On the Horizon
September 18, 2020
A Great First Week For K-3!
Horizon Families,
We have arrived! It feels so good to have the kids back in our building! We look forward to welcoming our 4/5 students back on Monday. In this newsletter, you will find some updates, new information, and upcoming events to mark on your calendars. If you haven't completed your back-to-school forms, please do so at Skyward under "Forms." There you will find consent to photograph, emergency card update, etc. These are important and need to be completed by all of our families.
Enjoy your weekend, and we look forward to a Fabulous Fall!
Warmest Regards,
Amy Fadorsen
Attendance Procedure Clarification
Car Rider Procedures
Car Rider families,
We've made it through our first week of school! Thank you so much for being patient with us as we navigate almost 200 different cars in line at drop off and pick up. We'd like to share a few reminders about our car rider procedures to ensure things go smoothly next week when we welcome our 4th and 5th grade students back.
1- Our traffic aides begin drop off at 8:08 and will conclude at 8:20. If you arrive at 8:20 or later, please pull around to Door A at the front of the building and walk your student/s into the office.
2- Please have your student/s ready to exit the car at drop off as soon as your car comes to a complete stop.
3- Stay in your vehicle at all times both during drop off and pick up.
4- Please stay between the yellow line and the curb all the way around, unless one of the traffic aides directs you to go around another vehicle.
5- Be sure to pull all the way forward so that we can get as many children out at the curbside as possible.
6- Thank you for your attention to all of these minor, but very important details to our car rider line.
2-Hour Delays!
Inclement weather will soon be upon us, so we want you to be prepared. In the event of a 2-hour delay, just like school closings, announcements are sent via School Messenger at 6:30 a.m. They are also posted on local television on-air graphics and websites, as well as posted to PHM social media. Please click this link for detailed information regarding 2-Hour Delays. As a reminder, if there is a 2-hour delay, breakfast will not be served and morning Kids Club will be closed.
Picture Day Is Coming!
Textbook Assistance for PHM Students
Textbook Assistance Information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.
Horizon Spirit Wear is Here!
Spirit Wear is available to order for the 2020-21 school year. Click: Horizon Spirit Wear 2020-2021. There are two categories set up on the website this year. One is for general spirit wear and one is, "THE SHIRT" that is available by GRADE LEVEL. If you want to order your child's grade level colored T-shirt, please use the color reference below. Also, please include the classroom teacher's name on the order so your order can be delivered to your child's class.
You can click on the individual t-shirt choices to enlarge them. They are such cool designs and some go along with our theme this year for "Growing Above and Beyond." Some choices are only offered in adult sizes.
5th - Red
4th - Orange
3rd - Yellow
2nd - Green
1st - Blue
K - Indigo
Pre-K - Violet
Need to Know!
Below are some links to give you more information about the school year.
About Us
Horizon Elementary School
An Indiana 4-Star School, Rated "A"
Mrs. Amy Fadorsen, Principal
Mrs. Cassandra Scarsella, Assistant to the Principal
Email: afadorsen@phm.k12.in.us
Website: horizon.phmschools.org
Location: 10060 Brummitt Rd. Granger, IN 46530
Phone: (574) 679-9788
Facebook: Facebook.com/HorizonElementaryGranger
Twitter: @HorizonPHM