Swinefleet Primary School
29th September 2023
Contact us
Email: swinefleet.primary@eastriding.gov.uk
Website: www.swinefleetprimaryschool.co.uk
Location: Swinefleet Primary School, Low Street, Swinefleet, Goole, UK
Phone: 01405 704386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SwinefleetPrimary
Twitter: @Swinefleet_Pr
Instagram: Swinefleet Primary (@swinefleet_pr) • Instagram photos and videos
We hope that you will enjoy seeing what we have been up to in school over the last two weeks. Each class has been very busy and there is lots coming up within the diary to look forward to. We have just booked our Christmas Trip and again it promises to be a good one! The children do not know yet and a letter will follow later with more information but check out diary dates to see when this is.
You should all now be connected with either Tapestry (Pearls class) or Seesaw (Rubies, Diamonds and Sapphires). If you are having any issues with this then please email us or speak to a member of your child's teaching team.
Remember to follow us on Instagram swinefleet_pr and join our school Facebook group.
Have a lovely weekend!
Look at what we have been Learning
Over the last few weeks, the children in Pearl’s class have continued to settle into School. We have been looking at ‘Our School Rules’ and we have introduced our daily check in with our ‘Feelings Chart’. We have been reading ‘Our Class is a Family’ and talking about being kind to one another. This week we have been reading ‘Funny Bones’ and singing ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ and ‘Dem Bones’, we have been learning about our bodies. In our provision we have been making split pin people and skeletons in our creative area. We have also been making houses and streets for the ‘Skeleton Family’ in our small world areas. In maths. we have been continuing matching, sorting and comparing amounts and this week we have been making numicon staircases, ordering numbers to 10.
Next week we will be using and exploring our 5 senses.
In science we are concentrating on animals and have been matching babies to their young.
We have been very busy in Diamonds for the last couple of weeks! In English we have created our own instructions to make a jam sandwich and then tried to follow them – it wasn’t as easy as we first thought! Now, we are creating our own instructions to be a Hunter-Gatherer in the Stone Age. During Science, we have been experimenting with rocks on their appearance and simple physical properties. Did you know that limestone can absorb water?! We have also been practising using our wonderful singing voices with our Harvest songs, whilst also singing ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ in French.
Swimming is going brilliantly, with children already more confident than when we first started. It’s amazing to see. Please don’t forget swimming kits and PE kits first thing Monday morning.
Finally, please continue to log your children’s reads on Seesaw, or in their red book. All reading points go toward the end of the half-term reading reward.
The Sapphires have been working hard over the past couple of weeks. During writing lessons, they are currently finishing off their diary entries ready for publishing this week – what an amazing job they have done! The children thoroughly enjoyed freeze framing in the character of Lil from Secrets of the Sun King and this has further enhanced their diary writing. The adventures of Lil in Secrets of the Sun King continue to intrigue us all during Guided Reading – Will Lil get to Egypt and take the canopic jar to its rightful owner?
In Maths, we are practising our multiplication recall including making progress on Timestable Rockstars – who can become a Rock Hero? The children are becoming confident in place value up to 10,000,000 and comparing and ordering numbers.
In RE, the children have enjoyed finding out about pilgrimages and creating fact files.
In Science, we created dramas to ensure we all know the 7 life processes. Children are proud of their designs for an Egyptian scroll and are looking forward to creating papyrus.
This week, we started our Geography learning and can locate famous mountains across the world using an atlas.
Ask the Sapphires to recite the days of the week in French – macarena style!
Please keep sharing reading on Seesaw, keep playing TTRS and practising your spellings! Another successful two weeks – well done!
Friday Book Bags
Look at some of the work we have had already for our Friday Book Bags - well done everyone!
Each pack includes instructions but please see the teaching team if you have any further questions.
Knowledge Organisers and Parent Information
Medium Term Plans have been uploaded so that you can see a little more detail about what your child will be learning.
