Cougar News Update
October 26th-30th, 2020
FCS creates COVID-19 Reporting Portal for parents/students
Dear Parents,
The Fulton County Board of Health and Fulton County Schools have developed an on-line portal for FCS parents/guardians to report student COVID-19 related cases. Please make a report to the FCBOH when your student is COVID-19 positive, has a pending COVID-19 test result, or has been in direct contact with a COVID-19 positive person. Also, please use this resource for official reporting rather than alerting the school and/or teacher. If you must engage the school/teacher, please do so after you have made an official report to the FCBOH. Lastly, to ensure the protection of our school community, please do not allow your child to attend school or school-sponsored events when he/she is ill and/or has any of the above COVID-19 concerns. Please reference the attached flyer and consider posting it in a visible location for easy access.
Thank you and please stay safe.
Carpool will close at 7:40 for teachers to begin instruction. Students are counted TARDY after 7:40 and parents must PARK and Check students into the front office.
PTA Meeting Tuesday @ 6PM- Online- RSVP with your email to attend...
Attention Parents, Teachers and Community Members!!
Our first PTA meeting will be Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 6pm on Microsoft Teams.
Join the meeting using the links below!
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meetingOr call in (audio only)
+1 470-705-1712,,760392580# United States, Atlanta
Phone Conference ID: 760 392 580#Find a local number | Reset PIN
Tuesday, Oct 27, 2020, 06:00 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
STORYBOOK CHARACTER DAY! Our Closing Celebration to Red Ribbon Week
- Students pick a book to read and dress as one of the characters.
- No scary, horror, or violent themes allowed. No blood, face paint, or inappropriate attire.
- Bring/submit your book and summary to your teacher online
- Each classroom will have a winner for best character & book summary
Friday, Oct 30, 2020, 01:00 PM
Campbell Elementary School, Elder Street, Fairburn, GA, USA
PTA Meeting Tuesday 10/27/2020 @ 6PM on Microsoft Teams
- Approve Budget
- Board Members
- Events
- Fundraisers
- Member Feedback
- Virtual Learning Tips
- School Meals
PTA- Drive Through Trick-or-Treat 10/31/2020 @ 10AM-2PM
- Wear costume
- Remain in vehicle
- Drive Through only
- Campbell Carpool Lane
- Masks and Social Distancing required
- 11/20 at 6p is the Campbell Campfire virtual event
- (PTA will supply students with treats for the campfire on 11/19)
- Stay tuned for details!
PTA Meeting Tuesday 10/27/2020 @ 6PM on Microsoft Teams
- Approve Budget
- Board Members
- Events
- Fundraisers
- Member Feedback
- Virtual Learning Tips
- School Meals
PTA- Drive Through Trick-or-Treat 10/31/2020 @ 10AM-2PM
- Wear costume
- Remain in vehicle
- Drive Through only
- Campbell Carpool Lane
Report Cards are visible in Infinite Campus now!
- Click links below for Campus Resources
How to...
Learn English- Free Rosetta Stone
- FREE and available to all parents of children in Title I schools
- Accessible on any device, from anywhere in the world
- Limited licenses available districtwide
- Use at the school, at home or on your mobile device
- Must meet minimum usage requirements Contact Ms. Ebony Henderson, Bi-lingual Community Liaison with questions or for more information.
- If you are already using the program, please complete our survey at https://tinyurl.com/RSsurveyFCS.
- Your feedback helps us to continue the program.
Buses can only serve the students that are assigned to the bus.
Televised Lessons for PreK though Second Grade
Families of students in PreK though Second Grade can see the lessons on Comcast 24, Google Fiber TV Channel 145 and AT&T Chanel 99 (residents of Fulton County), or visit www.fultonschools.org/fcstv to see the programs from any device with internet access.
Campbell ZFW !!! "Zen From Within"
- Campbell Care for our Mind, Body, and Spirit
- Practice Positivity
- Movement, Mindfulness, Stress Management
- Focused on Success
- Weekly "Zen From Within" Activities
- check document for stops and
- DO NOT put students on Bus if they are sick
- Adult must be at stop
- Arrive 15 min. prior to pick-up/drop-off
- Students wear masks
- CLICK HERE to find your bus and time
Support Campbell with only $10.85!! Join Today!
Support Campbell with just $10.85
It is an unprecedented school year and your membership is needed now more than ever to advocate for our students and teachers. There is no wrong or right way to PTA. We invite you to Join or re-join CES PTA because we can do more together than apart. It only takes 5 minutes.
The membership fee is $10.00 + .85c processing fee=$10.85.
Please use this link to join https://campbell-fairburn.new.memberhub.store/store
In addition, our CES PTA is a chapter of Georgia PTA. Please visit their website at https://www.georgiapta.org/membership/benefits-of-membership to see the additional benefits associated with being a CES PTA member.
Campbell ES PTA
How do I set-up my parent portal account?
All portal accounts require a 1-time activation to create your ID and password. You must be a parent/guardian of a current FCS student to activate an account.
To verify identity, you will be asked to provide the following information about 1 student in your household:
- Student first and last name (as entered on birth certificate)
- Student ID number
- Student Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Student grade level (20-21 grade level)
PTA- Reflections Contest Extended
- Entry Forms: They need to be filled out completely and turned in with the work in order to be judged.
- Please print and read over the instructions and if you have questions please reach out to PTA at campbellpta18@gmail.com.
Please make sure you read over the instructions because the way some entries are submitted has changed, for example in the musical and photography submissions, they need to be turned in by flash drives and we need 2 flash drives.
That’s it for now, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us at campbellpta18@gmail.com.
Meal Kits will still be available for virtual learners & community members
To accommodate lunch service for face-to-face students, the hours of Curbside Pick-Up have been updated.
• Curbside Pick-Up will be open Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30 .
• Families need to pre-order grab & go meal kits each week. Grab & go meal Kits need to be pre-ordered online by Tuesday at 11:59 p.m.
CLICK HERE for the online pre-order form.
. • Pick-up a FREE & go meal kit from any Fulton County School near you. • Children do not have to be present to receive a FREE grab & go meal kit. • A student’s ID number is not needed to receive a FREE grab & go meal kit.
• To maximize social distancing, drivers are not to leave their vehicles; however, walk-ups are allowed.
Parent Check in for students arriving after 7:40AM
- Checkmate is an automated attendance kiosk for students late check in or early sign out.
- Attendance is automatically recorded in real time to Infinite Campus.
PTA- Needs a Treasurer
Fulton County Schools Title 1 Parent & Family Engagement Plan
Campbell Elementary...."More Than a School"
Email: campbellnewsletter@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/campbelles
Location: 91 Elder Street, Fairburn, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-3430