McMillan Monthly
Information for our McMillan Community, December, 2023
Our Mission
The mission of McMillan Middle is to academically challenge students and to promote student ownership of learning in a safe, diverse, and respectful environment.
Principal Message
Greetings McMillan Families:
The end of the Fall 2023 semester is quickly approaching. Our theme this year is One Team, One Dream - with our work focused toward every student being ready for High School and beyond. Now is the time to encourage students to buckle down and make that final push to engage in class, complete work, and improve grades. Teachers and staff are working hard to support students in class, in the hallways and during after-school activities.
We will be focusing on morning arrival over the next few weeks. As a reminder, free breakfast is available, and the school opens at 7: 20 AM. At 7:35 AM the first bell rings allowing students 5 minutes to get to class. The tardy bell rings at 7:40am. Students arriving after 7:40am must get a pass from scanning a QR Code before going to class. Thank you in advance for making arrival to school on time a priority. This is a life skill that will serve students well beyond their years at McMillan Middle.
Now that colder temperatures have arrived, be sure to have a clear plan for dismissal each day. Students participating in an extracurricular activities, Lion's Pride, or Tutoring will report immediately after school. Otherwise, students are expected to exit the building at 3:05 to get on the bus, find their ride or walk home. Students will not be allowed to wait in the building after school as we do not have sufficient staff on duty to supervise. We appreciate your support with this matter.
Please review the rest of the newsletter for important updates, good news, and take advantage of the opportunity to provide feedback on the climate and culture of McMillan (see “Parent Climate Survey”). As always, we appreciate your continued support and involvement. If you have any questions, please call us 531-299-2440.
Very Respectful,
Dr. Walters - Proud Principal at McMillan
Students/Artist Mural Collaboration!
Over this past summer, staff members Mrs. Sherman, Mr. Lundeen, Mrs. Sanchez, Mr. Curran, Dr. Walters and Mr. Davis started working together to formulate ideas for bridging the culture of our building with the community, students, and families. Enter Benson graduate, and graphic artist, Mr. Reggie LeFlore, as a mural he depicted at Benson fit exactly the vision established by our community. With Mr. LeFlore's family still being in Omaha, it was a natural fit to bring this OPS alum to create this work of art.
From his website, ( "Reggie LeFlore is a visual artist who creates to praise individual and collective stories through human portraiture. His subject matter centers around “everyday people”, crafting portraits with vibrant colors and contemporary elements that aim to capture the energy and spirit of his subjects’ stories.
LeFlore’s inspirations are drawn from the concepts and philosophies of Street Art culture and Illustration - using aerosol, acrylic paint and various graphic design techniques to construct pieces in varying styles, scales and surfaces. He uses visual arts to amplify both his surrounding environments and the narratives contained within them."
In collaboration with Mrs. Sherman's Advanced Art students, LeFlore and McMillan community members set out to create a truly magical piece of art, unique to our school and our community. We feel they truly knocked it out of the park, and I would invite you to watch the time-lapse of the creation of this mural by clicking right here! In this mural, created entirely from spray-paint, you will see depictions of graffiti, the Omaha City-Space, our mascot, and other hidden gems that truly depict the PRIDE we have in McMillan as the school turns 65 years old!
Look for this work to continue, as LeFlore and our students will have more work happening over this next spring and summer at the MAC!
December Academic Calendar/Homework Help
We just can't hide that MONARCH PRIDE!
Mrs. Ballard, Ms. Naser, Mrs. Rawlings, and Mrs. Rodriguez organized a great event for World Kindness Week. Spirit days, lessons in classes, and words toward kindness filled our school!
26 Band, Choir, and Orchestra students have been selected for All City Music and will perform at the Holland Center in February. Thank you to all who gave their time in November to support a packed house!
Everyone is working toward greater academic achievement, even community partners. Ms. Roebuck from Urban League and her students surpassed an academic goal earning Casey's Pizza! Dr. Coffey was on hand to join in on the celebration.
