hope look upon us in love
And fill us with the Spirit of Jesus.
That we may love you and serve you in your kingdom
Protect us during this week and keep us watchful in prayer
As we await the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
Who is light of the world
And who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit
One God, for ever and ever.
Advent reminds Christians of the sacred meaning of Christmas, to remember and prepare for the birth of Jesus. For each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, we light a candle on the Advent wreath as we say an Advent Prayer.
Advent Wreath
The Advent Wreath is a symbol which reminds us of the everlasting love of God and the time of waiting for the coming of Christ into our lives. The wreath is round reminding us of the never-ending love of God. It is made from evergreens reminding us of the life that comes from God. There are four candles, three purple and one pink, representing the four Sundays in Advent. The colour purple is the liturgical colour for Advent, which symbolizes a time of waiting and the colour pink represents the joy we share in the life of Jesus. During the season of Advent one candle on the wreath is lit each Sunday as a part of the Advent services.
Christmas Art @ St Thomas'
Important Dates
Friday 1 December - 6pm Year 6 Graduation Dinner
Monday 4 December - End of Year Reports Live (p.m.)
Monday 4 December - Transition Morning - Orientation for new students 9am
Tuesday 5 December - Christmas Concert 5pm Picnic; 6pm Concert
Thursday 7 December - Graduation Paraliturgy 9am
Friday 8 December - Y6 Adventure World Excursion
Friday 8 December - PP - Year 5 - Lego Incursion
Friday 8 December - Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Friday 8 December - Final day of the year for students
Wednesday 31 January - Students commence Term 1
Wednesday 31 January - Welcome cuppa for all parents after morning drop off
Friday 23 February - P & F Sundowner
Please remember dates of events can be subject to change
(Full 2023 term dates at the end of this newsletter)
From the Principal
The Christmas spirit is alive and well at St Thomas' as students prepare for our annual Christmas Concert. Everyone is welcome to join us to celebrate as we prepare for the birth of Jesus at Christmas. The Year 2 students will be acting out the nativity and our classes will be singing songs from different countries around the world.
Students will need to have a small cushion or towel to sit on for the Christmas Concert. Please send this into the classroom as soon as possible with their name on it so that the children can use this during rehearsals.
Date: Tuesday 5 December
Venue: St Thomas' Primary - Top Oval. Parents, please bring a picnic rug or very low seats to sit on. (no high back seats please)
Entry: College Road pedestrian gate or Melville Street Kindy entrance.
Who is invited: Parents, Grandparents, families, members of our Parish, community members.
5pm: Family Picnic (Optional)
5.45pm: Students to go to classrooms dressed in their costumes.
6pm - 7.30pm: Concert
Students will need to arrive at school dressed in their costume.
Playground: Between 5pm & 5.45pm, parents will need to supervise their own children if they are playing in the school grounds. During the concert, please do not let your younger or older children play on the playgrounds as this will distract the students while they perform.
Pick up at the end of concert: At the end of the concert, students will head back to their classrooms with their class teacher. Please collect your child from their classroom.
Last Tuesday evening, I had the privilege of reporting on school activities for the year at our Annual General Meeting. I also had the opportunity to thank the many people who contribute their time and talents to assist in the education of our students. Reports from the Advisory Council Chair Mrs Susan Swift , Treasurer Daniel Della Vedova, P & F Chair Mrs Clare McIlree and P & F Treasurer, Mrs Sarah Bockxmeer, provided a snapshot of the amazing achievements of our students, staff and community throughout the 2023 school year. We thank our retiring Advisory Council members Mr Peter Lorbeer and Mr Paul Indiamo and retiring P & F Executives, Mrs Clare McIlree and Mrs Carin Penberthy. We welcome Mrs Rebecca Faugno and Mr Paul Whitehouse to the Advisory Council and Mrs Malini De Silva and Mrs Rachel Walker to the P & F roles.