Thank you to those of you who attended our Parent Welcome Night. Powerpoints have been uploaded to class pages for those who were unable to attend.
If you would ever like to know any further information or how you can support your child further then please do not hesitate to speak to a member of your child's teaching team.
Parental Involvement
We have a number of events for parents/families planned in the background but would love to know more about the types of parent events you would like to see us include. We have created a very brief survey to get your opinion on our ideas and there is also the opportunity to share your ideas with us. The survey will take no more than a couple of minutes and can be accessed using the button below.
Our Mums, Dads and Grandparents to lunch events will take place again this year (see the Diary Dates section further below).
Clubs have started but there is still time to join in.
Please click the button below to book extra-curricular clubs for both after school and lunchtimes. All clubs are free including those run by professional sports coaches.
Reading Reward
I wonder what the reading treat will be this half-term after the fun of bouncy castles as part of the summer treat?
The levels for reading are:
Bronze - 18 reads
Silver - 24 reads
Gold - 36 reads
Reading clubs are worth 3 reads and can be booked through the club link in this newsletter for lunchtime and/or after school.
Reads ideally should be logged on Tapestry or Seesaw so please contact a member of your child's teaching team if having difficulties and they will be happy to help. If your child is younger sharing a story with them counts as a read this means that it is accessible to all.
All Seesaw logins have been sent out (please speak to staff if having any issues). Diamonds and Sapphires children should only use the codes sent out on Friday as the first class set up had a glitch.
Most Tapestry accounts are live for Pearls however new starters will be linked by Mrs Clarkson on Monday so please see her if you have any issues.
Please ensure that P.E kit is in school all week.
Hull FC will be working with us again this year and each class will work with them on either Monday or Tuesday.
Year 3, 4 and 5 begin swimming on Monday so please make sure you have swimming kits with you too.
Remember our Residential deposits are due for anyone in Years 5 & 6 so that we gage numbers for our trip in July. Please see Parentmail.
If numbers permit we may then open up to children in Year 4.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Drop-Ins
If you would like to speak to Mrs Thurlow regarding any SEND needs then she is available every Tuesday morning and will be visible on the playground. Please also feel free to speak to your child's teaching team.
Attendance and why it is Important
Below are some leaflets explaining the importance of school attendance. There is some advice to support high attendance and staff are always willing to help so please speak to us should you need any help.
If your child is off school staff will ensure that any work is kept for them and then can be sent home so that they do not fall behind.
Please ensure that you let us know if your child is unwell so that we can record this as authorised.
Ofsted Report
Staff Spotlight
This fortnight our staff spotlight is on Mrs Risebury and Mrs Dexter.
Mrs Risebury
Mrs Risebury is great when supporting parents with support that might be available with child care costs or Free School Meals so please pop her an email if you think this is an area she might be able to help you with.
Mrs Dexter
Mrs Dexter joined the team this year and has become one of the family already. She brings with her experiences from outside of teaching due to her previous career in health and is also a qualified teacher. Mrs Dexter supports both the Pearls and Diamonds classes as a Teaching Assistant. Some of the children have interventions sessions with Mrs Dexter in areas such as Reading and Maths and she is soon commencing training to support some of our Pearls further with their speech development.
Menu and Diary Dates
Please see the menu below. Children can have a hot dinner on any day and do not need to be hot dinners all week. Dinners do not need to be pre-booked.
Dinners can be paid for via our ParentMail App. Children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.
Free School Meals are available to some children dependent on household income. If you think you could be eligible there is more information available via Apply for free school meals - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or Mrs Risebury will happily give you further information of how to apply.
Future Diary Dates
Click the link below to access future diary dates including Christmas production dates and residential dates. New dates are in red.
School Places
If you have friends or family who are wanting a place at the school either now or in the future then please encourage them to contact us via email or over the phone. This is especially important if they will want places as a 2-Year Old or in our Nursery or Reception as places for next year are now limited.
Thank you