January 19th, 2024
Yas Nił'ees (January) signifying the "time of melting snow."

Volume 4, Issue 9
As we embark on 2024, I hope you all had a joyful and rejuvenating winter break. School resumed on January 8th, and we have a variety of upcoming activities. WIDA testing is scheduled from January 30th to February 2nd. Parent-Teacher Conferences occurred on January 17th, and the school was closed on January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
In January, we refer to this time as "Yas Nił'ees," signifying the "time of melting snow." While it may seem like the snow has just begun, we appreciate the melting snow after each snowfall. In history, our native people used to melt snow on woodstoves for various purposes like washing up, doing dishes, laundry, or cooking, especially when running water was not accessible to many. As you boil your tea or coffee, consider asking an elder or grandparent about their experiences with melting snow on a woodstove.
Amidst the season, stay warm and remember to bundle up. The recent temperatures have been in the single digits or below, accompanied by gusty wind chills. Stay hydrated and take multi-vitamins to boost your immune system. If you're feeling unwell or experiencing a cough, it's advisable to stay home to prevent the spread of germs. Take care of yourself and others by maintaining good health. Please contact the school if your child will be absent due to illness. As we enter the new year, set new goals, and don't hesitate to restart as many times as needed. Engage in positive self-talk, knowing that you can make a positive impact and embrace whatever 2024 brings for you and your family! Let's ensure a fantastic second semester by maintaining excellent attendance and actively participating in school events and activities.
On January 18, 2024, Early Childhood families were invited to attend a fieldtrip to State Capitol in Santa Fe. That is the time when we celebrate Early Childhood Day at the state level. There were multiple activities scheduled throughout the day. Parents had a chance to explore and learn from different presenters about their services, about the ways to engage the children, about a variety of activities they can do with their child to promote learning and development, and other meaningful information. The parents enjoyed the resources and information that we received from various presenters.
Francesca Abeita, a parent, community member, and school board representative, shared her heartfelt experience as a parent of a former preschool child. In her speech, she passionately advocated for securing funding for our To'Hajiilee early childhood program. Today marks a historic day as our team persists in advocating for funding, making strides to engrave To'Hajiilee Community School into the records of history.
Spelling Bee
Cibola District Spelling Bee Competition will take place on January 24, 2024.
Good luck to our SPELLING BEE WINNERS:
Champion: Nailynn Manning (7th Grade)
1st Place: Xander Chio Ceniza (6th Grade)
2nd Place: Vina Baca (5th Grade)
Data for Schoolwide Attendance:
Congrats to our classes that good attendance up to this month! Make sure you child is attending school daily and prepared for their classes.
WIDA Testing
The WIDA ACCESS assessments for Grades 1st through 12th will be held on January 29th to February 2nd, 2024. Additionally, the Kindergarten WIDA ACCESS assessment is set to occur from February 5th to February 9th, 2024.
Parents have received letters with details about the WIDA ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELLs). Should you have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to Jojie Ceniza, TCS Testing Coordinator.
Afterschool tutoring/enrichment has started and currently there are 2 slots open for enrollment. Students enrolled in semester one were transferred into semester two.
Turing is Monday and Thursday from 3:00 - 4:30 pm.
Enrichment is Tuesday and Friday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm.
NO Tutoring/Enrichment on Wednesdays
If you or parents have any questions regarding tutoring, please contact Filomar Lomasag.
Weekly, you will see our Navajo Word of the Day. Practice saying the word, spelling the word, and use it in a sentence.
Fidelity Scholars Program
This month, we want to highlight a new opportunity for New Mexican students: the Fidelity Scholars Program. This program targets students in the middle 50%– students often left behind by competitive scholarships and who can struggle to find adequate funding for college. In addition to a need-based scholarship, students receive access to mentoring, help completing their degrees, and connections to post-graduation employment opportunities. New Mexico is one of only six states where students are eligible to apply. In order to be eligible, students must meet the following requirements:
- Have an unweighted GPA of 2.5-3.5.
- Demonstrated financial need.
- Attend a four-year accredited college or university (public or private) in the state of New Mexico.
- Come from a historically underrepresented background. Students who identify as Black, Latino, Native American (with documented tribal affiliation), and underrepresented Asian/Pacific Islander are encouraged to apply.
The application can be started here, and must be completed by January 11 at 11:59 PM. Finalists will be notified by March 15. This is a wonderful opportunity to find funding for students' housing, books, and other items not covered by the Opportunity or Lottery Scholarships. Please let your students know about this application
Davis New Mexico Scholarship College Access Summit
Register for the Davis New Mexico Scholarship College Access Summit! | February 8-9 | UNM Anderson School of Management | Join colleagues from across the state for a welcome dinner on February 8 and a full day of programming on February 9. See a tentative agenda here. We have a room block at the Embassy Suites in Albuquerque for $159, which is a 5 minute drive from the venue that is open until January 9. If the block is full please let Hanna Levin know, and she will work on expanding the block. The summit is free and meals will be provided. All college access professionals in New Mexico are invited!
January 16-19 | We'll be back on the road with more colleges next month! Let us know if you’d like information and if you’d like to bring students to any events. Our stops will include Laguna-Acoma High School, UNM Gallup, Kirtland High School, Navajo Preparatory School, Bloomfield High School, and Cuba High School.
