TexQuest News
Fall 2020
Hello TexQuestrians!
School has begun and while this school year is unlike any other we've ever had before, what hasn't changed is TexQuest! TexQuest digital resources are ALWAYS available to all students. In this quarterly newsletter you will hear about updates to the digital resources, trainings and more!
Learning Express
NEW RESOURCES in LearningExpress/PrepSTEP for High Schools
- New Job and Career Accelerator “Quick View” Dashboard on the JCA homepage makes saved jobs directly accessible from JCA and provides quick links to saved resumes and job letters.
- The Occupation Cards now include helpful videos for almost 1,300 careers.
ProQuest SIRS Discoverer
Resources for the Upcoming Election
- EBSCO: Book on Election Manipulation (HS)
- Learn360: Watch these videos and Learn about the Election Day (ES/MS)
- Britannica: Read a biography about each of the candidates Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, Kamala Harris
- Gale: Article about Primary and General Elections
- ProQuest SIRS Discoverer: Discuss Should the Electoral College be Preserved?
- TeachingBooks: Reading List of election related books
Pre-Made Bookmarks, Flyers, Presentations, and more! Visit our website for ready-made materials you can personalize.
November is Picture Book Month!
Upcoming TexQuest Training Opportunities
We have several FREE training opportunities coming up for all TexQuest participants.
- ESC-16 TexQuest College, Career and Military Readiness, 10/14/2020, 9:00 - 3:30 p.m., session #782787
- ESC-7 Tip, Tricks and Treasures: How to Share TexQuest Digital Resources, 10/27/2020, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., session #153413
- ESC-20 TexQuest Virtual Learning Conference, 11/12/2020, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Session # 73111
- ESC-7 Get TexQuest Out of Your Library and Into Your Classroom, 12/3/2020, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Session #153538
Visit the training calendar on TexQuest.net for information on how to register for any of the sessions listed.
TCEA (Yes, we'll be there!)
*Get TexQuest Out of Your Library - and Into the Classroom, Session #210493
*TexQuest: It's Elementary - Digital Resources for K-5 Classrooms, Session #210486
*Supporting the New ELAR Standards with TexQuest Digital Resources, Session #210481
TexQuest Program
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission administers all aspects of the TexQuest program and is responsible for the selection and coordination of all TexQuest resources, as well as district invoicing.
Education Service Center, Region 20 serves as the TexQuest Support Center and is responsible for help desk, technical assistance, outreach, communication, and training to support the program.
TexQuest Support Center
Email: texquest@esc20.info
Website: texquest.net
Location: 1314 Hines, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: (844) 719-1501
Twitter: @TexQuestk12