Accessing Parent Portal - Click the Logo
The Campus Portal for Parents allows parents and guardians to monitor their children's academic progress online. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please click the Infinite Campus icon to access directions.
McMillan December/January Events
November 30 - Boys Basketball vs. Nathan Hale Middle
December 5 - Think Tank - see Ms. Dewitt
December 5 - Boys Basketball at Bluestem
December 6-10 - Principal Grade Check for all students!
December 7 - Boys Basketball at Norris
December 8 – Report Card Window Opens
December 8 - Girls Swimming All City at Burke
December 12 - Boys Basketball vs. Lewis and Clark
December 14-19 - Boys Basketball All City, locations TBD.
December 18-21 - information meetings about Boys Swim, G/B Wrestling, and Girls Basketball
December 21 – Second Quarter Ends - All Grades and Assignments are due
December 22 – School Based Teacher Work Day – No Students
December 25 to January 4 – Winter Recess
January 5 - 1/2 Staff Workday/Planning
January 6 - Buena Vista High School Open House, 10 AM to Noon
January 8 - School resumes for all students
January 8 - P4K 7th Grade
January 8 - Girls Basketball and Boys/Girls Wrestling begins
January 9 - North High School Open House - 6-8 PM
January 10 - P4K for 6th grade
January 11 - P4K 8th grade
January 11 - McMillan Open House 6 to 7:30 PM
January 11 - Bryan High School Open House - 6 to 8 PM
January 14 - Westview High School Open House 2 to 4:00 PM
January 15 - MLK Day - No School for Staff or students
January 16 - Burke High School Open House - 6 to 8 PM
January 18 - P4K 8th Grade
January 18 - South High School Open House, 6 to 8 PM
January 20 - Central High School Open House, 10 AM to Noon
January 22 - Boys Swimming begins
January 22 - Northwest High School Open House - 6 to 8 PM
January 23 - Benson High School Open House - 6 to 8 PM
January 23 - Girls BB at Morton
January 24 - P4K 6th Grade
January 25 - Girls Basketball vs BMS
January 27 - Quiz Bowl Competition
January 29 - P4K 7th Grade
January 30 - Wrestling vs. Bluestem
January 30 - Girls Basketball at Monroe
January 30 - Omaha Virtual School Open House, 5:30 to 7 PM
January 30 - Career Center Open House, 5:30 to 7 PM
Become a Mentor at McMillan through Teammates!
Health Screenings for Students
Health Screenings Students enrolled in Omaha Public Schools are provided free health screening in accordance with Nebraska State Statute. Screenings are conducted throughout the school year and may begin as early as August. Students in early childhood, kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, seventh, and tenth grades are screened for hearing, vision, dental, height, and weight per the rules and regulations set forth by the state of Nebraska. The screening is conducted to help identify health concerns in as early a stage as possible, in an effort to enhance learning. Screening is not intended to be diagnostic, but to identify students with potential problems. Findings that need further evaluation by a health care provider will be sent home. Per Nebraska State Regulations, a parent/guardian may supersede the mandated school health screening by submitting a statement signed by an authorized health care provider attesting that the required screening has been completed in the previous six months. An updated healthcare provider statement must be submitted each school year. Contact Nurse B in the office for any questions regarding screening.
Exámenes de salud Los estudiantes inscritos en las Escuelas Públicas de Omaha reciben exámenes de salud gratuitos de acuerdo con el estatuto del estado de Nebraska. Las evaluaciones se llevan a cabo durante todo el año escolar y pueden comenzar en agosto. Los estudiantes de Educación a Temprana Edad, kínder, primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, séptimo y décimo grado son evaluados en cuanto a audición, visión, dental, altura y peso según las normas y reglamentos establecidos por el estado de Nebraska. La evaluación se lleva a cabo para ayudar a identificar problemas de salud en la etapa más temprana posible, en un esfuerzo por mejorar el aprendizaje. La evaluación no pretende ser un diagnóstico, sino identificar a los estudiantes con problemas potenciales. Los resultados que necesiten una evaluación adicional por parte de un proveedor de atención médica se enviarán a casa. Según las regulaciones del estado de Nebraska, un padre/tutor puede reemplazar el examen de salud escolar obligatorio presentando una declaración firmada por un proveedor de atención médica autorizado que certifique que el examen requerido se completó en los últimos seis meses. Se debe presentar una declaración actualizada del proveedor de atención médica cada año escolar. Comuníquese con la enfermera de su escuela si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la evaluación
Winter Sports Information/Updates
Wrestling: Girls and Boys Wrestling starts very soon. Coaches Mohrbutter, Riva, Jones, and Coach Eaves look forward to getting our athletes into full swing for this season. McMillan will once again host the Marisett Wrestling Invitational, which will be Saturday, February 3rd, an all-day at McMillan. You won't want to miss out on this one! It looks to be bigger and better than ever!