January-March | ROCA recruitment for the class of 2025 will kick off next month! Patrick Firme, ROCA’s Program Coordinator, will start contacting educators at high schools to schedule visits over the next few weeks. If you’re interested in having Patrick present to your students and want to get ahead of the curve, feel free to email him at pfirme@rocanm.org.
Coolidge Scholarship
The Coolidge Scholarship is a full-ride merit scholarship that covers a student’s tuition, room, board, and expenses for four years of undergraduate study at any accredited college or university in the U.S.. Any high school junior who plans to enroll in college in the fall of 2025 and is an American citizen or legal permanent resident is eligible to apply (current high school seniors are not eligible to apply). The submission deadline is January 18.
Sunflower Initiative
The Sunflower Initiative is a $10,000 one year scholarship (with the possibility of renewal) for female students interested in studying at a women’s college in the US or Canada. The submission deadline is February 1.
January 22nd
- BREAKFAST: Cereal Frosted Mini Wheat, Toast, Watermelon Chunks, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Bean and Cheese Burrito, Tater Barrel, Watermelon Chunks, and Choice of Milk
January 23rd
- BREAKFAST: Banana Muffin, Graham Crackers, Cantaloupe, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Baked Chicken, Baked Beans, Garden Salad, Bread Sticks, Strawberries, and Choice of Milk
January 24th
- BREAKFAST: Biscuit and Sausage Gravy, Grapes, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwich, Creamy Tomato Soup, Corn on the Cob, Cucumber Sticks, Watermelon and Kiwi, and Choice of Milk
January 25th
- BREAKFAST: Bagel, Cream Cheese, Pineapple Chunks, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Beef Taco, Mixed Fruit Salad, Rice Krispy Treat, and Choice of Milk
January 26th
- BREAKFAST: Breakfast Burrito, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Beef Lasagna, Breadstick, Broccoli Florets, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
January 29th
- BREAKFAST: Cereal Lucy Charms, Dino Bit Crackers, Sliced Peaches, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo, Celery Sticks, Garden Salad, Fresh Strawberries, and Choice of Milk
January 30th
- BREAKFAST: Egg Cheese Bagel Sandwich, Watermelon Chunks, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Chicken Quesadilla, Pinto Beans, Fresh Cantaloupe, and Choice of Milk
January 31st
- BREAKFAST: Oatmeal, Toast, Strawberries and Blueberries, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Corn Chip Pie, Corn, Mango and Berries, and Choice of Milk
February 1st
- BREAKFAST: Strawberry Yogurt Parfait, Graham Crackers, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Turkey Hoagie Sandwich, Green Beans, Cucumber Sticks, Pears, and Choice of Milk
February 2nd
- BREAKFAST: English Muffin, Pineapple Chunks, Assorted Fruit Juice, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Nacho Supreme, Pinto Beans, Rainbow Fruit Salad, Sugar Cookie, and Choice of Milk
School Calendar of Events:
January 2024:
- 18th - Picture Day
- 18th - Chesterton Academy (HS Basketball - Away)
- 19th - Menual (HS Basketball - Home)
- 22nd - Cottonwood Classical (HS Basketball - Away)
- 22 - PAC Meeting
- 24th - Spelling Bee
24th - Spelling Bee
25th - Ramah (HS Basketball - Away)
27th - Shiprock (HS Basketball - Away)
30th - Tse Yi Gai (HS Basketball - Home)
30th - WIDA Testing begins (ends on February 2nd)
31st - Edgewood (MS Basketball - Away)
February 2024:
- 1st - Pinehill (HS Basketball - Away)
2nd - Magdalena Tournament (MS Basketball - Away)
7th - Love for Math Family Night, NACA MS Basketball Home
7th - NACA (MS Basketball - Home)
10th - Shiprock (HS Basketball- Home)
13th - Ramah (HS Basketball - Home)
15th - Tse Yi Gai (HS Basketball - Away)
20th - Pinehill (HS Basketball- Home)
Parents and Guardians, as we are back in school and no longer in remote learning, TCS will be phasing out next school year 2024-2025 and no longer assist with paying for your home/internet services with Sacred Wind. The Affordable Connectivity Program is great for you to apply and they can help pay for your internet service. Two easy steps to apply: 1. Go to ACPBenefit.org to apply. 2.Then select your preferred participating internet provider to have the discount applied to your bill. Families who have WIC, SNAP or Medicaid can qualify. Families of students who receive free breakfast or lunch, including through the community eligibility provision, qualify.
For general information about YHYI and NPP, see www.fcc.gov/acp-pilots. For more information on the pilot program outreach grants, see www.fcc.gov/acp-grants. For questions about the grant opportunities, contact ACPGrants@fcc.gov. For assistance using www.grants.gov, please contact the Help Desk at (800) 518-4726 or email support@grants.gov.
Previous Parent Newsletter
Volume 4, Issue 1: https://www.smore.com/fsz5r
Volume 4, Issue 2: https://www.smore.com/x5b0z-september-15-2023
Volume 4, Issue 3: https://www.smore.com/7yjt8v
Volume 4, Issue 4: https://www.smore.com/7qdrg
Volume 4, Issue 5: https://www.smore.com/a2rw3
Volume 4, Issue 6: https://www.smore.com/eku8f
Volume 4, Issue 7: https://www.smore.com/vas2z1
Volume 4, Issue 8: https://www.smore.com/yzrc3