Staffing for the 2024 school year is as follows with some positions still to be decided:
Principal: Mrs Natalia Thomson
Assistant Principal: Mr Heath Nankivell
Administration: Mrs Julie Wray, Mrs Marta Gumina
Finance: Mrs Mary Courtney
Classroom Teachers:
· Pre-Kindy: Mrs Kate Byrne
· Kindergarten: Mrs Brianna Kirkbride
· Pre-primary: Mrs Georgia Powers
· Year 1: Miss Grace Briffa
· Year 2: Miss Phebe Harvey
· Year 3: Miss Hannah Antulov
· Year 4: Mrs Lila Gibbs
· Year 5: Mrs Penny Pitcher
· Year 6: Mr Liam Godsall
Education Support: Mrs Sam Valentine
Specialist Teachers:
· Science: Mrs Natalie Cloud
· Visual Arts: Mrs Kate Byrne
· Physical Education: Mrs Sharon Seaman
· Performing Arts (Drama): Mrs Renee Miller
· Music: TBA
Education Assistants:
· Pre-Kindy: Mrs Virginia Gamble (Thurs/Friday)
· Kindergarten: Mrs Jeanette Koong,
Mrs Virginia Gamble (Mon-Wed),
· Pre-Primary: Miss Jessica Berreteri,
Mrs Anita Carlisle
· Years 1-6: Ms Rebecca McCarthy
Mrs Sharon Seaman
Mrs Sue Vincent
Miss Jordana Schavaci.
We farewell and thank Mrs Nicky Sullivan, Mrs Nicola Hurst, Miss Nicole Nolan, Miss Natalie Mandry and Miss Liezel Menquito, and thank them for the wonderful contribution to our school.
Thank you to the families who have sent in a variety of food items or vouchers in support of this appeals. Each classroom teacher has a basket in which to collect these items. Next Monday 4 December, a representative from St Vincent de Paul will be collecting the donations to distribute to those in need. Many thanks to Mrs Pitcher, Mrs Sullivan, and the Mini Vinnies team for organising and co-ordinating this appeal.
STUDENT TRANSITION TO 2024: Monday 4 December 9am
At St Thomas’ we have a thorough handover procedure between the staff for the end of the year and also a transition programme for all classes. This transition will take place on Monday 4 December.
Children from Kindy onwards, will move up a year level between 9am - 11am and students will have the opportunity to spend some time with their 2024 class teacher. New students to the school have been invited to attend.
END OF YEAR LITURGY – Thursday 7 December
Please join us for our end of year thanksgiving and Graduation Liturgy in the Church at St Thomas’ on Thursday 7 December at 9am. The Liturgy will be followed by our end of year presentations and the announcement of the Year 6 Leaders for 2024. Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will attend. Parents and friends are welcome.
As the end of the school year approaches, I would like to thank everyone for their contribution to our school this year. It is through the efforts of so many, that we achieve so much. To our Year 6 students, staff and families leaving at the end of this year – thank you for the support you have shown the school during your time at St Thomas’. Best wishes in all your future endeavours.
On behalf of the staff of St Thomas’, I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a safe, enjoyable holiday break. We look forward to seeing you all on the first day of school 2024, Wednesday 31 January.
May God bless your week
Natalia Thomson
From the Assistant Principal
Next Monday 4 December, End of Year student reports will be available for parents to download through Seqta. A link will be emailed to all parents when these reports become ‘live’ and ready for you to view. Preparation of these reports takes considerable time on the part of teachers, and I applaud their hard work and professionalism, often outside of work hours, to give such a comprehensive overview of individual student achievement across all learning areas of the Western Australian Curriculum.
Some iPad bundles have been received by the school. When we receive the iPad parents have ordered for this child, we will email parents with confirmation of what has been delivered. Often delivery of orders may occur in batches over a few days - this is no cause for concern. Thank you to the parents who have made contact with me to discuss personal circumstances - I encourage any questions parents may have, through email, phone or face-to-face discussion. The bundle on the Winthrop website is still the device and accessories that are strongly recommended for Year 3 students in 2024. iPads will have school management software installed on 25 January. Parents wishing to use an existing iPad must bring the iPad to the school by 24 January, erased and Apple ID signed out. Thank you for your support of the 1:1 iPad program.