Basketball: Boys Basketball is well-underway. We are looking forward to wrapping up our season and continuing to grow as a team together. Girls basketball will start after the December break, so please see Coach Lundeen and Coach Johnson for all information. See all games listed below, or on our school website by clicking right here!
Swimming: Girls Swimming is on a roll this season, and McMillan has won several meets, and posted SO MANY PR's. Not only are the number of participants up, but the performance of those athletes is also on the rise. We finish strong at All City at Burke High later in December. Boys Swimming starts in January, so see Coach Huber or Coach Dewitt for all the details about Boys Swimming! Catch up with the most up to date schedule right here!
Science OIympiad: This activity has started after school with Mr. Huber, but you can still join. Please find Mr. Huber on 2nd floor, or email him at for info about Science Olympiad.
A full list of coaches can be found here:
Mr. Curran - Athletic Director
Culture and Climate Survey for Families
Message from Ms Naser, Social Worker
Hello McMillan Middle School Families!
If your student needs clothing, school supplies, hygiene products, or anything else to aid their success please contact our School Social Worker, Samantha Naser through one of the avenues below.
Phone: 531-299-9678
¡Hola Familias de McMillan Middle School!
Si su estudiante necesita ropa, útiles escolares, productos de higiene o cualquier otra cosa para ayudarlo a tener éxito, comuníquese con nuestra trabajadora social escolar, Samantha Naser, a través de una de las vías a continuación.
Teléfono: 531-299-9678
Who to Contact at McMillan for Help!
6th Grade Dean, Ms. Sarah Castanos
Ms. Castanos is the 6th grade administrator and is one 1/2 of the "Deanselor". Please contact her for any concerns or questions regarding your 6th grade student. Ms. Castanos also works with Climate/Culture throughout all of McMillan.
7th Grade Dean, Dr. Matthew Coffey
Dr. Coffey is the 7th grade administrator. Please contact Dr. Coffey for any concerns or questions regarding your 7th grade student. Dr. Coffey also works with all things MTSS-B and helps facilitate our school store with Lion's Loot.
8th Grade, Activities & Athletic Director, Mr. Alex Curran
Mr. Curran is the 8th grade administrator and our school Athletic & Activities Director in charge of after school sports and activities. Please contact Mr. Curran for any concerns or questions regarding your 8th grade student. You should also contact Mr. Curran with any sports or after school activities related questions or concerns.
Email: Alexander.Curran@ops.org6th Grade Counselor, Ms. Stacey Rawlings
Ms. Rawlings is the 6th grade administrator and is the other 1/2 of the "Deanselor". Please contact Ms. Rawlings for any concerns or questions regarding your 6th grade student any counseling issues.
7th Grade Counselor, Ms. Jodie Rodriguez
Ms. Rodriguez is the 7th grade counselor. Please contact Ms. Rodriguez for any concerns or questions regarding your 7th grade student and any counseling issues.
8th Grade Counselor, Ms. Demetria Ballard
Ms. Ballard is the 8th grade counselor. Please contact Ms. Ballard for any concerns or questions regarding your 8th grade student and any counseling issues.
Dr. Andrew Walters, McMillan Middle School Principal
Location: 3802 Redick Avenue, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-3923
Twitter: @OPS_MacPrncpl