Thank you to all parents in our amazing St Thomas’ community for your support of our mission, vision and education philosophy. We are blessed to be working with our 229 outstanding students and their families, here in Claremont. Enjoy the Christmas break and we look forward to continuing the amazing development of each child and the school as a whole. Exciting times are ahead in 2024!
Mr Heath Nankivell
Assistant Principal
Christmas Concert 2023
Kindy & Year 3 News
To celebrate the end of their first Buddy Year together, the Kindy and Year Three classes worked together to make a Christmas decoration of their choice. As a reward on a hot day, the buddies enjoyed an ice pole in the shade. The children have built positive and cheerful relationships with each other and thoroughly enjoy their buddy sessions together.”
Enrolments 2024
We have a very limited number of positions available across the school in a variety of year levels. Please contact the administration office for further information.
3-year-old Kindy 2024
We are currently undertaking enrolments and conducting interviews for 3 Year Old Kindy 2024. Please make sure that you let your family and friends know and if you have a sibling, please ensure that you have completed an enrolment form. There are very few spaces for 2024 remaining so please make this a priority for your family. Please contact the office if you require more information or refer to our school website.
Thank you Bunnings for our corn. 🌽
St Vincent Christmas Appeal
Term Four is upon us and Christmas time is fast approaching. This is the time when we start collecting for the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers. The Mini Vinnies Team led by Mrs Pitcher and Mrs Sullivan are coordinating the Christmas Appeal.
The VDP society helps to provide hope, comfort and dignity to families who require extra assistance during the festive season. 2023 has been a difficult year and Christmas will be especially challenging. All our donations are distributed to families in our local community.
Due to the nature of the season, Christmas can be a particularly emotional time of year where feelings of disappointment, failure and isolation can be heightened. We hope you will help bring ’Christ into Christmas” and generously donate non -perishable items to our appeal. Baskets are placed in each classroom and in the Front Office.
Uniforms 2024
Please note the following important dates:
- Last delivery to schools is Friday 8 December.
- Last delivery date for home deliveries for orders received up to Friday 15 December is Tuesday 19 December
- Online orders received from Monday 18 December will be delivered from Monday 17 January 2024
All children commencing Pre Primary will need to wear the St Thomas' Primary sports uniform and children moving from Pre Primary to Year One will commence wearing the formal school uniform. Please ensure you are aware of uniform requirements, prior to purchase.
If you have a Kindy child moving to Pre Primary or a Pre Primary child moving to Year one and would like to try on uniforms for sizing prior to purchase please contact the Uniform Shop Coordinator on:
The P&F uniform shop is also always happy to receive any good quality secondhand uniforms for resale. Please leave items with the front desk. The secondhand uniform shop will be open closer to the commencement of the 2024 school year. The date will be advertised in future newsletters.
Music Lessons 2024
Instrumental music lessons are available at St Thomas' Primary. Children can learn voice, keyboard, piano, violin, drums, guitar and flute. Please contact the school office for a music form if your child is interested in commencing music lessons in 2024.
School Community Directory
At St Thomas', we are keen to start a school community directory to support the family and friends of our school. If you have a small business that you would like to share, promote and support, please complete the form on this LINK
Term Dates for Students:
· TERM 1
Wednesday 31 Jan – Thursday 28 March
· TERM 2
Monday 15 April – Friday 28 June
· TERM 3
Tuesday 16 July – Friday 20 September
· TERM 4
Tuesday 8 October – Friday 6 December
Pupil free days:
Friday 26 April
Friday 31 May
Monday 15 July
Monday 19 August
Monday 7 October
Public Holidays
Monday 4 March (Labour Day)
Friday 29 March (Good Friday)
Thursday 25 April (ANZAC Day)
Monday 3 June (WA Day)
St Thomas' Primary School
Location: 8 Warden Street Claremont WA 6010
Phone: (08 9286 9500
Twitter: @StThomasCPS
St Thomas' Primary School Claremont